PLEASE stop insisting on co-op with the gen pop

  • I really like the variety of these new adventures, don't get me wrong. But why on Earth would you require me to engage socially with the general population, IN A PIRATE GAME no less, to accomplish a time-limited task? I could understand needing to get a full crew to do a task, but I just don't understand this need to make me search for and convince some random to 'effing help me. Especially when most players have already completed the tasks in the first few days and Mr. Unlucky strolls in week 2 to attempt to find a willing partner. I truly hope you stop forcing co-op work with randoms in future adventures. For me and the crew(s) I've sailed with, it actually takes fun OUT of the game. I'm still trying to love this game, but the aggravation grows every time I'm forced to attempt to work with enemy randoms. I know I'm not alone in this. For the love of Pete, please end this madness.

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  • Noone's forcing you, though.

  • @porkchop87 because stories both good and bad come out of it.

    Rare is all about their player stories.

  • @rk1-turbulence To actually complete the adventure, yeah I'm being forced. You cannot complete the adventure without a random. If I'm wrong, please show me how I could have defeated a Meg with only 4 players, or how to capture the large thrones without a random. I'm more than happy to learn.

  • @dutchdeadschot I get plenty of good stories with my own crew, whether it is friends or randoms on the same boat. Can't say I've had any good stories with random enemies. So, for me I don't care for bad stories when I play games. I'd just rather see Rare make it optional, rather than mandatory. That's all I'm asking for.

  • @porkchop87 No, I meant noone's forcing you as in you're free to go do something else with your time while the rest of us enjoy the co-op stuff instead of whining and trying to have it removed.

  • I feel they require better tools to bring pirates on any given server together, as well as greater motivation to help after the initial effort.

    For example once I and my friends/crew had killed meg... why would I need to help the other ships on any given server I sail on? In fact, I have more motivation to sink ships looking for help as they MIGHT have treasure, they're guard is usually down when they ask for help, they could and generally do have supplies I could raid, and I think PvP is fun...

    So why should I help? Because I'm a nice pirate? Ok, well, since I have helped anyone who asked me... yes "I" am. But that isn't necessarily the default position of most players!

    IMO If they figured out a way to reward players for the assistance of others beyond the experiential factors... we'd have ALOT less issues.

    Meg could have for example offered rep gains on kill, or a interactive need to carve her up for maybe a tooth that could have been sold for cash or rep, or other ideas... commendations aside.

    Thrones are a bit harder... maybe offer rep/cash/bilge rat credit per crew that your in the proximity of when they get the commendation for the throne.

    This can be bad... this can force the upper limit on gains to be exceeded and unbalance 'purchases' and so on... so there should be a limit to gains I suppose... I don't know... math..

    But the idea that 'something' be offered as a carrot for players....

    I don't think that is a bad idea and I think it'd put a stop to "I can't get help... finding another crew is a pain" posts not to mention would serve the interests of players and give us a reason to more deeply explore and interact with events they offer, beyond the first time.

  • Seriously mate, it’s all for a title and some reputation, you won’t miss out on much, as you can purchase the bilge rat cosmetics after completing the solo thrones.

  • @doxzax since we're on the topic of thrones and how to better handle events and multiplay... It's important to me that they retain this philosophy of getting stuff DESPITE not necessarily participating in group segments.

    I'll always feel that events should be able to maintain value for single crews. In that regard they did make some progress towards assuring 'we all get a chance' unlike Meg which was explicitly a multi crew thing.

  • I like the ideal of encouraging people to work together myself, it hasn't been hard to find people with either of the events so far.

    Today a friend got online who hasn't been able to play for over a week due to work. We started doing some GH and then noticed a sloop parked which looked like it was doing the single crew thrones. We headed over there and although they didn't have mics, we managed to enlist their help via pirate chat to get all of the multi crew thrones done for my friend. I even gave them a chest i dug up on one of the islands while they were attempting to shoot themselves to a throne.

    All in all, just over an hour after logging on for the first time since the event started, we managed to get all the multi crew thrones done for my friend without any trouble.

  • @blooddoll22 during the Megladon I didn’t know that Merrick’s journals were a separate task, so I never got the exclusive drum, I literally just play the game and make friends with players after battle. My skills earn their parlay. These co-op missions have ultimtely led to co-op skull forts, sharing the loot upon completion.

    Maybe you could try finding a better crew to sail with in order to earn a parlay from enemies, or just settle with the satisfaction of only earning some of the limited time rewards.

    I felt like The Hungering Deep was short-lived for a “content release,” but there is nothing I can do to change it. And I hope to God that there are truly “weekly events” as another week of a “weekly event,” following a 1 week TITLED content release would make me want to stop playing.

    Now you know that other players are not getting all the content, experiencing personal issues with the game, hope you feel better.

  • I don't mean this derisively - the fact that you refer to other players as random "enemies" is rather telling. :D

    It's fine if that's how you want to play, but then just accept that some things may not align with what you enjoy doing in game. Just the same as some people wouldn't find enjoyment in things that you might (such as some people who don't really enjoy PvP much, if at all).
    With variety comes choice, I suppose, right?

    Anyway, as an aside, I think a great fun part of pirates is when different pirate crews do cooperate. Pirates aren't always enemies of other pirates. And, even if the alliance is brief, and full of suspicion and tension, it tends to be rather fun.

    That said, no, I don't think every event should be built around multi-crew cooperation. Although, I can understand it if most of these initial ones are.

    I'm enjoying them all, so far, but I've probably been a bit lucky.

    The biggest thing I think Rare has done with these two events, requiring multi-crew collabs, is altering the majority of players' perceptions of what could happen with each and every interaction.
    Even if it is only a slight change, there's been a change in how people are handling encounters with other ships. And I think that'll remain, even without constant co-op events.

    Although, I think they'd be wise to leave a permanant co-op event/quest in the game, to keep that possibility more alive. (Honestly, it sounded like they thought Skull Forts may have served this notion, but that's pretty rare - no pun intended).

  • @blooddoll22

    You could have extorted gold from them.

    "Sure, we'll help. If ye pay us."

  • @doxzax mmmmm I'm not convinced that you took to my intention of speaking in lose generalizations for effect.

    I personally don't actually commit to constant pvp, or any of that. I do have a willingness to help everyone who asks. I personally prefer the game WITHOUT pvp. Though I am more than willing to fight.. it's not my default interest and I too have met people and carried both relationships and entertaining times with a variety of people because of the events so far.

    But I do feel that everything I remarked upon above stands. I feel that players still have a hard time communicating in game despite the recent changes provided by the bullhorn, I feel that without a carrot/motivation to help players will be less likely to aid others, it's likelier that players will continue to avoid each other by default if only because it's good practice to retain your guard, and I think alot of players presume the worst - even when unnecessary, and it seems in many cases players simply will take advantage of those who might have innocent interests.

    It's not entirely true, but it's my point above. A point I think stands.

    Even though personally, I help at least 90% of the time.

    But there does come a time where I wont. Such as now, the skeleton thrones bore me. I've helped my friends get the credit, I've helped a few random crews, but now... I am exhausted and have no motivation beyond whatever personal interests such as making new friends may serve me.

    IMO That's not enough. Sure, situationally and for other people it is... but overall? I'd much prefer some sort of measurable gain in the game for offering help.. I think it'd do us all a service, but I admit it shouldn't be a big gain nor should it create a lack of balance. Rep, cash, or something more would be appreciated.

    I also do think that maintaining support for soloists/single crew such as how it was designed with the thrones... is important. Sure, provide a gateway for some things as a reward for group play... but it shouldn't be a demanded action.

    And you bring up a point... the form factor of some things has been off the mark.. for example you should have had ability to understand that merrick's books were a thing. No, I'm not talking about holding your hand through everything... but the game could be clearer IN GAME on this sort of topic.

    But of course each of my points, though I feel they stand, are worthy of argument against. They're just opinions after all. Perspectives at best... nothing wrong with changing perspective.

  • @blooddoll22 I see where you’re going, and I think that for all my good-will in helping other players, they don’t return to help, or when they do return, they need soooo much help...

    And certainly I can agree that the game NEEDS IN-GAME ANNOUNCEMENTS.

    So Rare, if you are listening, I want my aye of reach for 1 gold, that I missed in May, because I hardly get on Twitter. I want another chance to find merricks journals, and for the love of all the is good, expand on console chat options, as pc offers custom chat and I just think their is a huge disconnect when cross-platforming.

    Give this guy some credit, @Blooddoll22 is trying to get someone’s attention over at Rare, like most of us, and it feels like no one is listening.

  • Rare is way to into cherry picking the feel good stories. They love hearing about how you made a new friend and went on a special adventure together. Yes, while doing the skull thrones I did meet a new friend and we had a great time working together. However, it was completely drown out by multitude of times the experience was terrible.
    To work with another crew you must first enlist their help. To do this you have to make yourself fairly vulnerable. It took my 3 days the find help. By then I had stopped supplying my ship as I expected to be sunk. The worst are the pirate legends. I can across 4 different crews with the unicorn. All 4 times it was exactly the same approach. We yell over asking for help doing the thrones, they say they're friendly, sail over, and sink us. They don't even look to see if we have treasure.

  • @rk1-turbulence Sorry if my whining is offending you, I meant no offense. But if they make it optional, then more people would be happy about it. Don't make it mandatory, that is simply my point.

  • How bad is it going to be when you have to leave your ship, get in a row boat, and paddle to a distant island. You're a fool if you think you're going to return a see your ship still afloat.

  • @warmedxmints I think it is great that your experience with getting others to help has been so good. That just has NOT been my experience. That is why I'm unhappy with the current mechanics.

  • I'm all for incentive, and hope they make content that encourages cooperative play without requiring it. On the same hand, I hope they DON'T add a way to "find groups" for content. If they do that, all you've done is increase the likelihood that a random encounter is hostile. The more content they add that encourages group play the better. Meg and Thrones fit into that category, despite their flaws.

  • @PorkChop87 I'm not sure I want it removed, but certainly improved. Something to create incentive to cooperate as opposed to hoping people just will. Either in loot/rewards, or difficulty to accomplish with less people/solo.

    I will say at least for this event, only part is gated behind multi-crew co-op, so that's at least a compromise.

    @RK1-Turbulence those replies aren't very helpful are they? Sorry if this sounds like a rebuke, but your tone just came off as rather hostile in your posts. I wouldn't really classify OP as whining; sure no-one is forcing them to do the thrones, but they want to and are having a hard time finding another cooperative crew, which is an issue others are having too. Not everyone is enjoying the co-op stuff, so I don't think 'the rest of us' is accurate.

    @DutchDeadSchot Aye, which is a neat way to approach things, but I think good stories should be the aim, as opposed to bad and good? You can have a good time with a bad situation if it is still fun, which makes a good story, but a bad story makes me think it was a bad experience all around.

    @Blooddoll22 Aye! Better tools to find another crew before or after getting on the server would be great. Meg went ok for my duo crew and I, but for this event we haven't had much luck finding another crew. I don't mind co-oping with another crew, but it can be a major pain and time-sink to even find one to do so with. And a double 'Aye!' for incentive to co-op with another crew, or even to repeat the event. I feel that would help, and also add to the event/give us more to do while the event is active.

    Reply in general: I know some people have had a great time with this- finding another crew quick and easy. Unfortunately, not everyone is having such luck.

  • @blooddoll22 I just had a discussion about the co-op events and one way we could handle this as a community could be as easy as a designated an outpost tavern as a place where crews interested in the co-op event can meet and find like minded crews to start these quests with.

    The one issue is where can you post the outpost so the majority of players could learn which outpost? The HD is an example of most people sailed too shark bait cove to look for people doing the quest.

  • There should be an in-game bulletin board in each tavern, detailing the LTE, and where players can meet up for co-op.

  • I had a good time with the co-op stuff.

    I would like to see some incentive for these things to be repeated, that way people who can't get to it right away aren't struggling to find people to do it with, that was a problem with both of the last events.

  • @pdt-mindstream You make very good points, thank you. I for one do not care for PvP at all, and try to avoid it at all costs. For ME it takes away from this game. I consider randoms as enemies simply because they are NOT my crew.

    You mentioned with variety comes choice. All I'm asking for is choice, not a mandatory requirement to engage with randoms. Because my experience has been heavy on the negative interactions with the gen pop, and minimal on the positive (when not on the same crew).

  • I don't mind teaming up with another crew, but there needs to be incentive to do these more than once. If you don't get it done within the first 6 hours, you're pretty much SOL in finding someone to help you out

  • I've never ran in to trouble trying to do these quests...even with Meg up to the last day i still found people willing to help others even after they've completed it and we've given our ship to their cause. Its all about your attitude most of the time. I wouldnt consider myself or crew to be the friendliest but we make exceptions.

    Take the thrones for instance...we teamed with a solo sloop and the kid was absolutely disrespectful but we needed him. Until our friend got on and got on his sloop and we no longer needed him...we still allowed him to complete the quest before killing him...what can i can always trust the untrustworthy to be untrustworthy...pirates mate. Point being the co-op enhances the experience of the game overall regardless of intentions.

    Sorry for grammar/punctuation. Typing on phone.

  • @porkchop87 said in PLEASE stop insisting on co-op with the gen pop:

    @rk1-turbulence Sorry if my whining is offending you, I meant no offense. But if they make it optional, then more people would be happy about it. Don't make it mandatory, that is simply my point.

    Its not mandatory...they are optional quests that are not required for end game. If you want the items you have to play by the rules. I dont like the idea of specific ideals being catered to just because someone doesn't want to play ball. Just my 2 cents

  • Agree. It's a complete waste of time. It's actually making me feel very negatively about the game at the moment.

    Wasted countless hours trying to find someone to participate. The game is full of c****.

    Waited at cannon cove for ages, eventually a Galleon arrives. They board my shop and kill me for no reason. Absolute trash.

  • @porkchop87 said in PLEASE stop insisting on co-op with the gen pop:

    @warmedxmints I think it is great that your experience with getting others to help has been so good. That just has NOT been my experience. That is why I'm unhappy with the current mechanics.

    It's been the same way each time for me though. I did the mega multiple times and have done the thrones a few times. I've never had an issue getting help from people. The nearest I had was a gally trying to bait us into thinking they wanted help. They attempted to attack us with a keg while asking for help so we sunk their ship while spawn killing them. They didn't come back again.

  • @wulvfeyn said in PLEASE stop insisting on co-op with the gen pop:

    @porkchop87 said in PLEASE stop insisting on co-op with the gen pop:

    @rk1-turbulence Sorry if my whining is offending you, I meant no offense. But if they make it optional, then more people would be happy about it. Don't make it mandatory, that is simply my point.

    Its not mandatory...they are optional quests that are not required for end game. If you want the items you have to play by the rules. I dont like the idea of specific ideals being catered to just because someone doesn't want to play ball. Just my 2 cents

    And I think the people who are having less than ideal experiences are saying they'd like to participate in the event and don't see why the biggest and only challenge in the event is finding another crew willing to help you. When finding another person willing to help you takes 10x as long as the actual event goals, then there is something inherently wrong.

  • @rk1-turbulence What a load of BS lol How are they stopping you from teaming up with other crews by not requiring it to complete certain activities. They are taking something from you by making it optional, but it's not taking something from people who can't/don't want to team up? Goodness the things people say on these forums sometimes.

  • @porkchop87 said in PLEASE stop insisting on co-op with the gen pop:

    @pdt-mindstream You make very good points, thank you. I for one do not care for PvP at all, and try to avoid it at all costs. For ME it takes away from this game. I consider randoms as enemies simply because they are NOT my crew.

    You mentioned with variety comes choice. All I'm asking for is choice, not a mandatory requirement to engage with randoms. Because my experience has been heavy on the negative interactions with the gen pop, and minimal on the positive (when not on the same crew).

    When you say gen pop, you’re the one creating the hostility, and work on your pvp skills. I’ve seen your comments on multiple threads, and they’re a little over-dramatic. Try changing your attitude toward other players, you might actually enjoy yourself :)

  • @porkchop87 said in PLEASE stop insisting on co-op with the gen pop:

    @rk1-turbulence To actually complete the adventure, yeah I'm being forced. You cannot complete the adventure without a random. If I'm wrong, please show me how I could have defeated a Meg with only 4 players, or how to capture the large thrones without a random. I'm more than happy to learn.

    I love this, great response to the "You aren't forced." comments. 😂👏

  • @paddymck said in PLEASE stop insisting on co-op with the gen pop:

    I don't mind teaming up with another crew, but there needs to be incentive to do these more than once. If you don't get it done within the first 6 hours, you're pretty much SOL in finding someone to help you out

    I’d say more like 3 days.

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