Progression after reaching PL

  • This is probably not an original idea. But what if the progression for turning in treasure was never capped? What if, after reaching level 50, the progression and reputation just simply kept going?

    PL status still requires L50 in 3 companies. No change there. Just simply keep rewarding reputation for those companies and let the levels climb.

    I honestly miss seeing this, and its only been 4 weeks. Could you imagine the levels some pirates would reach? For me, this would be such a huge difference while not actually effecting the gameplay in any way.

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  • @hazeree I would love that in game

  • Yep. I’d like it too. I miss that little notch going up a smidge with every bit of treasure.

  • #raisethecap

  • What’s the point of doing that? Pointless

  • I have a feeling we'll eventually see an increase in the maximum level for reputations from 50 to 100 at some point in future with the PL requirement still being 50/50/50. I'd personally only want a rep increase if they can justify it with the release of more quest types, similar to cargo runs

  • The way they made this game becoming PL is just gaining another title. They never put any effort in making it an actual achievement. Raising the cap won't change anything but drag out the boredom of the 3 faction fetch quests.

    Each faction should have been 1 of 30 prerequisites to reach PL. Some should have been secret until achieved(ex. sail 250K nautical miles). Or a secret pvp kill count to encourage a bit of pvp but not too high that a pve player can't eventually get to.

    The factions should have had more to them as well. Like collections and rare items. Maybe collect something from every oos captain killed. With some captains being extremely rare to find, there are lots of them. Extremely rare merchant items and treasure could play into the other factions.

    The point would be to make it take a lot longer to get to PL especially not knowing everything you need to do to get there as well as some rarity to make the experience more random. Rare dropped the ball with PL status. There should have been a sense of accomplishment to go with it.

  • Possibly with the captaincy update. Would rather work towards my own ship and a hideout, then a purple suit. No offense to those who wear it. Athena never felt like part of the pirate legend progression. More of a side quest for bored PLs.

  • #raisethecap

  • @br0crastinat0r said in Progression after reaching PL:

    Possibly with the captaincy update. Would rather work towards my own ship and a hideout, then a purple suit. No offense to those who wear it. Athena never felt like part of the pirate legend progression. More of a side quest for bored PLs.

    I feel like captaincy and the personal hideout have been scrapped. They aren’t talked about at all anymore. I really hope not, though.

  • @marsmayflower don’t you ever say that. Lol. I have faith. If people can believe in bungie, I have no problem believing in Rare. I will most certainly be going down with this ship.

  • @wiredsolstice said in Progression after reaching PL:

    The way they made this game becoming PL is just gaining another title. They never put any effort in making it an actual achievement. Raising the cap won't change anything but drag out the boredom of the 3 faction fetch quests.

    Each faction should have been 1 of 30 prerequisites to reach PL. Some should have been secret until achieved(ex. sail 250K nautical miles). Or a secret pvp kill count to encourage a bit of pvp but not too high that a pve player can't eventually get to.

    The factions should have had more to them as well. Like collections and rare items. Maybe collect something from every oos captain killed. With some captains being extremely rare to find, there are lots of them. Extremely rare merchant items and treasure could play into the other factions.

    The point would be to make it take a lot longer to get to PL especially not knowing everything you need to do to get there as well as some rarity to make the experience more random. Rare dropped the ball with PL status. There should have been a sense of accomplishment to go with it.

    I agree with him. I know that alot of you are achivers and want goals to work toward. But whar is the point of this meaningless grind. The purpose of the grind was to simply encourage exploration that flicitates player interactions and ultimate drive PvP. What this game needs is a structured endgame around PvP focused on thieft. Not mindless fetch quest. I would agree we could use more voyage types with unique loot to find and are region specific.

  • @enf0rcer Perhaps it is a philosophical question... one could pick out any function, goal, meaning etc and deem it pointless. For instance, what is the point of picking up a video game controller and “moving” a personalized avatar on a treadmill of light and sound? What is the point of entering a virtual hamster wheel in an attempt to earn whatever infinitely generated cosmetic possibilities the developers decide to pull out of the hat?

    Perhaps all of our thoughts are whispers from the insane asylum we call the cranium.


  • @they-sank

  • @katttruewalker Lol! Claaaaaaaassic

  • @they-sank said in Progression after reaching PL:

    @enf0rcer Perhaps it is a philosophical question... one could pick out any function, goal, meaning etc and deem it pointless. For instance, what is the point of picking up a video game controller and “moving” a personalized avatar on a treadmill of light and sound? What is the point of entering a virtual hamster wheel in an attempt to earn whatever infinitely generated cosmetic possibilities the developers decide to pull out of the hat?

    Perhaps all of our thoughts are whispers from the insane asylum we call the cranium.


    Well you are right in a philosophical sense yes one can find meaning in everthing as the limit is bound to a person perception. However I was using the meaningless to relation to the concept that embodies the game. As the Grind was created to serve a particular purpose which it is failing to do. As it was intended to faciltate PvP around theift since the PvP is no longer about theift then the PvE Grind now has become the main focus of the end goal which it wasn't suppost to be their for it has become meaningless as it's origal meanig is fruitless. I'm not saying people can't perscribe there own meaning to it. You can do that for practically everything.

    Althou i'm glad you brought up Philosophy I would could bring up the Nihlest arguments but these forum won't be big enough.

  • My OP has nothing to do with PvP. It has nothing to do with reaching a goal either.

    My suggestion is not about reaching a goal. It is about giving credit in the form of reputation even after 50. I dont need it to mean anything. I dont want it to have to mean anything. What I am suggesting and what I would like to see is a neverending progression of reputation. Nothing more, nothing less.

    While other people have thier issues with what to do after PL, this is my personal desire. And with such a small and insignificant change in the game code, I believe it would have such a huge impact. There does not need to be another goal, or another way to get to it. PvP is irrelevant (its simply another manner in which to get loot). It does not change the vision of the game, nor does it break any of the existing rules. But to give back to the players that small little tiny advancement would have such a great impact on the way people feel when turning in loot might just have a significant impact on the morale of the players.

  • Raise the cap

  • No need for

  • The problem I have with this is that unless there is a REASON to level up our reputation then what's the point? I feel like an unlimited level cap is just there to provide an artificial feeling of progression (yes I know it's a video game and the whole concept is artificial but look at the bigger picture).

    If Rare wants to add future content down the road that might require additional Gold Horder levels but people have been grinding those levels for 7 months and are at level 70 or 80 GH then once those changes are implemented people will have instantly completed them.

    I think instead Rare needs to add more commendations that allow players to achieve rewards. Perhaps a system similar to the bilge rat adventures that offer "pieces of eight" as a reward instead. Rare could release these commendations and after we earn the pieces of eight we could go to a NON time exclusive shop and purchase items from it. The commendations could require a substantial amount of time to complete but be incredibly rewarding once completed.

    This way we still have a sense of progression but preserve the trading companies in case Rare wishes to expand upon them in the future.

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