Server Merge: From Joy to Frustration and joy again

  • This new server merges are the WORST . My new arch-enemy .

    After Finish an Athena's Voyage lasting more than 3h due to traveling complications (Other crews trying their (un)luck) we decided to try ourselves our luck on a Ship Raid.
    We Flawlessly made it!
    When we were about to pick the last item from the water the server merged! That last chest got stuck on the water not possible to grab. A new raid started on us with the worst kind of Cursed ball! THE GROG
    we went straight to the bottom! All items lost! :(
    My friends remained there trying to avoid the treasures to go down while I got back to our new ship. I cursed the game the whole way till there.

    when I arrived, we retrieved half of our previous loot to see our ship go down again.
    Fortunately I had the clear though of pick everything from the water and deposit all inside the Skeleton ships. Luckily it was the last round of the Raid.

    We made our way back there cursing the game and planing our action.
    Not following the rules we decided to sink the captain ship first. The other ship with our Stuff had suffer quite some damage and was slow and fragile.
    So we made it, the two enemy ships went down at the same time and we retake our loot back to us plus the new captain ship loot.

    After that a new skull fort appeared and we cleared it as well, after defeating the crew that was there before us.

    It was quite a roller-coaster of emotions.
    Talking more seriously, this recent Server Merges are a NIGHTMARE!
    Be Careful it can ruin your whole voyage and lead to some frustration. Thankfully we managed to turn around this and take advantage of the situation.

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  • @personalc0ffee believe it really was.
    It got us all off guard seeing all our hardwork going down due to some raid that shouldn't be there.
    The mood of the entire crew exponentially dropped to a state of frustration.
    They all said if we got sunk for the 3rd time trying to take back our treasures the rage quit had been confirmation.
    None noticed that was the last round of the raid due to our state of mind ahahah.

    Thankfully I saved the night with that clear thought. Turning the table and Taking everyone back into the battle.

    (For some reason they call me their captain eheheh 😜)

  • There's definitely something wonky about server merges lately. They can't possibly be functioning properly. Hopefully Rare is on it and will make the necessary tweaks to improve the situation.

  • @NunoAzuldimeter Server merges have been around since beta, but I agree they can be quite annoying.

  • @the-doctor-2704 yep I know. But seems to be a swarm of them happening in the worst moments possible, lately.

    But yeah I know you didn't notice I have some badges on me 😝 eheh and it's not be around since beta, but since alpha.
    But! For quite some time I hadn't one. I thought It was due to private crews.

  • @NunoAzuldimeter That's my bad, I didn't notice the abundance of badges you have xD

  • @the-doctor-2704 ahahahahahah xD
    Quite a weight on the back of this old pirate aye.

  • @NunoAzuldimeter Indeed hehe, I mean I've played quite a bit but i don't think as much as you xD Only just hit legend

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