
  • Hello,
    Sorry if this question is in the wrong category, but I keep getting the " You must be singned in to XBOX LIVE to play SoT (Ashbeard)". I tried restarting/reinstalling my insider hub but it doesn't work. Any fixes?

    Thank you and keep up the good work.

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    This is all I jave seen on it.

  • @xcalypt0x Thanks man, I saw that. If it's just a case of a slammed server then I can wait. Just wish I get to try it before the Scale Test is over.

  • UPDATE. After digging through the problem and running different tests, I deduced that the problem was being cause by my Comodo Firewall software. After an uninstall of the latter, SOT is working normally.

    Hope it helps someone out there.

  • in the morning sea of thieves where working not i get ashbeard with the server xbox multiplayer is the server connectivity blokked

  • I was getting the Ashbeard error. I too run the Comodo firewall, but all I had to do was set the SoT.exe to "Trusted" when it appeared in the blocked applications.

    Also, in another posting about Discovering Services crashing, Ahbraxas helpfully pointed out the following.

    "Guys, I've managed to come up with a simple fix. The comodo error is related to the update to Comodo to address the SPECTRE vulnerability found in Windows OS in January 18. It updates a DLL file in C:\Windows\System32 named 'Guard64.dll' What you need to do is back that file up, and then change the name of Guard64.dll to Guard64_old.dll. Now in about an hour, Comodo will b***h at you for needing an update, and update that DLL file again, but until you restart, you can play Sea of Theives."

    I hope this helps.

  • question when sea of thieves come out to you need xbox live or just microsoft store to play sea of thieves ?

  • This worked for my friends
    on simple steps
    -first download that, took me a while to find this one:
    -execute it, say yes, dont worry, its save.
    -press windows key+r, write inetcpl.cpl and then hit enter.
    -go to connections settings, LAN configuration.
    -leave everything unmarked except of the first one (auto detect config)

  • @leizyfrog a dit dans Ashbeard :

    -press windows key+r, write inetcpl.cpl and then hit enter.
    -go to connections settings, LAN configuration.
    -leave everything unmarked except of the first one (auto detect config)

    It works for me, thx

  • @leizyfrog Hey man thank you so much that helped me....I'm just curious though..
    I never had problem with ashbeard at alpha and beta so why it happened only now?

  • @LeizyFrog you are my hero :D

  • @LeizyFrog Thank you so f*****g much been trying for hours <3

  • I found another solution
    I tried everything from logging out of MS store, Xbox, even windows itself, nothing worked.
    Until I saw someone on reddit suggest downloading a random app or game from the MS store.
    all I needed to do was download a random app (I downloaded the Netflix app) and then immediately Sea of Thieves connected

    So if anyone is still having issues. Try downloading a random app from the Microsoft store. crazy but it worked!

  • @LeizyFrog YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!

  • @leizyfrog How? How did you get to that solution? It worked SOOOOOO NICE!
    Thank you so much!
    I am amazed that a random guy on the SoT forum gives more helpful support than Microsoft or Rare.

  • @stonedptr well, a friend had the same problem so after testing some ways we found old xbox problems (appearing offline to Friends) on wich case the same steps we're the solution. But my friend couldnt access LAN settings so i looked on a forum and a guy had that reg key wich makes the steps helpfull for almost everyone C:
    And i just want everyone to enjoy the game so i published it.

  • @leizyfrog didn`t work.

  • @LeizyFrog Wanted to thank you cause even the microsoft/xbox support wasn't able to fix the problem. Thank you mate. Really.

  • warum kann ich mich nicht bei x box live anmelden ? brauch mann dafür ne x box ? spiele auf pc

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