Journey to Pirate Legend

  • I started sailing on launch day. Those who've been adventuring across the Sea of Thieves at that time most likely remember how tense and unfriendly the ocean had been (even more so than it might be today) I was an inexperienced sailor at the time with meager ranking within the factions.

    When the Hungering Deep went live I was eager to break away from running voyages for the trading companies and join the hunt for the Hungering One. I remember I was stocking my Sloop with supplies from an inactive skeleton fort before embarking to Shark Bait Cove to meet with Merric. When I saw a Galleon on fast approach to my position my initial reaction was to prepare for combat. Although being solo up against a four-man crew, the odds were against me.

    However the Galleon did not open fire. Instead the crew communicated with me via the speaking trumpet. They asked if I had completed the Hungering Deep campaign. I told them I hadn't. They offered to help me and invited me aboard their Galleon. That's when I discovered they were a crew of Legends.

    It was my first time seeing a Pirate Legend. I remember thinking it was immensely cool to be sailing with a crew of Legends. The crew helped me locate Merric's journals and aided me in defeating the Hungering One. After collecting my rewards the Legend crew asked if I wanted to stay with them as they sought out more sailors to lend a hand or hook. I agreed. After a full day of sailing, battling the Megalodon, and meeting other crews, we finished off our session by getting our Grog on in the tavern.

    This experience during the Hungering Deep was my first memorable event on the Sea of Thieves. It inspired me to continue my journey to becoming a Pirate Legend and, some day, do for other sailors what that Legend crew had done for me.

    On October 21st, 2018 I achieved the rank of Pirate Legend.

    I had torn my hair out from frustration in trying to land on the Skeleton Throne of Marauder's Arch.

    My ears were ringing for days while tangling with Gunpowder toating Skeletons.

    I nearly drowned as I fended off sharks while searching for cursed mermaid statues.

    I flew the sail of my favorite region (the Shores Aplenty) during the Battle for the Sea of Thieves against Captain Warsmith.

    I got to feel immense satisfaction in using cursed cannonballs against the undead.

    I journeyed into the perilous volcanic region of the Devil's Roar.

    In between all of that I had met a plethora of sailors. Some friendly, most unfriendly, with the occasional Kraken encounter here and there.

    Now that I am a Legend my next step is climbing the ranks of the Athena's Fortune. But more importantly I can stand against the apparent stereotype that all Pirate Legends are grieving, PvP starved wolves. As the game brings in new sailors in the coming weeks I will be there to lend a helping hand to those who ask, and a cannonball to those who shoot first.

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  • @shrkb8t AYE see what you did there

  • Aye in me travels I've met many of ye that are far fairer than the ones who sell the cursed flag be it as bright as their wicked ways.

  • @shrkb8t can't upvote this enough, it's the journey and the tales to tell, that make this game amazing. Congrats on PL, may your journey here on be full of more stories to tell.

  • Sea of Thieves has been more rewarding than ever for me, when i can talk and help the "enemy" ...Like any other crew, there are gems of people to be found in every rank, your own but also the enemy....The joy of not spoiling ones journey , knowing that he or she may return the next day since his or her current day didn't end with a frustration or dissapointment , makes me proud as a human....i can have respect for people in a game and by Jove ,helping others out gives me such a feel i hardly ever experienced in other games...

    people also need to think twice before missjudging that every PL thinks that the Equator runs through his or her behind...Many PL are Friendly and helpfull...Its' the way how you appraoch them...Gun blazing, you get that in return...Trying to communicate will not always get you where you want but it is a start and who knows ....You can meet PL's that just flip an Athena on yer table without demanding anything in return....Gaming is not always about killing and be the fastest or most tactical, sometimes you just feel the need to help others , because that warmgut feel you get in return is more worth then all the dubloons or Bilge rat currency of the world.

  • @clumsy-george AYE!!! concur mate

  • @personalc0ffee AYE!!!!!!

  • I just wanna give a big thank you to all of the kinds words from my fellow sailors. It feels wonderful to be a part of this awesome community.

    We Shall Sail Together.

  • @shrkb8t
    Welcome to the FEW, the PROUD, the LEGENDS! Glad the seas have been kind to you and your journeys and have given you the skills, knowledge and patience that Legends must have to endure these trying times. Congrats to your success!

  • @shrkb8t

    Congratulations on reaching Legend, it's an epic journey you've sailed, aye and yer promise to aid those new to the seas is a grand one :)

  • Congrats... I recently made it myself with quite a bit of help from others. Watching some of these PL10s play can be jaw dropping awe. I'll get there some day :) Until then, I'll remain a sailor in title (picked up for other Legends), stay humble, and let the deeds speak for themselves. There's nothing better then seeing a crew that's working as 1.

  • @shrkb8t

    Congratulations!! I have only recently started my journey myself, but have been amazed at how great and helpful the community is in game.
    I am already Athena 3 after only about 2 weeks playing, due to Pirate Legends being happy to buy voyages for me, sometimes coming along for the ride and other times not.

    I have met many great people in game, had many amazing moments of triumph against the odds.

    Everyone here should give themselves a pat on the back, and continue to make this game one of the best online experiences one can have.

  • @shrkb8t Congrats on making it to Pirate legend and the great journey to get there. Here's to more great journeys and encounters in the future!!

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