Season Ten - State of Play Update

  • @knurl i sold another breath of the sea and got it

  • When will the skull of destiny captains quests be available to purchase again? only being able to buy the quest from the pirate lord makes hard to get more then a couple at a time.

  • Well i appreciate the efforts of the team to get thr game to a manageable state, hit reg remaons far worse off then it was can we be given a time.line or daily updates regarding the changes being made? I know this is asking a lot but due to this being a widely anticipated release I feel It would bolster faith in the community if They were reassured actions were being taken

  • @sonicbob

    Are these changes implemented or just 'in progress'? The cannon bug is legitimately killing the game for me and my crew. The lag is what it is but getting Rared when trying to board or go to an island via cannon is one of if not the most frustrating bug this game has ever seen.

  • Desync is bad right now. It is a game changer in a bad way :(

  • Been trying to complete a Tall Tale for over 5 hours now. First I keep disconnecting when going in a portal, or when trying to cancel the Tall Tale and going through a tunnel.

    During the Tall Tale I also had a big where I couldn’t interact with Stan, having to redo it once again.

    Now I’m at the end and I’m having the same problem where I get disconnected as I try to leave the Tall Tale. Reconnecting also doesn’t work because then it’s bugged once again leaving me unable to leave Melee Island and finish the Tall Tale.

    This is incredibly frustrating and sucks all the joy out of what was supposed to be a fun session.

    And this hasn’t happened to me before season 10

  • Fortune's Favour and Reaper's Riches Commendation Progress went to 59/60 on both for me. Should've been 60/60 but I'll just do 1 more.

  • Would it be possible to implement a guild chat of some sort? Perhaps a way to join a session with a guild member with another (guild) ship if their current ship is full? Though discord or xbox party helps, I was thinking it'd be nice to have some in-game tools to better coordinate and get organized with guilds.

  • Fortunes Favor and Reapers Riches is still bugged for me and a few of my crew mates but some of my crew had theres fixed. Any news if this is still being worked on?

  • @strongstylethug Same for me. The commendation shows as completed but it still appears 59/60. Last patch notes (Hotfix – said that we have to sell 1 more but I sold a Reaper Chest in the last hours and it still appears as 59/60 for me.

  • @capt-steals dang Im hoping that after the new update it fixes finally.

76 / 81