Introducing New Forum Rules

  • From the very beginning, we've been determined to make Sea of Thieves a truly welcoming world in which players of any creed, culture, age, skill level and circumstance can voyage without fear of friction or frustration.

    With that in mind, we've laid out a set of rules with corresponding actions to help to keep the Forum seas free of strife and grievance (beyond that stirred up in the course of a pirate's everyday activities).

    alt text

    You can find the Official Sea of Thieves Forum Rules here.

    From today, Global Moderators and Deckhands will be moderating the Official Sea of Thieves Forum to these rules. For posts and topics which were created before the rules went live, we will be moderating and locking as before but also posting a link to the new rules so everyone is aware of moderation for the future.

    Thank you Pirates for the passion, excitement and activity that you've shared on these Forums!

    See you on the seas!

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  • @khaleesibot Aye aye captain!

    Nothing but upstanding pirate behaviour from here on in!

  • Good stuff,

    Bit tough on the off-topic posts !
    Hopefully moderators will use that rule sparingly..

    Edit: Oh and summon ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ spams could be tolerated in some cases ;)


  • Oh good. It was getting pretty lawless around here!

  • @khaleesibot Promise I'll pirate as honestly as I possibly can.

  • I was wondering why the forums seemed a little lax for a while there. All hands were probably working out these new rules. Hopefully the saltiness will diminish significantly.

  • Good times!

  • Thank god the community managers are locking down on all this spam and unnecessary aggressive forum, now we might be able to actually have more constructive threads and posts!

  • @katttruewalker

    Good reference, good reference...

  • @khaleesibot Ahoy!

    Just wanted some clarification. I ironically said(and have done before) "Git Gud"

    Last time I said this my post was edited by mods and this was the one thing removed. Is this not allowed anymore? Just want to be sure.

  • All good to me. However, as far as profanity is concerned, whilst I appreciate that it will be censored, there are some words that are censored yet aren't in any way offensive. I had a word censored that basically is a normal term for something that is 'daft and silly, or that lacks common sense or intelligent thought'.

    What bothers me is that you can write a post without any profanity or insult, yet still get censored. I for one wouldn't want a temporary ban for using words that are bizarrely censored. So perhaps there should be some sort of leniency towards unintentional use of censored words. After all, it would be stupid to get banned for simply saying stupid*.

    *In case you didn't know, the word 'stupid' was censored, but that seems to have been corrected.

  • @doctor-n****e I agree with you, but perhaps the context matters. There is difference between calling someone "stupid" and saying a situation is stupid. The forums have taken a big downhill slide, was expected IMO. After EVERY "public test" the forums turned into a hate fest. I hope the crackdown cleans this place up and we can get back to having constructive conversations at the top of the heap. Time will tell, and we will see. I cruised the forums today and have seen several posts violating the rules...yet nothing!

  • I wish somebody would tell the guy who keeps PMing me this.

  • Makes me Happy to see that you are/will crackdown on some of the vitriol on the forum.

    I love to be able to connect with other players in the game. But it really sours the experience when people post negativity for the obvious sake of doing it so they can get a rise out of someone.

    I feel that the social connection potential for SoT's has yet to be realized. Don't give up guys and we that love SoT's won't give up either

  • Good to see. It was getting vary toxic here and, if I am honest, it was starting to rub off on me and I found myself partaking to a degree. Apologies to anybody in the forum who I have upset/offended/annoyed.

  • @touchdown1504 said in Introducing New Forum Rules:

    @doctor-n****e I agree with you, but perhaps the context matters. There is difference between calling someone "stupid" and saying a situation is stupid. The forums have taken a big downhill slide, was expected IMO. After EVERY "public test" the forums turned into a hate fest. I hope the crackdown cleans this place up and we can get back to having constructive conversations at the top of the heap. Time will tell, and we will see. I cruised the forums today and have seen several posts violating the rules...yet nothing!

    Yeah, even though I was late to the game (just a stress weekend and the beta) I've been in plenty of beta's before and the forums do always head south after release (and rarely recover).

    Now, I'm just trying to think, was it the Guild Wars 2 Forums, or the Planetside2 forums that replaced profanities with the word 'kitten'. Now that was a great way to censor any bad stuff :)

  • @khaleesibot Love this! Thanks for being so reactive and transparent around everything SoT!!

  • @khaleesibot "We say 'yo-ho', but we don't say 'ho', 'cause 'ho' is disrespectful, yo."
    Key & Peele: Pirate Chanty

  • Hello I've been playing this game since release and I'm now over rep level 30 on all except merchant alliance. With this amount of time invested in the game I've come up with my analysis of the gameplay and wish to give feedback to a Rare developer. I love this game and want to share my ideas to maybe help improve it. I'm age 24 and have a very good sense of what makes a good game. Please contact me.

  • From the very beginning, we've been determined to make Sea of Thieves a truly welcoming world in which players of any creed, culture, age, skill level and circumstance can voyage without fear of friction or frustration.

    In your own words above you stated you want Sea Of Thieve to be Welcoming.
    Well I don't feel very welcomed, when i enter a game and i'm instantly placed in the brig. or when I've been playing on a ship and a new crew of people who out number me place me in the Brig in attempt to force me to leave a ship that I've been playing on.

    This is getting to the point where its out of hand and it need to change NOW!
    I've supported Sea of Thieve and i love it, But the Brig System need to END!

    You wanted to stop trolling, then turn around and give TROLLS the Tools aka the brig system to TROLLS.

  • This is good news. I come here to learn tactics, share success stories and my enjoyment of the game, and learn new things I didn't know.

    I can't seem to find those posts among the sea of complaint posts.

  • @khaleesibot "Harassment

    Harassment is any repeated action that makes the other party uncomfortable. Harassing Rare Employees, Global Moderators, Deckhands or Community Members will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued."

    Where do I report someone?
    I can't find any form of report button anywhere...

  • @axiom2213 No Axiom! Why risk your play session by playing with randoms? How do the servers pick you a nice crew?

    Please, use the ''Looking for Group'' function beforehand.

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