Cursed Cannonballs LEAKED FOOTAGE

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    Anyone else know more about cursed cannonballs? Personally I can't wait to use the "Cursed Henrietta". Upon impact it immediately turns all loot items on the other ship into chickens.

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  • @sappyelephante playin a risky game M8, might have to report this for showing off things

  • Pretty sure this is a joke

  • @kzoo-kid

    the joke

    your head

  • @omega-131313 said in Cursed Cannonballs LEAKED FOOTAGE:


    the joke

    your head

    Idk why you would say the joke is over my head when I clearly indicated that it was a joke

  • @kzoo-kid didnt mean to tag you, sorry man

  • @omega-131313 no worries brotha

  • @kzoo-kid pretty sure he meant his joke went over ur head as he was joking about reporting the risky behavior 😂
    Either way this made me LOL

  • Not cool leaking photos dude. I see the ban hammer in your future. :/

    I got a good laugh out of this!

  • @psych0-knightro well I'm glad someone got a laugh out of it lol

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