Season 8 bad for mental health?

  • So the title seems stupid but let me explain. Imagine that you have been playing for awhile and every update you hope for the skeleton curse. Then surprise! It's here and you are super excited to get it. Then it's you see it's locked behind PvP and you are mediocre at PvP but you give it your best shot. Fast-forward two months and your not even halfway there and is so demoralized that you are considering quitting the game entirely or quitting videogames entirely after losing multiple battles in a row. And when you think that you can ask for help from others all you receive is "Get good" or "This is OUR update". Now pretend that you already have some other problems and videogames are a stress reliever. You can probably figure out the rest.

    TLDR: Season 8 is making the game unenjoyable, Getting toxicity from others and making things worse.

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  • This game has never been great as a stress reliever for many people without connections and for people already going through things.

    It's a lot of frustration and a lot of stress for many people.

    This is an incredible game for some, a great community for some, but it's absolutely not for everyone at all times.

    It often either takes a lot of adapting and implementing strategy for health or just avoiding in general.

    Combat, fomo, encounters in the game, it's tough for people sometimes and has been for a long time.

    Personal health is very important, if something is negatively impacting personal health I think it would help people to first consider changing approach and if that doesn't work just playing other games or starting up other hobbies.

  • As with many aspects of this game, playing it just to grind out various items isn't a good strategy. All you'll do is burn out and not enjoy it.

    Play the game for the adventures it offers.

    In the case of the Hourglass mode, if it's turning you off the game that much, give it a break. Or play 1 or 2 battles at MOST per session. Don't make these curses the be all and end all of your playing experience or you'll be miserable.

  • Do not grind the game unless you enjoy grinding for the sake of grinding.

    Do what you want and what you are capable of handling.

    If you are weak in PvP, seek to buff your crew with players who enjoy and are good at PvP. You might even get better yourself but maybe not. What matter is you have FUN. If you aren't having fun, QUIT doing it.

    Video games are supposed to be fun, not stressful. They are supposed to be an escape from the stresses of our world.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Season 8 bad for mental health?:

    Do not grind the game unless you enjoy grinding for the sake of grinding.

    Do what you want and what you are capable of handling.

    If you are weak in PvP, seek to buff your crew with players who enjoy and are good at PvP. You might even get better yourself but maybe not. **What matter is you have FUN. If you aren't having fun, QUIT doing it.

    Video games are supposed to be fun, not stressful. They are supposed to be an escape from the stresses of our world.**

    positive sentiment but I don't think it needs to be fun necessarily, rewarding in a sustainable way works too

    crawling through the mud and cold rain is alright for an objective that overall does some good for someone

    some struggle, challenging goal chasing, discomfort is alright, it's mainly when it starts leading into serious negative effects that it's time to find something new. If someone starts treating themselves or others poorly, building up resentment about the environment, feeling significantly down or defeated regularly, then it's probably time to throw in the towel.

  • Imagine that you have been playing for awhile and every update you hope for the skeleton curse.

    Go on

    Then surprise! It's here and you are super excited to get it. Then it's you see it's locked behind PvP and you are mediocre at PvP but you give it your best shot.

    I have yes...

    Fast-forward two months and your not even halfway there and is so demoralized that you are considering quitting the game entirely or quitting videogames entirely after losing multiple battles in a row.

    Ehhhh, No. I stopped after the first 2 weeks, knowing full well I didnt have it in me to deal with the troubles. And knowing Rare, down the road they may release an alternative to rewarding those curses. Much like the PL curse.
    so no Ive never considered quitting due to that.

    Now pretend that you already have some other problems and videogames are a stress reliever.

    Seems you need other games as a stress reliever. Might I suggest some softcore titles? Minecraft? Maybe fall guys? How about a good card game of UNO?

    Season 8 is making the game unenjoyable, Getting toxicity from others and making things worse.

    Only if you let it. Many others have come and gone, saying the same about past seasons...

  • Pvp mode is competition. Anything competitive is going to bring stress in some form. Also, don't be in a hurry. Also, I think 95 percent of the players are well behaved in the pvp mode unless you start flapping gums at them then they will likely respond.

  • Then don’t do it?? There’s so many other things to do. Not many people, if any at all, are going to have every cosmetic

  • @halogamer2005
    I am with you! XD
    What amazes me the most is that, after two months, I still haven't seen a single thing of the new update, only these new battles.
    I want to see the new places, the characters that must be waiting, the new customization (at least see it!), who knows what more things, but it seems they added a content to NOT be unlocked.

    I am level 60 with servants and 10 with guardians, and I don't know, I am tired after fighting more than 130 battles in the same loop.
    At this point, I am going to play other games that make my time enjoyable, instead of a game that forces me to play and without rewards.

  • I would not say it's bad for mental health, it's simply not fun. For me Sea of Thieves has been reduced to just large time sink obstacle called hourglass and feeling of being exploited when playing the mode so I rather spend my time having fun in other games. Remember when we could do random adventures and progress steadily through trading companies towards the Pirate Legend while having fun using new cosmetics? Good times.

  • @halogamer2005 What I really struggle to get my head around is the fact you say you’re considering quitting because of the grind to get the skeleton curse??


    Did you see the gameplay trailers on steam and seen people crewing ships and having swashbuckling adventures and said “Meh, cant be bothered with any of that nonsense but ooooh…a skeleton costume perhaps? ADD TO BASKET.

    Surely you play the game to have fun right?

    Like thats why we play video games right? To have fun? Or an i going clinically insane?

    Skeleton cosmetics are cool and all but thats all they are. Cosmetics. Its not like you’re losing out in any special gameplay content.

    Frustrated at the grind? I understand it. But then again its not as daunting if you do it with friends.

    But quitting the game because of it? 😵‍💫

    I believe in situations where you actually say stuff like this you should reassess whether ot not you’re having fun at all when playing. Because when the fun stops then why are you keep booting it up?

    I dont personally understand the problem.
    I have fun sailing the seas and causing mayhem. Everything else is just a little extra on top.

  • I have finally got my skeleton curse last week. I'm not a big fan of cool rewards being locked only behind absolute pvp, but it is what it is. Even so, I will never touch that damned hourglass anymore. I unlocked the bonus part for the skelly curse with the pve chill commendations and I'm happy with that. I don't have intention to try again to unlock the ghost curse. The moment I have got my skelly curse I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Too much stress for a game is not healthy at all. For that I have already my job. I'm glad I got back to "standard" adventure mode with organic player interactions, both friendly and unfriendly, but that's what I love about the game. The hourglass mode is too much " forced" in my opinion.

  • PvP vs PvE stuff aside, I'll be honest with you... Games are supposed to be fun.

    If you're not having fun sometimes it's time to find something else to play, I always do this. This year I finished Return to Monkey Island, Celeste, Sonic Frontiers, Little Nightmares, High on Life and played several other games. Among them, Return to Monkey Island is a great game to play and enjoy a good story.

    I know that PvP can be frustrating for many players, but it is part of Sea of ​​Thieves, and what makes this game different from anything else is precisely this mix of PvP and PvE, this unique thing that you don't see around. If you still really want the curses, the best and fastest way is to do PvP, and there's not much of a secret, it's a matter of training and avoiding mistakes. There is a lot of good content especially on YouTube that will teach you how to win most battles, of course, you will also need to train a little. In a week or two of training you will be able to sink the vast majority of players without any problems.

    Anyway, if gaming isn't your thing, try something else. Mental health is more important than a virtual outfit in a pirate game with clay graphics.

  • @slewedant825216 said in Season 8 bad for mental health?:

    Imagine asking a casual player to WIN approximately 340 battles to unlock both curses.

    Notice the keyword there being “WIN” 340 battles not just participate in 340 battles.

    I think the grind is absolutely insane.

    I think it's the least enjoyable and least interesting content they have made when it comes to casual play but it's not really the most challenging. It's just not fun for many of them but there is a path forward with loss rep.

    Casuals have never had it easy if they stick around the game for reward. Completing reaper commendations organically is a nightmare for casual players and even more so when it came out because of how rare athena activity and grade 5 athena flags were. Athena content for a casual in the risk filled environment was a nightmare. All of the negatives amplified more and more as hopping pvp got more extreme.

    Season rewards gave casuals something more realistic to chase but this game has always been incredibly difficult for casual players and inexperienced players without connections on the topic of rewards.

    Losing in pvp over and over in contrived combat is more abrasive on the surface but a lot of the rewards before season 8 were a lot less forgiving to chase. People lost a lot more time and made a lot less progress by doing something for an hour or two and then getting robbed at the end which lead to no progress at all.

    This is a strange game is some ways, who it markets heavily to and the experience it provides often doesn't match up.

  • @halogamer2005 sagte in Season 8 bad for mental health?:

    So the title seems stupid but let me explain. Imagine that you have been playing for awhile and every update you hope for the skeleton curse. Then surprise! It's here and you are super excited to get it. Then it's you see it's locked behind PvP and you are mediocre at PvP but you give it your best shot. Fast-forward two months and your not even halfway there and is so demoralized that you are considering quitting the game entirely or quitting videogames entirely after losing multiple battles in a row. And when you think that you can ask for help from others all you receive is "Get good" or "This is OUR update". Now pretend that you already have some other problems and videogames are a stress reliever. You can probably figure out the rest.

    TLDR: Season 8 is making the game unenjoyable, Getting toxicity from others and making things worse.

    Nah, sorry mate. it is on you. Noone forces you to anything, and greedyness leads to bad mental health. Its not the game`s fault, its your greed.
    And people dont ask for "help", like "plz help me win fights" - they ask for the game to get easier, so they dont need to challenge their craving. No.
    But what could help your mental state: Learn to embrace the path. Focus on that - not the goal.

  • I wanted the curses initially. But after seeing how many useless pvp players have cheated and cheesed their way to level 100, I have now decided I don't want to work towards the curses after all.
    Another totally devalued bit of content on this game..

  • @knurd9369 said in Season 8 bad for mental health?:

    As with many aspects of this game, playing it just to grind out various items isn't a good strategy. All you'll do is burn out and not enjoy it.

    Play the game for the adventures it offers.

    In the case of the Hourglass mode, if it's turning you off the game that much, give it a break. Or play 1 or 2 battles at MOST per session. Don't make these curses the be all and end all of your playing experience or you'll be miserable.

    Yea, my goal is to gain one or two levels a day, then do something I enjoy. Small, measurable, achievable goals is the only way to survive hourglass with sanity intact.

  • The best thing you can do is not see this as a grind.

    The same goes for all games. As soon as you don’t try to grind out progress, and instead literally just play a game for fun when you want to play it, you’ll be less stressed.

    Games are meant to be fun - if they stop being fun and start being a chore, don’t play them.

  • @targasbr a dit dans Season 8 bad for mental health? :

    There is a lot of good content especially on YouTube that will teach you how to win most battles, of course, you will also need to train a little. In a week or two of training you will be able to sink the vast majority of players without any problems.

    This is just false. wrong. Nothing is right here.

    Knowledge doesn't automatically translates to skill you know ? I watched everything. Now I'm in my 30's, I just don't have the reflexes I had 15 years ago...

    I'm glad it worked for you that way, but stop thinking your example is universal. We're all different. I understand now
    why you reason like this on other threads. You just think it's something everyone can achieve. Let me tell you it's not, you're wrong. Some people will struggle way more than other. It's like in school : some understand and apply right away, while for some it needs time, and for others it just won't work.

    There's so much more to PvP than nowledge.... What screwed me over a couple of times is my empathy, I just couldn't but give them win, to those poor kids I heard crying and sobbing over hot mic cos' they couldn't take it anymore

    Edit : And those youtube videos have their limit too... Nowhere did I see on YT that, depending on the sizes and number of holes I had, I had time to raise my mast, go back bail 3 times, repairt said mast, bail again, then sail away. You only gain that knowledge after you sank. A lot. Youtubers don't talk about priorities either, they just go "do that, then that, then you won", never taking into account the obstacles along the way (how to dodge cannonballs to your face, when to quit cannonline for your life, clutchhing with a blunderbomb.... This all come from experience, good judgement, quick decision making, all the stuff you can't learn in a YT video...

  • @jolly-ol-yep said in Season 8 bad for mental health?:

    @targasbr a dit dans Season 8 bad for mental health? :

    There is a lot of good content especially on YouTube that will teach you how to win most battles, of course, you will also need to train a little. In a week or two of training you will be able to sink the vast majority of players without any problems.

    This is just false. wrong. Nothing is right here.

    Knowledge doesn't automatically translates to skill you know ? I watched everything. Now I'm in my 30's, I just don't have the reflexes I had 15 years ago...

    I'm glad it worked for you that way, but stop thinking your example is universal. We're all different. I understand now
    why you reason like this on other threads. You just think it's something everyone can achieve. Let me tell you it's not, you're wrong. Some people will struggle way more than other. It's like in school : some understand and apply right away, while for some it needs time, and for others it just won't work.

    There's so much more to PvP than nowledge.... What screwed me over a couple of times is my empathy, I just couldn't but give them win, to those poor kids I heard crying and sobbing over hot mic cos' they couldn't take it anymore

    In your 30’s? Spare a thought for those of us in our 50s 🤣. Though I’m not going to use my age as an excuse. (Not saying you are, just saying I don’t).

    I too would stop the fight/attack if I discovered my opponent was a kid, even if he were a young teen 🙂

  • I do think the post is a bit extreme but i also believe the goals are extremely high, the curse and the reaper reward should have been at level 50 as this would be for regular players, they already gave the extreme pvp players their goal which is level 1000 for the legendary curse which no regular player will ever reach.

  • @jolly-ol-yep said in Season 8 bad for mental health?:

    @targasbr a dit dans Season 8 bad for mental health? :

    There is a lot of good content especially on YouTube that will teach you how to win most battles, of course, you will also need to train a little. In a week or two of training you will be able to sink the vast majority of players without any problems.

    This is just false. wrong. Nothing is right here.

    Knowledge doesn't automatically translates to skill you know ? I watched everything. Now I'm in my 30's, I just don't have the reflexes I had 15 years ago...

    I'm 35 and I don't have half the reflexes I had when I was just a teenager, but that doesn't stop me from winning most battles. I also don't have as much time as I would like to play, work, study, family, all of this is a priority.
    I'm not a god at this game, I'm far from it, what makes me win most of the battles is that the game's community is practically PvE, therefore, it doesn't know anything about PvP, so anyone with a greater knowledge wins the battles without problems.

    I'm glad it worked for you that way, but stop thinking your example is universal. We're all different. I understand now
    why you reason like this on other threads. You just think it's something everyone can achieve. Let me tell you it's not, you're wrong. Some people will struggle way more than other. It's like in school : some understand and apply right away, while for some it needs time, and for others it just won't work.

    We are all different, but the biggest difference between people is that some give up even before trying while others try to push the limits.
    A lot of content out there will tell you exactly what you should be doing and when to do it.
    A player is firing a cannon at you? shoot him.
    Are their guns better than yours? Bombardments, Cursed Cannon Balls.
    The enemy's guns are silent and you see that they are throwing a lot of water out? Time to tackle.
    Of course, it requires the person to acquire the ability to think and do these things at the right time, but let's face it, nothing that simply playing the game can't solve.

    There's so much more to PvP than nowledge.... What screwed me over a couple of times is my empathy, I just couldn't but give them win, to those poor kids I heard crying and sobbing over hot mic cos' they couldn't take it anymore

    I lost count of how many times I felt sorry for the other player and returned something I stole and even helped later. Games are meant to be fun.

    Edit : And those youtube videos have their limit too... Nowhere did I see on YT that, depending on the sizes and number of holes I had, I had time to raise my mast, go back bail 3 times, repairt said mast, bail again, then sail away. You only gain that knowledge after you sank. A lot. Youtubers don't talk about priorities either, they just go "do that, then that, then you won", never taking into account the obstacles along the way (how to dodge cannonballs to your face, when to quit cannonline for your life, clutchhing with a blunderbomb.... This all come from experience, good judgement, quick decision making, all the stuff you can't learn in a YT video...

    There's no way to say "Do this and you'll win", because that doesn't exist. There's no way to talk about priorities either, because this is relative.
    If the ship is filling with water, the priority is to remove the water.
    If it's filling up with water and you've been approached, the priority is to kill the person who approached you. If the water is too high, the priority is to remove a little before trying to kill the enemy.
    Everything in this game is relative and we only learn that by playing.
    Wanting the magic formula to win everything doesn't exist, in anything, not even in the simplest game.
    But it is a fact that having more knowledge of the opponent will make the battles become absurdly easier.

  • @targasbr

    I know I'm the one here playing a different game than others, sailing mostly solo all the time, but the results of so many of the fights I had in this environment had much more to do with randomness and luck than knowledge and skill....

    You can "outknow" your opponent as much as you want, bunny-hopping just at the right time after his reload to avoid it, only to be backtracked, killed, and you lost. I've seen broadside battles won just cause I, or the opponent, had that infuriating glitch where you cannon doesn't reload. Freezes don't help either when in the middle of battle, and so on...

    It's given me wins too, it's not all negative.

    And to be fair, most games are OK, without too much glitching or bugs. It's just, you know, that one battle against a toxic crew you're about to sink while being at streak 9, that goes horribly wrong because of an infinite black screen.

    I can see where the "mental health" complaints come from

  • @jolly-ol-yep said in Season 8 bad for mental health?:


    I know I'm the one here playing a different game than others, sailing mostly solo all the time, but the results of so many of the fights I had in this environment had much more to do with randomness and luck than knowledge and skill....

    You can "outknow" your opponent as much as you want, bunny-hopping just at the right time after his reload to avoid it, only to be backtracked, killed, and you lost. I've seen broadside battles won just cause I, or the opponent, had that infuriating glitch where you cannon doesn't reload. Freezes don't help either when in the middle of battle, and so on...

    It's given me wins too, it's not all negative.

    And to be fair, most games are OK, without too much glitching or bugs. It's just, you know, that one battle against a toxic crew you're about to sink while being at streak 9, that goes horribly wrong because of an infinite black screen.

    I can see where the "mental health" complaints come from

    Unfortunately SoT is not a competitive game and neither Rare nor the community look at the game that way, so I don't think that one day they will fix all these problems that affect anyone looking for a good battle. This PvP mode was only introduced in the game so that the orphans of the arena would stop playing terror in the adventure mode, not to please PvP fans. Unfortunately, it's a game with immense potential to be at the top along with real competitive games.

  • @halogamer2005 ok hold on a sec, this has nothing to do with mental health. If u r upset with a game then u r upset with a game, which does not actually affect ur mental state. Skelly curse is a cosmetic, jus like any other cosmetic, and yes, not everyone will have the patience to get it. The sea of thieves remains the game it was, but now the servers are much calmer. Dont tell me your are telling the game is ruined cause u cannot get a cosmetic, thats just ridiculous. If you cant get it - u cant get it, carry on playing the game like you were.

  • It's a difficult balance, they want to drive up engagement but not leave you with complete FOMO. Ultimately the pressure you feel is purely from your own expectations. I don't feel any great rush to get curses, have been working on them but i enjoy pvp, doubt ill ever get the gold curses or no time soon

  • @hiradc a dit dans Season 8 bad for mental health? :

    It's a difficult balance, they want to drive up engagement but not leave you with complete FOMO.

    Lol. Sea of Thieves relies on FOMO ALL the time, disguising it behind narratives of mementos or some grand event where you took 2 mins firing fireworks and drinking grog somewhere (adventures, events, twitch drops with 48 hours-long streams - don't get me wrong, this was awesome, but talking about health issues, I'm 100% sure some folks out there got deprived of some well-earned sleep)

  • @wolfmanbush said in Season 8 bad for mental health?:

    positive sentiment but I don't think it needs to be fun necessarily, rewarding in a sustainable way works too

    crawling through the mud and cold rain is alright for an objective that overall does some good for someone

    This though, as an avid fan of games like Dark Souls (and not being one of the 'git gud' people) I love punishing gameplay. I don't mind struggling and being ground into the dirt, because I know with persistence that I will, eventually, win. And once I do, I'll progress towards the next challenge.

    The difference between the Hourglass and, say, fighting a really difficult boss, is that I know once I defeat the boss that I've succeeded, and my rewards for it are immediate. I got over the hill, I have a fancy new toy and/or souls to spend to get stronger, and now I've got the next hill already in my sights, ready to start climbing again. There's a tangible sense of accomplishment, and that success is what makes me want to keep going!

    The Hourglass however... Instead of a set of hills, it's just one massive, very steep hill. The only rewards along the way to the top are some titles and figureheads, neither of which I really care for since the figureheads and titles are mostly pretty bad. I really wish they'd have added some extra cosmetics, a few weapon skins and maybe a hat to each side in order to give you more incentive to climb.

    Essentially, just give me other things to work towards while I'm working towards the curse lol.

  • @spoops9984 there's some decent trinkets 😅

  • @halogamer2005 I would just loss farm here and there I'm at 74 for SOF Right now and it's still a pain to grind (only 4 of my levels have come from loss farming because I recently started doing it because I have a level goal I meet every day so I can get the curse and most of my crew tends to dip before then) so trust me I get the struggle but loss farm for a bit when you get super stressed and P.O. at the game that way you get some rep while also getting time to relax and breathe a little and I promise you while not everyone is on board with the whole loss farming thing that you run into while doing it a lot of times I get people thanking me and actually sitting down and talking I'm still yet to run into anyone toxic while doing this so maybe try what I'm suggesting.

  • I think for a lot of people, Season 8's main content being PvP battles is proving to be exhausting, and just showcasing every single issue about PvP that Rare is probably not going to address or make enough fixes to within a short time span.

    That being said mental health... I do believe this game does negatively affect mental health this season, but that's mostly because of goals. I don't know if I have mentioned it enough but I am currently on a mental health break from the game currently as I wanted to find a way to improve my mood while sailing. My mental health deterioration comes from the constant anxiety of impressions between crewmates, standards wanted from crewmates, and morality I can keep within my crew per sink/sail. Since I have nothing but short term crews, and heavily dislike solo gameplay currently, I'm at a point where I can't sail without a crew, and when you cannot get/keep a good crew... Anyways.

    Your mental health deterioration appears to come from losing enjoyment or the usual sense of accomplishment you get doing most of anything in the game, while the basics of S8's content is "win or don't". It's brutal, but that's why for the majority of the playerbase, this seasonal content should be handled as 1-2 battles a day.

    I think people should realize that despite Rare setting these new curses to be PvP goals, and is intending it to keep it that way, there shouldn't be such a panic about this content dying immediately when Arena lasted at least 2 years before its cord got cut. However, since this content is not created by a third party (like Arena), it will probably be maintained until the game closes its servers at the end of its run. There is no need to panic, and there is no need to stress yourself out on the content, take it in doses, learn a thing or two between your fights, and if it gets too frustrating, stop sailing, or do a different activity in-game that will make you happy.

  • @slewedant825216 said in Season 8 bad for mental health?:

    Imagine asking a casual player to WIN approximately 340 battles to unlock both curses.

    Notice the keyword there being “WIN” 340 battles not just participate in 340 battles.

    I think the grind is absolutely insane.

    I dont see the issue.
    You have different rewards for different playstyles.

    If you primarily pvp why not have a reward to show off how much time you have put into it?

    Every pve activity has unlockable cosmetics so whats wrong with having a pvp equivalent?

  • @guyrza said in Season 8 bad for mental health?:

    @halogamer2005 ok hold on a sec, this has nothing to do with mental health. If u r upset with a game then u r upset with a game, which does not actually affect ur mental state. Skelly curse is a cosmetic, jus like any other cosmetic, and yes, not everyone will have the patience to get it. The sea of thieves remains the game it was, but now the servers are much calmer. Dont tell me your are telling the game is ruined cause u cannot get a cosmetic, thats just ridiculous. If you cant get it - u cant get it, carry on playing the game like you were.

    @Guyrza it’s not your place to determine whether something affects anyone else’s mental health.
    You might not understand, or agree…..but unkind comments are not constructive.
    A lot of people, including myself, immerse themselves into games such as SoT for escapism.
    SoT has provided this for me since launch.
    However, since the launch of Season 8, the atmosphere within the game has sadly changed for the worse.
    There has been an increase is negative messages being sent during matches, spamming of party invites, and blatant cheating.
    Hopefully this will decrease now the initial novelty of the update has passed.

  • @halogamer2005 I understand what you’re saying 🙂. Please don’t let this make you quit the game you love so much.
    It is a grind, but it’s important to enjoy the game too. I’m not close to getting the curses either, but have lowered my expectations. We’ll get there!
    Do you play solo, or crew up? Try a mix of both, you might find a change will be helpful.
    Happy sailing 🏴‍☠️

  • @halogamer2005 Man, two weeks of pvp play was enough for me to learn how to drown anyone. The game is casual enough that I don't understand how you can't learn to play pvp in two months.
    I can tell you a guide on how to get 100 lvl. You just need to activate the hourglass and collect treasure. At 5 level you will get a lot of xp when you win. As if you won 5 battles.

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