The Oldies and the Newbie.

  • Today, I done something I have not done in a long while. I joined an open crew. Normally, I don't do this a lot as I find sometimes it can take a while to find a decent crew that is actually doing something. However, I found a pretty good crew on my first try today. I loaded into a crew that was already out and about sailing. From what I could tell it was a guy who had been playing the game a while, teaching a new player how to play the game. It seemed they had problems with people joining the crew and leaving, I decided to stay, at first because they had the skull of siren song on board, but after we cashed in the skull, I realised that this kid was really new to the game, so I stayed to help the other guy out with the ship while he was teach the kid all different kinds of stuff. I haven't been new to this game for 5 years and would have loved to have someone show me the ropes like this guy was doing. We taught this kid where to sell what loot, how to complete a sea fort and the best way to load up the loot onto the boat. We taught him how to sword lunge (both ways) and we took him to sink his first boat. He really appreciated what we done for him and It is moments like this where I realise why I love this game so much. I'm not sure if my two crew mates will ever read this, but if either of you do, It was a pleasure to sail with you both!

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  • Open crew often gets a bad rap but some of the coolest stuff in this game happens when random people from around the world end up on a boat/server together and unforgettable adventure becomes the outcome.

    I still remember many open crew adventures and the people I met years ago. Still in contact with some of them and still check in on some once in a while. I see some wandering around the community/twitch chats once in a while.

    It seems like some are re-connecting with what made/makes this game special for them, it's great to see and read.

    SoT can often be a small world after all, might end up crossing paths once again someday.

  • @wolfmanbush I agree. It's why I still go into open crews from time to time. Because I know there can be some great moments and when you get those great servers, it just makes you reconnect with the game, which I love.

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