Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?

  • So my crew and I were on a galleon and there was a sloop that just would not stop harassing us. They were super eager to mix it up. We laughed it off and kept going as we don't typically mess with sloops if we are on a galleon or we are trying to get something done.

    Anyways, we finally give in and start fighting. They're preferred method was to have one guy stay behind on the ship and send another over to try and take on a galleon by himself while the whole crew was on board(we were on open water, not an island). Anyone who does a lot of pvp know its great to get on quick and drop anchor at times etc. That's not what was happening.

    The same player kept trying to come over. Always opting to try and climb up our latter with us watching said ladder. We would shoot him off and he would manage to shoot us while flying off the ladder. A little weird because things aren't that fast in the game but okay. Eventually he gets on board later somehow and kills my whole crew within seconds(2 shots each, never missing) and I knock him off the boat but he manages to head shot me while falling. Wow, what a lucky shot... Then the craziness happens.

    As we re-spawn he knows exactly where we are at different times and kills us with 2 shots before his other gun can even animate. What would happen is he would fire one gun and then before that animation was done his arms would be at his sides and another shot would shoot out of his body...every shot a head shot.

    I myself carry two guns in pvp situations to shoot, switch, shoot, reload, repeat. His shots were so fast it was impossible. Not to mention the obvious animation glitching/canceling. This went on for about 9 kills.

    My crew and I are big pvpers and do quite well in fights. We haven't lost a skullfort where we had to fight since about the 2nd week of the game. Often against 3-4 ships and their crews. This was uncanny though. The game has a set amount of time when weapons come to bare and his were skipping that time.

    After we were all killed several times without so much as being able to fire back once, we realized why he was so intent on fighting a galleon by himself. He knew he couldn't lose.

    So, we try to report him but he isn't in our list of recent players. A list doesn't seem to be remotely accurate. We died so fast each time we couldn't fully read his name and it was only 4-6 letters. It was Tt...something. It's not showing up to report though. What now?

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  • Sounds like you got outplayed, doesn't sound like they were cheating. Most of your "evidence" was circumstantial and conjecture. Also, your continously mentioning head shots makes you lose ALL credibility because 1) you can't know where the bullet hit you and 2) head shots are no different from toe shots in this game. They probably were so keen to fight you because they are so good and 2v2s don't even present much of a challenge to them. Even if he was cheating, you shouldn't have all died to him. IF he was cheating, he would get ONE free kill. After that, he's out of ammo and the remaining 3 members of your crew should kill him, cheater or not. Keep in mind he has to reload twice before he can kill each one of you.

  • @october

    Sometimes if you try the webpage link on this page, it will bring up a list of recent players for me.

    Another alternative is to be as precise as possible when describing the encounter and Rare may be able to pinpoint the relevant data from that information.

  • @kzoo-kid When animations aren't going off and 2 shots are being fired before a second gun can be pulled or reloaded? We all watched it happen multiple times. I was still under the impression that head shots do slightly more damage? It certainly seems to work that way. I don't understand the "one free kill" statement. I'm saying he could shoot so fast due to animation glitching he killed us all withing a couple seconds. That is not normal by any standards. Also, 2 guns gives you 10 bullets, more than enough for 2 shots each. Its very rare that someone lands that many shots during chaos. There wasn't a lot of reloading going on either.

  • @katttruewalker Yeah, I tried through the app and the webpage and he doesn't show up for me or my friends. Thank you though.

  • @kzoo-kid Also, this is why I was hesitant to bring it up because people assume it just salty people who got "outplayed". I don't mind getting outplayed at all. It's when an extreme number of outrageous things happen over and over where luck and preparation have little to do with it. We were constantly coming after re-spawns as I stated in my first post. at him and he never even moved. Just stood there and POP POP, killed anyone instantly.

  • @october let me clarify what I mean by he gets one free kill if he's a cheater and being out of ammo. First, let me address the issue where you are getting one shot. To begin with, most serious players are already aware of this mechanic. Currently, there is no delay between shooting, swapping, shooting. If you are fast enough, you can shoot, switch weapons, and shoot again without waiting for your weapon to come out.

    Now to clarify my point. He boards you, "one shots" someone (shoot, switch, shoot). Now what? He kills all 4 of you with that shot? No, he has to reload because he has no sword and two empty guns. So it takes him a few seconds to reload one gun, and a few more seconds to reload another gun. NOW he can kill someone else. What is your crew doing during this time? He does this at least 4 times in a row without ANY repercussion? How can at least 3 of you not kill one defenseless player? Even if he is cheating, that suggests a lack of skill on the part of your crew.

    On the other hand, if he doesn't have to reload, he's definitely cheating.

  • @october 2 shots is all that's needed to kill, especially with a EoR and Pistol combo. Head shots don't exist in game but if he was using an aim bot that sucks. If you feel like you are encountering someone cheating you really need to record the interaction. That way you can go back and get their gamertag in case you weren't paying close enough attention and also for sending in with your report for review.

  • @october For me, I have noticed that it can take a day or two for my recent players to have an up to date list.

  • @kzoo-kid I get what you are saying, I carry 2 guns to get close to that effect but the animation usually starts for the second gun and then the shot comes out if you spam the fire button/lmb. There didn't seem to be any reloading animations. If so they were being bypassed, glitched through. Obviously I don't have concrete proof but for as many hours as we have put into this game( a lot of them pvp) I have never seen anything like that. Nobody has to believe me, but I sure would like to report it for review. I certainly don't want cheaters in any game. If he just outplayed us then he sure got a ton of loot for it.

  • it never fails. First response to these threads is always someone insisting that there wasn't a cheater. Its like there are people here that are interested in minimizing the problem (and the response to it ).

  • @volantalpaca956 said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    it never fails. First response to these threads is always someone insisting that there wasn't a cheater. Its like there are people here that are interested in minimizing the problem (and the response to it ).

    i think they also worry if they appear good, and play in a similar manner they will also get accused of cheating so defences come up a bit. Since everyone knows these aim bots and other things exist to deny any possibility that it happened is naive at best.

  • @october I'm genuinely surprised that you haven't seen this before. It is possible that he was using a macro to perform this action (setting one button that inputs shoot-switch-shoot). I don't know if that is considered cheating or remapping. Either way, that is entirely different from aimbotting, and either way, you guys got outplayed. Next time you encounter a similar situation, try to focus on dodging first and agression second. Again, either way, the rest of your crew should have killed him after he killed one of you, but surely before he killed all 4. By the way, it's not overly difficult to no-scope on this game, even when you get knocked from a ladder.

  • @volantalpaca956 said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    it never fails. First response to these threads is always someone insisting that there wasn't a cheater. Its like there are people here that are interested in minimizing the problem (and the response to it ).

    I could just as easily have said "it never fails, someone gets outplayed hard and they take to forums and start calling people cheaters"

  • @october said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    @kzoo-kid Also, this is why I was hesitant to bring it up because people assume it just salty people who got "outplayed". I don't mind getting outplayed at all. It's when an extreme number of outrageous things happen over and over where luck and preparation have little to do with it. We were constantly coming after re-spawns as I stated in my first post. at him and he never even moved. Just stood there and POP POP, killed anyone instantly.

    You are offering more evidence of your crews poor performance as if it is evidence of cheats. If he is literally standing still and you guys can't kill the way nobody called you salty and I don't think it sounds like you are salty. It just sounds like you got outplayed and you can't see it so you jump to the conclusion of cheats.

  • @kzoo-kid I was just thinking the same thing that it could be a macro but the no lack of reload time is still concerning. Me and one of my buddies that was on are both have degrees in computer animation have or are currently working in the video game industry. We are used to counting frames and looking at things like that. The whole thing is odd.

    We can each believe our own version of the story, no harm in that. At least my crew and I were there to witness it happen over and over again. I keep talking about the lack of reload time, but you still insist we were just outplayed. This wasn't a one and done thing as I previously stated.

  • @kzoo-kid said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    @october said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    @kzoo-kid Also, this is why I was hesitant to bring it up because people assume it just salty people who got "outplayed". I don't mind getting outplayed at all. It's when an extreme number of outrageous things happen over and over where luck and preparation have little to do with it. We were constantly coming after re-spawns as I stated in my first post. at him and he never even moved. Just stood there and POP POP, killed anyone instantly.

    You are offering more evidence of your crews poor performance as if it is evidence of cheats. If he is literally standing still and you guys can't kill the way nobody called you salty and I don't think it sounds like you are salty. It just sounds like you got outplayed and you can't see it so you jump to the conclusion of cheats.

    It feels like you are turning this into an argument about something else. I just want to know how can people report a "possible" cheater if the report function in the app isn't working correctly. The player doesn't show up. I feel like I have enough circumstantial evidence for Rare to look at someone's account. Frankly, with the known issue of people aim botting, why not report weird instances that seem waaaay to good to be true. People who aren't hacking have nothing to be afraid of.

  • @october said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    @kzoo-kid I was just thinking the same thing that it could be a macro but the no lack of reload time is still concerning. Me and one of my buddies that was on are both have degrees in computer animation have or are currently working in the video game industry. We are used to counting frames and looking at things like that. The whole thing is odd.

    We can each believe our own version of the story, no harm in that. At least my crew and I were there to witness it happen over and over again. I keep talking about the lack of reload time, but you still insist we were just outplayed. This wasn't a one and done thing as I previously stated.

    I don't recall you saying there was a lack of reload time. Clarify this for me please. He was constantly shooting all of you and never having to reload between kills?

  • @october not going to join the cheater/outplayed argument but I have a question.
    I know that you need the player gamertag to report, but did you guys eventually quit the server or scuttle?

    After the first set of spawn-camping I'd have been tempted to scuttle and have done with it.

  • @october said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    @kzoo-kid said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    @october said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    @kzoo-kid Also, this is why I was hesitant to bring it up because people assume it just salty people who got "outplayed". I don't mind getting outplayed at all. It's when an extreme number of outrageous things happen over and over where luck and preparation have little to do with it. We were constantly coming after re-spawns as I stated in my first post. at him and he never even moved. Just stood there and POP POP, killed anyone instantly.

    You are offering more evidence of your crews poor performance as if it is evidence of cheats. If he is literally standing still and you guys can't kill the way nobody called you salty and I don't think it sounds like you are salty. It just sounds like you got outplayed and you can't see it so you jump to the conclusion of cheats.

    It feels like you are turning this into an argument about something else. I just want to know how can people report a "possible" cheater if the report function in the app isn't working correctly. The player doesn't show up. I feel like I have enough circumstantial evidence for Rare to look at someone's account. Frankly, with the known issue of people aim botting, why not report weird instances that seem waaaay to good to be true. People who aren't hacking have nothing to be afraid of.

    Fair enough. From my understanding, the recent players list does not work (someone said it was to prevent harassment, but I can't confirm). If you don't know their gamertag, there's unfortunately nothing you can do. Windows 10 has a background recording feature you can turn on and press a button to save the last 30 seconds.

  • @kzoo-kid
    I mentioned it twice before but yeah, that's what I'm saying. There a tiny delay between 2 shots but that was it. THAT is how he could kill everyone and not have to aim either. we were not lined up in front of him, we were all in diff places on the deck, distance didn't matter either.

  • @kzoo-kid Yeah, I wasn't recording at the time. Maybe next time. =(

  • @october said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    I mentioned it twice before but yeah, that's what I'm saying. There a tiny delay between 2 shots but that was it. THAT is how he could kill everyone and not have to aim either. we were not lined up in front of him, we were all in diff places on the deck, distance didn't matter either.

    What you are describing here is not a lack of reload, it's just switching weapons.

  • Ahoy mates,

    Discussing possible suspect incidents can always be a little difficult because there might be extenuating circumstances, there is always the possibility that it was due to other factors and the only way to know for sure is to file a report and let Rare investigate.

    It's sometimes a discussion which can feel very unsatisfactory when conducted on the forums.

  • @kzoo-kid said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    @volantalpaca956 said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    it never fails. First response to these threads is always someone insisting that there wasn't a cheater. Its like there are people here that are interested in minimizing the problem (and the response to it ).

    I could just as easily have said "it never fails, someone gets outplayed hard and they take to forums and start calling people cheaters"

    No, that's not actually true, people are constantly being outplayed and the forum isn't actually awash in these threads, so that's factually incorrect, or at the very least not actually documented on this forum. What I said tho, that's actually something we can look at and document because it really happened here.

    I gotta ask, you play on Xbox?

  • @kzoo-kid said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    @october said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    I mentioned it twice before but yeah, that's what I'm saying. There a tiny delay between 2 shots but that was it. THAT is how he could kill everyone and not have to aim either. we were not lined up in front of him, we were all in diff places on the deck, distance didn't matter either.

    What you are describing here is not a lack of reload, it's just switching weapons.

    But your weapons don't reload on their own after you use them.

  • @october said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    @kzoo-kid When animations aren't going off and 2 shots are being fired before a second gun can be pulled or reloaded? We all watched it happen multiple times. I was still under the impression that head shots do slightly more damage? It certainly seems to work that way. I don't understand the "one free kill" statement. I'm saying he could shoot so fast due to animation glitching he killed us all withing a couple seconds. That is not normal by any standards. Also, 2 guns gives you 10 bullets, more than enough for 2 shots each. Its very rare that someone lands that many shots during chaos. There wasn't a lot of reloading going on either.

    Sounds like a macro control

  • @rattlyfob Macros just shoot fast. They don't let you never miss from any distance and fudge reloads.

  • @october said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    @rattlyfob Macros just shoot fast. They don't let you never miss from any distance and fudge reloads.

    It could handle the entire shoot shoot, reload cycle tho
    So all he has to do is aim.
    Considering he didnt just kill you everytime he tried to get on your ship id say its not an aimbot

  • @rattlyfob He always hit if he shot but you can't shoot on a ladder with an aimbot. If you read all the posts you will see that he had almost zero reload time. Nothing does that but animation glitching.

  • With a macro you could hit F (let go of ladder), shoot (first weapon), 2 (switch to 2nd weapon), shoot (2nd weapon), F (grab ladder) and board ship. I haven't heard anything from Rare about macros and whether they are considered cheating, but as a PC player going up against players who use macros, it seems like it is to me.

  • The question has already been answered. I hope that should this be a cheating event, the player is busted and banned as is the stance MS and Rare have taken since launch.

    You don't even need a gamer tag. Rare investigates this stuff with detailed scrutiny, they have too or they'd be in hot water anytime someone gets banned unjustly. Rare has a metric ton of data they can look into.

    What they'll need to most easily investigate is as follows:

    Specific Time Range of play - The more detail you can provide them the better. This will allow them to investigate on the server data things like user connections and interactions which can help isolate which user your discussing.

    Your PC/Xbox network config and if on PC hardware set up. This will help them determine if your network is dealing with desync and high ping, fps drops, and a myriad other issues that might help explain much of what your discussing.

    In game locations at the time of duress as best as your able to accurately explain. If this happened at a specific outpost that's what they'll need. If all you can say is by some rocks somewhere in the south... then skip it.

    The names of your crew, so they can see when you were each sailing and where you might have encountered this event.

    And of course your "Cool story Bro". Because even if they can't do anything about it they need the anecdote to help their team know exactly what to look for in current and future events.

    Youll only ever hear one response: Your report has been submitted to the team (sic) So don't expect a follow up.

    Personally, all I am reading is an encounter with a dual shot player, which is an exploit - not a hack. Even it's status as an exploit is questionable, but a valid argument regardless.

    Note that aimbots allow you to be hit but don't affect damage output of those hits in SoT. They can be used in SoT illegally as they affect the game clientside not server side.

    ESP also exists and doesn't interact with the server, it reads the client and therefore can explain it's use as well.

    Most game interactions are server info and hacks don't commonly exist for them, if they do we're discussing things Rare needs to know about immediately because the security issues alone would be potentially quite serious.

    There are no 'infinite ammo' hacks that I know of but hey anything is possible.

    I'd love you to look up "Sea of Thieves Stow away gameplay with bug/hack presented at 17:11" video I cannot link them here because of forum rules. Even if you won't....

    It showcases a video of a pirate shot in the foot, slashed 3 times certainly, a 4th maybe since a hit marker appeared but animation didn't match, a sword thrust..... and the player didn't die.... then suddenly the player is teleported off ship! After a surprising concern where the stow-away was randomly found early on stowing away, back when there being a stow-away was a much more rare expectation.

    Doesn't that look and sound like hacks to you? Sounds like it to me?

    They weren't.

    But it still was worthy of investigation because it helped illustrate server synchronization issues that Rare has issues with to this day.

    Happy sailing!

  • I wonder if you can report someone who you saw streaming who obviously uses macros and is a troll in general. He's an avid SoT player and I can imagine his head literally exploding if he got banned.

  • @aliasmask that's a question of ToS/Use but yes, I bet you could. Even if they don't ban or regulate the player as a result showcasing the effort is data for Rare and data is good.

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