RIP Stan Lee

  • In other popular culture news. The great Stan Lee has passed away at the age of 95.

    Thus ended a legacy! Shame he never saw some Marvel IP like X-Men and F4 come back to the Marvel Cinematic Universe...

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  • @sshteeve Literally just shouted this to a friend across the office (am at work atm) and the amount of people who have now have their day ruined at this news is in a way nice to see, in that it is nice too see that so many people were affected by his work in one way or another

  • @sshteeve Man, what a full life he has lived. I wonder how Marvel will honor him in any of the upcoming movies, I mean, they already had been with the cameo appearances. If they will change anything to accommodate that.

  • @nofears-fun said in RIP Stan Lee:

    @sshteeve Man, what a full life he has lived. I wonder how Marvel will honor him in any of the upcoming movies, I mean, they already had been with the cameo appearances. If they will change anything to accommodate that.

    There's certainly an "in memory of Stan Lee" happening now in Captain Marvel and Avengers 4!

  • Very sad indeed. Considering what he has contributed with his great talent his legacy will make sure his memory lives on for many more generations to come.

  • @sshteeve said in RIP Stan Lee:

    @nofears-fun said in RIP Stan Lee:

    @sshteeve Man, what a full life he has lived. I wonder how Marvel will honor him in any of the upcoming movies, I mean, they already had been with the cameo appearances. If they will change anything to accommodate that.

    There's certainly an "in memory of Stan Lee" happening now in Captain Marvel and Avengers 4!

    I wonder how they will do it as they pretty much confirmed he was The Watcher, would be good to see like an in film confirmation

  • @dumy2008 His cameos for both films must have already been filmed, so let's see what they bring us.

    @x-Crowheart-x absolutely, there is a LOT of modern popular culture that we have to thank Stan for in some way!

  • @sshteeve I just got finished sending out a mass text to all my friends about this and was about to get on here and post something for him but you beat me to it! :) He will be missed very much and he was a legend.

  • (scroll down if on a pc - apologies for the NEXT tags on phone and tablet...)

  • First Steve Ditko and now Stan Lee. Two people who are most responsible for my love of comic books are gone. I'm really sad. I want to go a read all of that stuff again now... rip and thank you for what you've done.

  • A true visionary will be missed!!!

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  • That’s a shame to hear, at least he lived long and was able to leave a positive act to the planet which I’m sure will last a very long time.

    I wonder if they will still cameo him in the movies, I swear he’s been in litrally every marvel film.

  • @knifelife

  • A Legend Has Taken His Final Voyage

    I know the music does not fit the video, but this is my way of honoring a comic book legend.

  • I saw the news and at first I was like: "Nope it's a joke post" but then everyone started reporting it and I knew, the world lost a great person today. :-(

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