(3D MODEL) 6 Player Ship

  • @shoothere4exp
    Fair play, hope it's all good things.

    Just don't forget to tag us as she grows.

  • I love you!

  • I love this KEEP THIS UP!!!

  • It looks like fun!

  • Rare please, give this awesome man a job. Thanks !

  • That looks like a lot of fun to sail!!

  • It's nice work but a bit too fanciful for my taste.
    What I like with Rare's ships is that they are stylized but believable versions of real ship designs.

  • @xcalypt0x a mini sail at the bow of the ship

  • Beautiful but I'd either expand the crew or reduce the cannons to 10 total. There should be Two cannons per player but subtract the helmsman. The sloop and brigantine were designed in this way. The galleon is currently undermanned by 1. The only way I could see raising the 2/1 ratio would be to add bow/stern cannons on the beast.


  • "Only for PC" (lol).
    One way or the other this ship might challenge the limits of the game.
    Very much like the model. The "bridge" section on the upper deck looks sick!

    Allthough I wonder if the other way around, with two outer paths leading appart a middle-section you can jump into would have been better?
    And I hope you can open the windows there. ^^

  • I would LOVE to see a Man o' War added to this game. Would really feel refreshing to see options for slightly larger crew sizes.

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