[CLOSED] Vote on your favourite Achievement on Twitter!

  • We are out of the brig and have selected our Top Four achievements, ready for you to vote for your favourites!

    The winning achievement idea will become a fully realised Sea of Thieves achievement in the future, PLUS the winner will win an exclusive piece of signed artwork. As if that wasn’t enough, the winner will also win a whole bunch of Sea of Thieves booty!

    These are our Top Four:

    @ever-reddy said in [CLOSED] Design an Achievement Contest!:

    Achievement Name: Death from Above
    Achievement Description: Kill an enemy player while still in the air after being fired out of a cannon.
    (Optional): A pirate in mid-flight after being fired out of a canon with an unsuspecting foe beneath.

    @viicto said in [CLOSED] Design an Achievement Contest!:

    Achievement Name: Noah's Arrrk
    Achievement Description: Set off on your own ark of divinity (or vice) and capture two of each attainable animal. The animals must be caged and aboard the ship at one given point in time.
    (Optional): A congregation of caged animals on the deck.

    @wardaddyapache said in [CLOSED] Design an Achievement Contest!:

    Achievement Name: Liquid Treasure
    Achievement Description: Refill an empty tankard using another crew's stash.
    (Optional): A tankard overflowing with gold.

    @macatwork said in [CLOSED] Design an Achievement Contest!:

    Achievement name: Smile you son of a......
    Description: Kill a shark with a explosive barrel.
    Photo: Shark mouth with barrel

    Votes on the Forum will not count, please make sure you cast your vote on the Twitter post which you can find here:

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  • We had to slightly tweak the wording of the tweet which meant we had to repost it. So if you've voted already, make sure the vote was counted by checking the tweet again!


    @MACATWORK with "Smile you son of a....." with 38% of the vote!

    Thanks to all of you who entered :)

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