The Tale Of The Camping Pirate Legend

  • I was so excited about the new DLC - I sailed down to Shark Bait Cove.
    A Sloop was sitting there so I set my ship to sail ahead and shot off to the beach.

    I went to speak with an old pirate and as I did - a Legendary er... Pirate attacked me. I caught a mermaid back to my ship and turned it to attack the camping sloop.

    Two vs One we attacked each other - They tried to board a few times but failed. I landed many hits on their sloop and at last the made a run for it.

    I thought to myself as they ran away...

    Are all Legendary Pirates Trolls... Or just the ones I seem to keep meeting...

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  • I would consider this point in time still early one for the game itself. I still come across pirate legends who aren't experienced in PVP because they were only grinding for Pirate legend status.

    So I guess first generation Pirates i guess I could say, were those that grind reputation. Just wait till those who dived into PvP reach Legend status, we'll put those trolls in their place ;D

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