Having to spend double on cosmetics.

  • Hello
    Nearly everytime i buy a cosmetic now i have to buy it twice, it’ll say i have bought it, but when i go to equip said cosmetic it doesn’t appear, i go back to the shop and it says i didn’t buy it, then when i buy it again, it takes double the money. Obviously gold is extremely easy to get now but still, i’d rather not spend 600k for a ship piece that is supposed to be 300k. I was wondering if anybody has had this issue aswell.

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  • I would submit a support ticket if I was you mate.

  • @killzone1401 yeah this is one for support, not had that issue before.

  • @captainwilks @Tesiccl i know, i just wanted to know if anybody else had this issue aswell before wasting my time raising another support ticket

  • @killzone1401

    Having not bought any cosmetics yet, I can’t help you there I’m afraid mate! :)

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