Unfair 2 sloops against 1 solo sloop hourglass

  • I didnt know where to put this because i tried finding the correct forum? To post this in? Idk, but anyways.
    So as many others, i play hourglass so i can get the curse and tbh the pvp is somewhat fun and i am getting better.
    I was on a 7 streak, or 6, and i rise up out of the ocean to be met by not 1, but 2 ships.
    I was solo, on a sloop. And so i instantly thought i was toast but didnt want to lose my streak i had been working on, for so long.
    I sail past them and avoid them over and over trying to get a board to at least anchor and delay one of them, but no. They chase me around the boundaries repeatedly. I get lucky eventually and find a keg floating with barrels in the water and i grab it, board one of the ships and keg them. It delayed him enough for me to get myself closer to the solo i was actually supposed to be fighting. And i start canonning. I get there mast, anchor infront of them and canon.
    But the other ship comes along and starts canoning too. So this is just a bucket battle. Im canoning this guy whilst bucketing and geting cannoned, and this guys getting canoned by me whilst he’s bucketing. I get so so so close to winning, but then i get one balled. Of. Bloody. Course.
    Of course i sink.
    And my streak is gone.
    Please, for the love of god, can someone please give there honest opinion on this.
    For them to do this (they are friends btw as i messaged one of them asking why they would do this), they’d have to both server hop to get into the same server, then one would have to sail away whilst the other waits for a ship to rise up and battle them. (This is because i imagine you cant start or get into a hourglass battle with a ship nearby) Then the friend sails over, and helps with his friend to sink the oposing ship.
    Doing server alliances takes hours of server hopping, but this? Hours of server hopping to practically, unfairly cheat in ‘solo’ hourglass. Its ridiculous.
    Please, someone help me out here. And let me know your thoughts on this because not only am i upset, but i have also really really lost my ‘sea of thieves’ mood. I really dont want to do hourglass anymore knowing its not a guarantee that the solo hourglass im queuing into, is actually a solo hourglass :/

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  • At this point in any season in sot it's very easy for people to end up on the same servers organically, they don't even necessarily have to intend to.

    Any of us that play a lot will see the same people over and over and over again.

    It's very common if they are play all day types, or just lucky, or maybe it was all contrived but it doesn't need to be in SoT.

    A big part of why I chose to switch to controller (other than wanting the challenge) is because it opened up more servers so I wouldn't encounter the same people over and over again. Still happens a lot, just less often.

    With all that being said you likely won't see it often. It's pretty rare to run into a coordinated thing like that, they patched out some of the exploity stuff people were doing.

  • This happens less often than you think, after they fixed a few things. A year ago you would have a fleet waiting on the other side to get a piece of the action.

  • Server hopping to squad up is under a bit of a grey area in the rules, but depending on context can be considered cheating, but its up to rare if they think it crosses the line. Generally this is not common, but imo if it happened through more natural means i would say it would be fine. But if they were friends and went out of their way to get on the same server for the advantage then its a bit sad.

  • Ships have to be 2 squares away for a HG battle to start.
    Were the 2 ships together from the start.. or did 1 come sailing in from 2 squares out?

    This could have been broken with the last update though..

    Unfair, Yes.. But this game isnt known for its fairness. Sloops are constantly out numbered.
    And since HG battles take place on an open server,, it happens from time to time.
    Dont get too bothered about it.. its Rare.

  • @li-jratt-li yeah the other sloop was over 2 squares away for sure. It took 10 minutes into the battle before the other sloop arrived. I carried on doing hourglass and didnt encounter them again thankfully, but it is not a fun fight when you are alone against 2 ships :/

  • If it happens organically then it is fair. As they are friends and they are deliberately setting up a 2 vs 1 situation I would say this is 'Teaming' and that is reportable.

    Start here https://support.seaofthieves.com/articles/360016887200
    Include as much information in your report as possible. Include any messages you got from them, especially any where they admit to being friends

  • @phantaxus said in Unfair 2 sloops against 1 solo sloop hourglass:

    If it happens organically then it is fair. As they are friends and they are deliberately setting up a 2 vs 1 situation I would say this is 'Teaming' and that is reportable.


    From Pirate code / CoC, under Cheat or hack:

    Activities such as teaming or boosting to gain an advantage over other players in competitive game modes may also result in enforcement action.

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