"RESERVOIR SEA DOGS" Guild recruiting pirates from all corners of the Seas

  • @dream3re We are low on spots - just a couple left! Invite sent.

    @Malice7156 Yes, we are still on the look out for more pirates. Just sent you your invite!

    @my-xd4o Invite sent!

    @mylord7274 Both invites have been sent! (Please check your Discord for messages from: aliceinwesteros)

    @ForkyDaSpork Everybody is welcome as long as they are actively playing and contributing to the Guild! Just sent you an invite. (Please check your Discord for messages from: aliceinwesteros)

    @LucioneMM Yup! Still looking for active players to fill the last couple of spots. Invite has been sent!

    @harley-hyena414 Yeah, filling the last spots now. Invite sent!

  • I would love to join!
    Gamertag: B3nnySilver
    Discord: b3nnyll

  • Any space left? My gt is TeaMug2085

  • @iceheart7158
    Hey, Ive been checking my guild page last couple of days and haven't seen an invite, not sure if it's glitched or something?

  • @iceheart7158 dang the invite system must be broken haven't received it

  • @B3nnySilver and @TeaMug2085 - I've sent you your invites!

    @Malice7156 and @harley-hyena414 These invitations are quite often bugged and just don't want to arrive. I've had a couple of these stubborn ones. There's 2 ways to go around this situation: contact support or get invited through the Guild emote. If either one of you see me playing SOT (through Discord or Xbox) message me. I'll open a Guild ship, invite you to that game, and do the Guild invite for you. We have tested this way and it works every time. We just need to be playing at the same time.

  • Wanted to update this thread as we are once again looking for active players to fill a couple of spots! ⛵️🌊

  • Hi, can i still join? Gamertag is NeroFire X.

  • if there still is some space i would love to join gt: Antonfr1

  • @nerofire-x and @antonfr1 both of your invites have been sent!

  • @iceheart7158 i am having problems seeing my guild invites can you send another one?

  • @antonfr1 Just saw that the invite went through that time. Welcome to the Guild! Feel free to join the Discord, if you're interested. I have sent you an invite to it via DM.

    Only a few spots left now!

  • Got space left? Name is Darshiva.


  • @darshiva Sorry for the wait! But I've just sent you your invite!

  • if there is still space in the guild id like to join
    my gamertag is wWickedx

  • @wwickedx Yup, there is! Just sent you your invite

  • Yo yo…I’ve joined the discord, and would like to join the guild aswell, I’m a fairly active player, who mostly does PVE.

    (Xbox) GT: ImThatGus3710

  • Yo if you got any space left I’d love to join, I do both PVE and PVP consistently

    Steam user- Turtleking235

  • hey, i would really like to join your guild. my name is JayJay2305400

  • @turtleking235 and @JayJay2305400 We've got space for both of you! I've sent you your invites.

  • Hey I'd like to join and have fun! Name: aguyog12

  • IGN: Thomyz5738
    i would like to join

  • Would be glad to join! Papirozza here, solo sloop captain!

  • @aguyog12 , @Thomyz5738 , @Papirozza - I have send all three of you invites! Please, check your in-game Guilds tab to see it.

  • Hey, kinda new to the game. My gt is Riversold889

  • @riversolid889 Just sent you your invite!

  • @iceheart7158 Hello you do you still have a place in the guild i would like to join.

  • Would love to join! Semi active, not quite daily. Been playing a few weeks.

  • I will like to join your guI want to join your guild! I am a Pirate Legend. I have played SoT for years now. I do not use discord.

  • Sorry about the typos.I will join via the guild inbox. Sorry about the typos.

  • Dang keyboard...

  • Momoqa2527 on Xbox PC, will be nice being in a guild that isn't just myself if you have room still

  • ziiro#8490 if u still got spots

  • Are you still open to have one more

  • Idk if you needed only my Xbox or both my Xbox and discord so I'm just going to put both on this one
    Xbox: LMGxGadget
    Discord: LMG_Gadget

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