"Forbidden Your access to our support services has been permanently revoked."

  • I had my support access revoked more than 2 years ago. Is there any way to appeal this? This game has a problem with bigots and hackers, I run into those nasty people personally a lot and I have been unable to report any of it too long in my opinion. Thanks in advance.

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  • Probably not. Because support is how you request essentially a review.

  • the last message I received from Rare was this:
    "Ahoy there,

    Thank you for your report. We want to reassure you that our customer support team here at Rare take every toxic report very seriously and we encourage you to report other incidents should you be unfortunate enough to encounter them.

    Useful link on the information that we need to help assist Player Support in tracking down and taking action on Toxicity: How to Report a Player

    One of our agents will get in touch with you shortly after the investigation has been concluded.

    Thank you for helping to steer the course of Sea of Thieves!


    Sea of Thieves - Player Support"

    I was never reached out to again by any support staff and have had my access to support revoked since then.

  • @rick-drail unfortunately I don't think the forum is the place for this kind of complaint.

  • @captain-fob4141

    I wasn't complaining I was asking a question. & Giving a little context to the question in case it helped in answering the question. Are you able to answer my question?

  • @rick-drail it's not the place for this kind of question either. You won't get an actual answer to why a company decided you were or weren't toxic in a forum that has no to loose affiliation with the company.

    Email support directly, if they don't want to deal with you, that is unfortunately a you problem and the forums can't fix it.

  • Support is the place for all appeals and questions on that matter. No one on the Forums is able to assist. If you have been denied access to Support Tickets, then there is a reason for it and unfortunately, you will no longer be able to log Support Tickets.

    Dropping anchor here as the Forums are not the place for it as no one here can help.

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