Crew Management

  • Wanted to hear some ideas of how you Captains plan to manage the crew on board.

    Crew 1 = Driver
    *Navigator will navigate driver and Crows nest will make sure the driver doesn't crash.
    *Driver will keep the rest of the crew alert on wind changes and will be in charge of the back sail

    Crew 2 = Crows nest
    *Look out for enemy ship and makes sure the driver doesn't crash
    *Once the enemy ship is spotted he will go to the main deck and help with guns and sails.

    Crew 3 = Navigator
    *Usually below deck watching the map and communicating with driver.
    *Will be incharge of the middle sails

    Crew 4 = Maintenance
    *repairs and load canons
    *Incharge of the front sails

    Everyone will help each other and Everyone will take a canon when the time is right!

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  • sounds too tryhard for me. aint nobody got time for that

  • I do everything, even if I'm on a galleon, the rest of my crew just plays music for me.

  • Why control them? Maybe 1 should just steer and openly ask people to move sails or check. People will find things to do without being dictated a job.

  • And this is why I mostly play solo. I am too much of a rebel for such regimented roles.

    I won't tell anyone who does this to stop as you are free to play how you wish. I personally like the roles being more fluid. There is satisfaction when everyone knows what to do and acts accordingly without being explicitly commanded to do so.

    But that is my opinion

  • Pick a sail, if that sail is up, move to help the next person. Once sails are where they need to be, at ease. Simple.

    NO one better be slacking off in the crow's nest. I normally see any ships from the quarterdecks.
    I find you slacking in the nest, you'll be soon slacking in the brig.
    Find a ship? Good. Back to your station.

    Navigation: Anyone can plot, but the helmsman can normally navigate while the crew is digging treasure.

    Maintenance; anyone NOT doing maintenance is off my ship. Can't take care of your vessel, then it is no longer your responsibility.

    All crew members should choose to be efficient. Then, things can be discussed around that. If one part of the crew is not available, then the rest of the crew picks up the slack.

    "Roles" are useless, because it makes people lazy.

    Main sail is always priority.

    (I currently have a messed up arm, so my responses are quick and without much context.)

  • crows nest is kind of useless.. you can spot ships on the horizon just by staying on the deck.. If someone goes in the crows nest and stays there, they aren't really contributing to managing the ship. I would brig anyone that goes there..

    The only thing you need is one guy on the wheel.. the others will pick a sail and work it. The guy that works the front sail watches the front to make sure the ship doesn't crash into anything.

    giving people roles kills their fun. Its a game and people play to have fun. If you make it a job, people will leave or slack off :P better to create a team environment where everyone helps

  • I created a club; Three Sheets to the Wind, to find like-minded pirates who believe the most successful ship is a captainless ship where everyone communicates and shares all ship responsibilities. No designated jobs, just all-around good seamanship/seawomanship. If you like this school of thought, are an adult and have a mic, let me know I’ll send inv.

  • @y0ujerk you need a person in charge :P They dont have to be a "captain" but there has to be one giving clear instructions.

    It won't work if there are multiple conflicting set of instructions.

  • @realbadhor5e no we don’t. We have one; whoever is the helmsman.

  • @y0ujerk so there is one giving clear instructions... one of the helm?

  • @realbadhor5e was my response not clear? Yes, the helmsman/helmswoman should be issuing orders, however that person is not “the captain” on our ships

  • I love that you guys think like that..
    While you are all screaming at each other trying to figure out what to do when canons are raining down.
    We will be pumping you full of canons and waiting for the treasures to float and be on our way to Legendary Status!

    I'm really looking forward to this..

    1 man Galleon is hilarious..
    All my crew mates are ok with their positions and we all came up with them together.

    Crows Nest is OP but please don't use it stand on the main deck with a

    Thanks for the LOLS guys!

  • @y0ujerk again that;s what i said.. you said no..

  • If I may offer a correction. It's not driver, it's ...


    1. be the pilot of (an aircraft or ship).
  • @realbadhor5e said in Crew Management:

    crows nest is kind of useless.. you can spot ships on the horizon just by staying on the deck.. If someone goes in the crows nest and stays there, they aren't really contributing to managing the ship. I would brig anyone that goes there..

    Sounds like the nest needs more attention.

    giving people roles kills their fun. Its a game and people play to have fun. If you make it a job, people will leave or slack off :P better to create a team environment where everyone helps

    Unless they like to be told what their roles are. Solely depends on that. Of course it could be good to have this automated collective that never misses a beat, but there are many variables that won't let that happen so easily. As a new player you may want to tune in for some tricks and tips.

  • @mythicalfable thing with giving people roles is that they will stick with it for the most part. So if there is something else to do, most would go, that's not my job, its the other persons :P Its psychology

    also no one wants the role of just repairing the ship.. thats boring as hell lol

  • @themuckypaw said in Crew Management:

    If I may offer a correction. It's not driver, it's ...


    1. be the pilot of (an aircraft or ship).

    I believe it’s “helmsman” not pilot

    Ex: the helmsman pilots the ship.
    -nautical nerd

  • @y0ujerk Both would be applicable. They are synonyms.

    I have been on ships and been invited to meet the pilot and to have a shot at piloting the ship (IRL).

  • @nastynative007 said in Crew Management:

    I love that you guys think like that..
    While you are all screaming at each other trying to figure out what to do when canons are raining down.
    We will be pumping you full of canons and waiting for the treasures to float and be on our way to Legendary Status!

    I'm really looking forward to this..

    1 man Galleon is hilarious..
    All my crew mates are ok with their positions and we all came up with them together.

    Crows Nest is OP but please don't use it stand on the main deck with a

    Thanks for the LOLS guys!

    I’ll try to respond without reciprocating the passive aggression

    I find ships with a “captain” can deteriorate quickly. Such a rigid structure leaves little room for improvisation, which is an important attribute in any engagement.

    It is, after all, just a game. Our crew has fun even when we’re sinking. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it sounds like your play style is more competitive and less likely to enjoy the little things.

  • @themuckypaw said in Crew Management:

    If I may offer a correction. It's not driver, it's ...


    1. be the pilot of (an aircraft or ship).
  • I'm not so keen on a set, dictatorial captain. It's better if the crew can all full fill multiple roles and take over these roles whenever necessary.

    Also, I've read that on real pirate ships they were very democratic with all members having a right to vote and express opinions on most issues. Also the "2nd in command" the quartermaster often had more direct power than the captain.

    Who Is Who - Pirate Ranks on Ship

  • @zeo did you read my post after that? Pilot and helmsman are synonyms. You can use both but all the ships I've been on referred to them as 'pilots'.

  • @y0ujerk
    It is a game and we take it serious. There are always more laughs when you are the one doing the sinking because you prepared better then the rest.

    Plus I cant say I think too high of some one who tries to recruit on my thread.
    I also have a recruitment page and wouldn't go around posting recruitment info on other peoples threads. But that's just how I was brought up!

  • @nastynative007 said in Crew Management:

    It is a game and we take it serious. There are always more laughs when you are the one doing the sinking because you prepared better then the rest.

    Plus I cant say I think too high of some one who tries to recruit on my thread.
    I also have a recruitment page and wouldn't go around posting recruitment info on other peoples threads. But that's just how I was brought up!

    Hahaharrr! Forgive me, I’m an opportunist. I saw the topic was in conflict with our play style. I figured I’d capitalize on it since the thread would attract opposing views. Sadly my parents didn’t teach me how to forum properly.

  • @y0ujerk
    Excuses are like b********s everyone got them and they all stink!

    GL with recruiting tho!

  • @nastynative007 said in Crew Management:

    Excuses are like b********s everyone got them and they all stink!

    GL with recruiting tho!

    alt text
    alt text

  • @themuckypaw The pilot being the informational relay to the helmsman.

    Though, in your defense, a pilot would more 'nautically' be considered the 'helmsman.'

    In other definitions, that of which is someone whom guides.

    So, if you want to avoid the 500 other definitions of the word, when steering the ship, and lessening an argument against the use of the word and its specific meaning entailed behind said word, it is just more easily associated with the word "Helmsman" rather than "Pilot."

  • @zeo Dude. I've been on ships many times in real life and they were always referred to as pilots. Was the captain lying to me. Check the dictionary, 'pilot' is a common term used by the navy etc to refer to the person steering the ship.

  • @themuckypaw
    To clarify... A Pilot is also someone who flies a kite... Yeah... Let that sink in... Lol.

  • @nastynative007 while you are dictating people where to go and everyone is locked in a role. our crewmates will be all messing around in each role of the ship and having huge laughs because of how much of a mess we are doing. you might as well shout and them and call them scalywags if they dont mop the deck...

  • @zeo said in Crew Management:

    @themuckypaw The pilot being the informational relay to the helmsman.

    Though, in your defense, a pilot would more 'nautically' be considered the 'helmsman.'

    In other definitions, that of which is someone whom guides.

    So, if you want to avoid the 500 other definitions of the word, when steering the ship, and lessening an argument against the use of the word and its specific meaning entailed behind said word, it is just more easily associated with the word "Helmsman" rather than "Pilot."

    Perhaps one has been listening to “insane in the brain” by Cypress Hill. He was a Pirate, Pilot and getting a bit Ultraviolet.

    Anyway, as long as the work gets done when needed my bunch of scallywags can do what they like inbetween.

    Quick edit:

  • @p0gue-mah0n I don't beleive OP has anything to do with that side of the discussion.. Lol

  • @zeo

    😂 quick edit. Reading on phone again. ☺️

  • @salazar-armando said in Crew Management:

    @nastynative007 while you are dictating people where to go and everyone is locked in a role. our crewmates will be all messing around in each role of the ship and having huge laughs because of how much of a mess we are doing. you might as well shout and them and call them scalywags if they dont mop the deck...

    You’d fit right in with my club; Three Sheets to the Wind. Oops @NastyNative007 i did it again.

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