[CLOSED] Win Wednesday! - 'Spinal' Figurehead (Sea of Thieves DLC)

  • Ahoy thar Fo'Rum!

    Welcome to a new edition of #WinWednesday, the 'Deckhand Edition'.

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    This week the other Deckhands and I pointed over there and while Rare wasn't looking, we successfully plundered five (5) digital codes for the Killer Instinct-inspired 'Spinal' Figurehead to give away!

    For your chance to win, we ask that you post your answer to the following:

    Captain Morrow and the Forsaken Shores Alliance were able to navigate through the Devil’s Shroud thanks to the mystical powers of the Shroudbreaker figurehead.

    Pick one of the other Sea of Thieves figureheads and tell us in your own words what mystical powers you think it would have.

    Leave a reply below with your best answer for your chance to win. One entry per person.

    Five (5) lucky winners will be selected tomorrow at 4pm BST.

    Good luck!

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  • Get on this you scurvy forumites!

  • @Pikaaroon Shiver me timbers!...that be an easy one matey! ;-)

    Hungering One Figurehead = Meg Repellent! :-D

    Merrick 'did' say if you defeated the Hungering One...Ye can sail th' seas undisturbed!...Or words t' that effect!

  • I think that the hunter figurehead looks like some sort of demon calling one, one that is used to curse other ships in the world.

  • @pikaaroon

    I always wondered what the Lantern fish might attract.... be scared, very scared!

  • The Kraken figurehead has the power to defeat the Kraken.

  • The Bear And Bird figure head uses its mysterious (whoooooOOOOoooo) powers to give you eggs to fire out of the cannons!! While not doing much damage they will leave your opponent with egg on their face.

  • The Hunter Figure head makes me think of the 4 horseman of the apocalypse.
    Sporting this figure head while in an Alliance of 4 (no more no less) places a mysterious glow upon the allied ships creating the "Helmsmen". They gain the insight to see the other ships on the server, reaper's mark or not.
    Other ships will be able to see these ships from farther off due to the glow.

    How the

  • The bone crusher figurehead.

    Gives you the power to submerge and surface just like the skeleton ships.

    Loved seeing the Skelly ships come up out of the water looked like Red October.

  • @pikaaroon I would love one Mr. roon

  • Have ye never heard the tale of the King Angler? We came across a flock of birds and knew there was a sunk ship. Unfortunately it was much too deep for any of us to dive, but we could see she held onto something shiny and glowing. Not the gold shine or skull glow we were quite familiar with. This was different. We devised a plan to lure it up and snag it we did! Hours of struggle ensued just to get it to surface, but what we found was no treasure... but this here sea creature. It was by mere accident that we learned throwing buckets of deep sea water on it could put a spell on those around it.... cast into darkness they were. No sun, moon, nor stars. Weirdest thing you'd ever not see. The only thing visible, it's glowing ghostly orb, keeps them in some sort of trance. We thought it's spirit longed to return to the darkest depths of the ocean, but we now know that it's the darkness that's attracted to this here cursed fish. Could be useful, so mounted it to the front of me ship.

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  • Kraken skull figurehead has the power to scare everyone

  • Woah woah woah, what's going on here?! You said I'd misplaced those codes!

  • @pikaaroon We weren’t supposed to tell they we stole them! We’re honest pirates I thought!?.

    What a fabulous prize though! Good luck to everyone!

  • @muzackmann

    Cackle fruit.... wish they would work that into the game. Rare find, full health.

  • @khaleesibot NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • The Kraken figurehead would allow you to befriend the Kraken and use it as an ally for battles!

  • The ghost figurehead, holding its ghostly lantern, should allow the ship to vanish into the land of the undead, sailing alongside the ferryman, and then reappear on the sea of thieves.

  • The crab figurehead should let you sail sideways and only sideways.

  • Sovereign Figurehead would always point you towards gold when activated! GIMME ALL DA BOOTY!

  • The huntress would have matrix like powers to slow down time for precision and accuracy when sailing through the dangerous seas dodging volcanic eruptions and heady monstarrrrs.

  • Kraken figure head should allow for you to send the Kraken attack other ships it comes into contact with

  • Maybe a kraken figure had, the ability would be able to summon the kraken

  • I would like to think that the forsaken ashes figurehead acts as a protection against volcanoes!

  • The Kraken 🐙 figurehead, special power would be to fire ink balls out of the cannon at our ememies, blinding them. 😁

  • @pikaaroon I'd have to go with posiedon, his trident would glow and enable you to sail under the water to pop up on unsuspecting other pirates.

  • The level 50 Gold Hoarders (Royal Sovereign) figure head would act as a gold compass! Points your ship in the direction of the islands with the most chests even without a map!

    Ships with the Spinal Figurehead can only be affected by one cursed cannon ball at a time.

    I have had my eyes on this figure head ever since it was shown off during one of the panels at a comic-con last year.

  • The Kraken Figurehead

    • should make you immune to the ship grabbing attacks of the Kraken
    • allow the ship to move freely through the inky black water.

    So if you are with another ship battling the Kraken you can turn about for a broadside and send them below all the faster!

  • The Admiral Figurehead attracts Merfolk who will then follow your Ship wherever you go.

  • I love the idea that the Admiral Figureheads give you the power to tame the seas! The waves aligning with your course, giving you the speediest advantage over another crew.
    With Poseidon at your back-...uh, front... You will have the quickest craft on the Sea of Thieves!

  • @pikaaroon the Hunter figurehead would have the power to camouflage you're ship so y ol u can stalk merchant ships and other pirates for their bounty

  • The Ghost figurehead creates the shroud releasing it on other ships. The Ghost figurehead and those who have it don’t even have to fire a single cannon. They unleash the shroud on the enemy ship then the metal and wood breaks down and sinks the ship.

  • The Royal Sovereign Figurehead's pure gold shines so brightly it blinds other nearby crews causing them to crash straight into rocks or sail around in continuous circles.

  • The kracken figure head resembles a baby kracken to trick the morher/big one to kinder to ships carrying it.

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