Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat

  • @ix-indi-xi I understand what you r talking about but it was not server lag, its clearly understandeble things that can not be prformed in this game without additional programs, you can see that things on youtube, some gamers have slow motion footage records with that cheating magic

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  • but rn the best option would be EAC since it is the hardest to bypass

    Absolver, Black Clover, Captain Tsubasa, Dragon Ball FigherZ, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Elden Ring, Far Cry 5, Naruto to Boruto, Outriders, and many more.

    Are all games that use EAC and people cheat online with no effort using Cheat Engine, so no is not hard to bypass. BattleEye is still best third-party option available, cheats for it are rare and sold at premium, keeping in mind no Anti-Cheat is perfect.

    This discussion is still useless, we have a topic about an Anti-Cheat every year, every year that same topic is closed and nothing is changed. Just embrace that nothing is being done, it's been 5 years without a third-party Anti-Cheat despite all the complains, I've already made terms and switched to Xbox.

  • @ikobi-blade Are those ultra popular games. It's different, and there are probably levels to security EAC offers, by how much you pay them most likely. What I am saying is that this company I mean by their "stats" most likely can provide full security. It is true all Kernel Level anti cheats are invasive but something has to be done. Every challenge is fun when reversing. I never wanted and will never go to path of creating those things, but every reverser wants a good challenge and some fun to try to bypass something to test their skill levels of programming. EAC was by far the hardest one. Also it's not true about Cheat Engine. I tested it, when trying to reverse the game you can't even turn it on, EAC will detect it automatically and your gone (That's when you don't do any coding to hide). Idk where you've seen that. Hell, even VAC can detect opened Cheat Engine and will ban you instantly in miliseconds.

    But on the other hand I don't see option of Rare doing their Anti-Cheat since it will be a waste of time updating it every week and they wouldn't focus on the game as much. Hand it to the companies who have full time job for that and update their ACs very, very often.

  • @pit0nn said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    @ikobi-blade Are those ultra popular games. It's different, and there are probably levels to security EAC offers, by how much you pay them most likely. What I am saying is that this company I mean by their "stats" most likely can provide full security. It is true all Kernel Level anti cheats are invasive but something has to be done. Every challenge is fun when reversing. I never wanted and will never go to path of creating those things, but every reverser wants a good challenge and some fun to try to bypass something to test their skill levels of programming. EAC was by far the hardest one. Also it's not true about Cheat Engine. I tested it, when trying to reverse the game you can't even turn it on, EAC will detect it automatically and your gone (That's when you don't do any coding to hide). Idk where you've seen that. Hell, even VAC can detect opened Cheat Engine and will ban you instantly in miliseconds.

    But on the other hand I don't see option of Rare doing their Anti-Cheat since it will be a waste of time updating it every week and they wouldn't focus on the game as much. Hand it to the companies who have full time job for that and update their ACs very, very often.

    If you can't even use Cheat Engine with EAC running background, your experience in the matter is quite low. EAC does not sell multiple levels of the Anti-Cheat, and VAC is not an option for Sea of Thieves.

    As for Rare using their own Anti-Cheat, they been using Microsoft TruePlay, we need a proper client side Anti-Cheat.

    Not only that but using a third-party Anti-Cheat is not a hands off approach, the game developers that are responsible for their own custom signatures, the third-party Anti-Cheat will only cover the basics if not properly maintained.

  • @callmebackdraft said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    @karkona there is indeed some sort of detection active, although with some of the egregious things happening recently it is clear that more needs to be done.

    • players moving at impossible speeds
    • players teleporting across the map to get kegs and drop them off lit on decks
    • pinpoint accuracy on guns/cannons
    • players using the shipwright repair system while in the middle of a battle and sea multiple times in a row (just saw proof of that this morning)

    I have always been of the mindset that a small minority is actually using cheats but with a “game mode” like the hourglass it the minority just gets highlighted more.

    Let me be clear cheating will always happen, but currently the detection system is not up to where it should be and the punishment is WAY to lax, mainly because of people just able to create account after account for free.

    Imho hardware id bans should be happening way more, because that would at least weed out the people just using vpns to avoid ip bans

    Saw the gun cheat for the first time on Xbox today, 100% accuracy at long distance on 2 moving ships. *sigh*

  • @ikobi-blade Again you read wrong. I never said I can't use Cheat Engine with EAC background. I said for those who have 0 knowledge will get themselves banned for using it in the background. (I just saw, maybe I misread it, did you mean in general for people lol ?)

    On the second part I agree with you.

  • Just came back after while, update on this. It's now swarmed with cheaters officially.

    Having 90% winrate myself and saying this. It's not type of like I am bad I can't play.

  • Bump..

    Any new information regarding upcoming Anti-Cheat does anyone know? Haven't been following game for a while.

  • @pit0nn bumping a thread that’s older than 30 days is against forum rules btw…

  • @pit0nn said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:


    Please don’t.

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