Still stuck at work?...

  • ... here's a little something to entertain yourself until your next SoT session.

    Be more Pirate!!!

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  • @piratecraggy - This brings back memories.

    Over a year ago someone posted this on the forums and I got my work colleague to pose in one to help my #snakesforsnakeisland campaign.

  • Man, I have a good gif for this but no clue how to post it.

  • @madame-c upload it to imgur, copy the link it shows and paste it here on its own line

    like this

    and you end up with

  • @triheadedmonkey yes! It worked! Thank you, you're awesome :)

  • Still stuck at work... Day 2.

    Enhance your day at the Water-Cooler

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  • @piratecraggy Im just sat here waiting for the servers to come back online like:

  • Next guide: How to make a functioning blunderbuss

    Though I feel that it would land you on some kind of law enforcement watch list...

  • Still stuck at work... Day 3.

    Tired of the tedium of work.
    Decided to look at the internet to liven up the office.
    Found this.... unfortunately only for mice... my search continues.

    Walk the plank Mouse trap
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  • @bad-company-jbb said in Still stuck at work?...:

    Next guide: How to make a functioning blunderbuss

    Though I feel that it would land you on some kind of law enforcement watch list...

    Still stuck at work..... Day 3 ( about Noon )

    A three parter... looks pretty interesting.
    .....I now wish I brought my work bench to work. :-)
    Think this maybe for the Advanced Pirates among us.

  • @piratecraggy Absolutely PMSL at the OP.
    I see your problem. That's not a "pirate" hat, it's a modern day sailor's hat.

    Now this video is disturbing. Working in his basement bedroom under mom's house just waiting for visitors. C'mon Halloween.

    "one slip-up with a knife and you get a ragged edge" Says it all.

  • @admiral-rrrsole

    @admiral-rrrsole said in Still stuck at work?...:

    @piratecraggy Absolutely PMSL at the OP.
    I see your problem. That's not a "pirate" hat, it's a modern day sailor's hat.

    Now this video is disturbing. Working in his basement bedroom under mom's house just waiting for visitors. C'mon Halloween.

    "one slip-up with a knife and you get a ragged edge" Says it all.

    Oh... that's funny!..... yeah... just glad the guy in the video isn't my neighbour.
    Could be many sleepless nights, wondering what he's up to next....:-), he's pretty good thou.

  • @piratecraggy I feel terrible saying that. He's probably a really nice guy... who screams a lot whilst using power tools and chainsaws in the middle of the night.
    But come daylight, he always smiles and waves as he sharpens his knives and axe on his big antique grindstone wheel.

    Anyone wanna write a script for a horror movie? Watch the above video for inspiration.

  • @admiral-rrrsole

    What started out a few days ago as a simple paper hat has rapidly developed into armaments... thanks to @bad-company-jbb,
    unexpected, but nicely unexpected

    .... practically & logistically ( but not impossible ) a nightmare to manufacture in a work environment.
    Think there maybe a few Health & Safety issues.
    At least with paper hats the worst that can happen is the odd paper-cut.

  • @piratecraggy Just be sure to remove it from your head before using any staples. :o)

  • @piratecraggy said in Still stuck at work?...:

    @bad-company-jbb said in Still stuck at work?...:

    Next guide: How to make a functioning blunderbuss

    Though I feel that it would land you on some kind of law enforcement watch list...

    Still stuck at work..... Day 3 ( about Noon )

    A three parter... looks pretty interesting.
    .....I now wish I brought my work bench to work. :-)
    Think this maybe for the Advanced Pirates among us.

    @lizalaroo 's next project was a bit more....ambitious :D

  • Well this feels like a place you want to be for ideas when the work is getting dreading for you I guess.

  • @futurevessel288

    lol... yes a constant problem for all pirates.
    When all you would rather be doing is playing the game... :)

  • @piratecraggy would love to play the game, if they let me bring in my computer. Anyhow, was just saying that it'd be great to try that some of those things at work. :)

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