Guild leger zeroed after "3 ships per guild" limitation

  • So, after this "3 ships per guild" limitation I've lost all my guild ledger (about 42m of reputation points).
    Probably it's because I got all the ledger points with the ships currently dropped from the guild.
    Who got the same problem? Will I get my ledger back if I manually repledge these ships to the guild (after recalling other 2 ships)? Or should I just wait for limitation lifting and autorepledge? Will I got it back after this or it's like zeroed permanently? Why ledger progress tied to the ships and not to the guild itself?

    Just need some clarification, thank you

  • 3
  • Same thing happened to me

  • @jukka-heller

    On the website our Guild ledger is down to zero, but when looking at it in game it still shows.

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