Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6

  • @ayayyron hungering deep is May! wait and see my friend! or you could just come back when the content drops!

  • Hello Rare Devs. thank you for the awesome game. I speak for at least other 3 people who also love the game, so from what I see, there would be at least two full galleons "till the end of times..."
    -love idea of having to travel around for different objects. it really makes you stretch out into the maps.
    -hate the idea of forced server migration if you do not want too many players in the game. think this should be replanned. suggest low, medium, and high activity servers, that would allow players to sail in friendlier waters.
    -sometimes, in a sloop you get really bombed by galleons who are too op. if lower hull is repaired, upper hull can be completely smashed and water will not get in. the back of the sloop allows water to get in, so should galleon upper level.
    -really would love to see the add friend option that we want so much.
    -game txt chat for xbox, please. "I am groot" is funny when its Mark Sinclair.
    -Possible trade routes of items like rum, cotton, etc.
    -Please keep OPness of skellies. a couple of hundred years around, nothing to do except shoot bottles and floating barrels and you tend to get really great aim... Maybe raise reload times. Maybe lower health too just a wee tiny bit. Metal firing squads really do make a barrel your only hope without a cannon. dont mind getting hit inside the boat but with a rock between us I do tend to fume a little bit.
    -add b***y traps in islands. it sucks when you die but its also funny.
    -lvl 50 requirment items dont make that much sense. i'de just wait a little bit more to get least imho. only at 30's, so i am really just speculating.
    -add pages from books in random so that players can join friends with other parts and make a map. (we could keep them between sessions to allow time to complete maps and adventures). they could be from normal items, wood or cannonball with carved map, etc.
    random riddles on rocks, trees, that you had to memorize, or write down.
    -please dont make this game too easy as it will ruin the challenge. i know it goes both ways,
    but if half the community wants a challenge and half wants things to fall on their lap, you really cant get everyone happy. keep the ones who apreciate your work. if you dont apreciate the freedom of being given a fully functional boat to sail and do as you please, you should enlist as a person who NEEDS a captain. without ever having to be told what to do, you can play in multiple ways and styles and not get bored.

    in all thank you for this really cool game. i do spend a couple of hours sailing. and its fun. and I'm having a blast.

  • ops. sorry for the rambling.

  • @khaleesibot

    Merchant cheese seems to be gone.

    Cool gun.

    Skeleton cannons less accurate. Really? I didn't even know that was a thing.

  • Is it me or the Imperial Sovereign ship customization is missing in the game?
    Should be in Ancient Spire or Plunder Outpost right?

    Screenshot of the Shipyard at Plunder Outpost:
    Plunder Shipyard

    PS: Imperial Sovereign weapons seem to be missing too.
    The Imperial Sovereign clothes are in the game as expected (I got mine at Plunder Outpost).

    Imperial Sovereign cloths

  • @disthene I enjoy doing merchants and your a example of "you can't satisfy everyone" want a tissue because there not making it simple to get to legend want a bottle because they remove a exploit in the game while most of us solos or grinds it ? Get off the game if your going to cry there's plenty of devs who don't fix things that have been around since day one 3 years later ark for example......... you took the time to come here and QQ about free content

  • Ahoj!
    It's nice that you have added so much clothes to the stores!
    But it's a pity that there is still no preview in the store as a given piece of clothing looks like the Pirate :(

    Maybe you would add this element?

  • Anybody know where the Imperial Sovereign ship cosmetics are?

  • @disthene said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:


    My reaction to this patch is W*F ?! Do I really need to check all outposts to see the SKINS ?! Really for skins ? I have to spend 2 hours ? Ok let's disconnect and reconnect until I went to all outpost to buy my skin...this is stupid, like really.

    Why are you in such a hurry? Just check inventories when you happen to be at a particular outpost.

    Second is not related to the patch, but you fixed the issue for the merchant, please consider that merchant is not fun at all, it's a nightmare, it's killing game, it's not pve, it's not pvp, there is no interest to do it. If you pvp, you kill the animals, and if you don't, even if you steal them to someone else, you don't get money for that, then it's just useless, this job is the contrary of what we want in the game.

    I disagree with every part of this statement. I love merchant missions. I feel the break up the monotony of either killing skeletons or digging up chests. If you don't like them, don't do them. No reason to remove them if others enjoy them.

  • @evasive-envy said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    Anybody know where the Imperial Sovereign ship cosmetics are?

    I think they should be in Plunder Outpost and Ancient Spire, but they are missing.
    Checked all other outposts and saw the other customizations, but the Imperial Sovereign is not in any.

  • @inkar-agobi Nooooo that's what I really wanted. They are definitely not on Plunder or Ancient Spire :(

  • @evasive-envy said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @inkar-agobi Nooooo that's what I really wanted. They are definitely not on Plunder or Ancient Spire :(

    I only wanted that one too, so we are on the same virtual boat ;)

  • just logged in got low frame rate feal's wierd went straight to a fort completed handed plunder in got gold but yet again NO REPUTATION!!!! restarted the game not been awarded rep...come on rare your letting us down

  • @ayayyron said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @khaleesibot So no decent content for may. The one thing you lying sacks of c**p need to focus on. Peace out, this ship has officially sunk.

    Oh boo hoo :( the cosmetics that were promised for may didn’t come on May 1st obviously I was lied to and need to let everyone know how upset I am and make sure I tell rare how horrible they are for this “lie”

    Cry more...everyone here loves to hear it.

  • Since the new patch I cant connect to the game any more. The first screen showing the map stays for about 5 min. In the next screen showing my pirate at the bar no ship choice appears. Its only my pirate beeing in the bar. Same when I get an invitation or try to join someones game.
    Is that a known issue? Do you recommend a new installation?

  • only dont raise a support ticket for missing dlc because they wont do anything about it.

  • @d4u2s0t said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @aarghmaargho said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @d4u2s0t said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @lil-deann said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    Nice work!

    Still no private invites and spot holding though :(

    We're still actively working on this!

    How so? I can come and disable online matchmaking in about 30 to 45 seconds.... Add a button to menu and that's that. Just be honest, they're not working on it.

    Alright add the button, then click on it...

    Any person with minimal developer knowledge will know that it never is just as simple as "Add a button to menu and that's that".

    There comes a lot more to implement something, both front-end and back-end, testing, fixing, testing again. etc..

    Nobody likes a liar.

    Quite funny seeing that coming from you.

    Can you be more specific about what needs to be added? You're just making things up because you didn't like my comment. We're only talking about modifying a menu screen to contain assets that already exist in the game. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid. They're likely working off of a template which makes this a copy and paste the only modification being removing the code that allows for online matchmaking. Everything else is already created. Yes I'm sure the initial coding to get matchmaking working was tricky but that was done a long time ago and does not need to be redone. This is a literal copy and paste then removed online matchmaking and go direct to server. This is not something that needs to be tested or worked on assuming competent coders. If you have never seen a menu screen I can teach you how to do this in less than five minutes and you would be at the point you could show others how to do it yourself. Nothing needs to be created for this, as all the assets are already created, available, and working in the game.

    The true answer is it has not yet been deemed as important by the decision makers.

    More specific, there needs to be code that does something when the button is clicked. It's needs an action behind it.

    If you have ever coded or developed something in your life you know that copy and paste is the dumbest thing to do.

    You also say that a private session already exists, exactly where? I haven't seen any option yet to create a private ship with my friends or something like that.

    Everything that is coded has to be tested, testing is part of developing something.

    I have seen plenty of menu's, even better. I've created numerous ones and it isn't as simple as place a button there and tadaah everything works.

    The true answer is that you are ignorant and know nothing about developing any form of software and expect Rare to just pull something out of their sleeve in 2 seconds.

  • Please, this may have been posted but I didn't have time to look through the threads where are the Imperial Sovereign ship customisation sets.

  • @evil-wolf-snipe said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    Please, this may have been posted but I didn't have time to look through the threads where are the Imperial Sovereign ship customisation sets.

    Let me help you. My previous post.

  • well not much here but I like the skeleton cannon accuracy fix and I like theres more stuff to buy. also I'm happy they fixed the issue about having to return merchant items to a certain merchant. all in all not a bad little patch, although I'm a little depressed this wasn't hungering deep, I checked my Microsoft store to see if there was an update being may 1st and there was so I rushed over to the patch notes to see small bug fixes and more stuff to buy but like I said not a bad little patch. now If yall could just fix the blunderbuss accuracy of skeletons that would be awesome.

  • So, what happened to all of the cool clothing and ship cosmetics that were only unlockable at a certain rank within a faction? I was working my butt off for those and now i don't see them... sad face

  • @timewornstory said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    So, what happened to all of the cool clothing and ship cosmetics that were only unlockable at a certain rank within a faction? I was working my butt off for those and now i don't see them... sad face

    Try a different outpost.

  • Can you clarify on the time reduction to return from the ferry of the damned? Does that mean the time before the door opens is reduced, or does it mean that the load time after the door opens has been reduced?

  • The merchant and order of souls rep gains post 35 seem like they move slower than the gold hoarders. This makes the grind for the two factions feel relentless in comparison. Can the grind be taken down a notch for them? It feels like you gain rep with them at such a slow rate that it becomes more of a frustrating chore than fun.

  • @khol-thndrwlkr This was a terrible reply. lol

    The merchant quest is cancer. It would be totally fine if you didn't have to do all three factions to get pirate legend, but because you do, and because 90% of people hate merchant, they clearly missed the mark on this one. There's always going to be those weird players that enjoy things like sailing around collecting animals, but don't force the rest of us to do these goofy voyages.

  • Patch Notes have been updated:

    • [PC Only] - The Half Vsync option has been removed and the frame lock option is now always selectable, even when Vsync is on.
  • @khaleesibot

    I'm going to keep posting this in every patch thread until this is resolved. Screen size needs to properly scale, or we need to be given the option to adjust the edges of the screen.

    This was never a problem for me during the beta and alphas, but since launch the part of my screen has been cut-off. It's very frustrating.

    Edit: Just checked my personal email, and it looks like someone from Rare responded to my ticket. Hopefully this is something that can be resolved soon, as I know that I'm not the only one experiencing this issue.

  • @inkar-agobi I found it at ancient spire

  • A month in and we still have bare bones content from the beta. Bull s**t... get your act together Rare. And then those Founder's Sails... Finally got those a few days ago. Absolutely pathetic attempt at that too. State of Decay 2 is going to kill this game because of things like this. You rather give us cosmetics for a game where gold means nothing. It's getting beyond ridiculous now. Another Lion Head Studios... Sad.

  • I like the updates though I think that reducing the skellie cannon accuracy was unnecessary.

  • @toastywrath said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @inkar-agobi I found it at ancient spire

    It wasn't there when I went for sure. Will try again later, just in case they fixed it.

  • @inkar-agobi could have been a bug.

  • @aarghmaargho said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @d4u2s0t said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @aarghmaargho said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @d4u2s0t said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @lil-deann said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    Nice work!

    Still no private invites and spot holding though :(

    We're still actively working on this!

    How so? I can come and disable online matchmaking in about 30 to 45 seconds.... Add a button to menu and that's that. Just be honest, they're not working on it.

    Alright add the button, then click on it...

    Any person with minimal developer knowledge will know that it never is just as simple as "Add a button to menu and that's that".

    There comes a lot more to implement something, both front-end and back-end, testing, fixing, testing again. etc..

    Nobody likes a liar.

    Quite funny seeing that coming from you.

    Can you be more specific about what needs to be added? You're just making things up because you didn't like my comment. We're only talking about modifying a menu screen to contain assets that already exist in the game. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid. They're likely working off of a template which makes this a copy and paste the only modification being removing the code that allows for online matchmaking. Everything else is already created. Yes I'm sure the initial coding to get matchmaking working was tricky but that was done a long time ago and does not need to be redone. This is a literal copy and paste then removed online matchmaking and go direct to server. This is not something that needs to be tested or worked on assuming competent coders. If you have never seen a menu screen I can teach you how to do this in less than five minutes and you would be at the point you could show others how to do it yourself. Nothing needs to be created for this, as all the assets are already created, available, and working in the game.

    The true answer is it has not yet been deemed as important by the decision makers.

    More specific, there needs to be code that does something when the button is clicked. It's needs an action behind it.

    If you have ever coded or developed something in your life you know that copy and paste is the dumbest thing to do.

    You also say that a private session already exists, exactly where? I haven't seen any option yet to create a private ship with my friends or something like that.

    Everything that is coded has to be tested, testing is part of developing something.

    I have seen plenty of menu's, even better. I've created numerous ones and it isn't as simple as place a button there and tadaah everything works.

    The true answer is that you are ignorant and know nothing about developing any form of software and expect Rare to just pull something out of their sleeve in 2 seconds.

    You are responding from an emotional standpoint instead of an informational one. You say the code "needs to do something" but that coding is already created and implemented, is it not? That's what you push every time you join a game. Can you be more specific about what would need to be done outside of simply removing the command for online matchmaking, and duplicating a button that says "Private" or something?

  • @blissfulgecko77 and jewellery I want a massive gold chain get me some pirate bling aha

  • Ship Shape - Multiple sets of ship cosmetics have been added to the shipwright stock. Now you can purchase and equip Grand Admiral, Castaway Bilge Rat, Ruffian Sea Dog and Imperial Sovereign ship customisation sets. Where is the Imperial sovereign ship customisation? Cause i went to the outposts with the sovereign outfit in store but nothing new in the ship shop. Not to sound ungratefull just asking.

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