Remove enemy crew controls on your ship/nerf the barrier

  • The problem I encountered alot is that when I fight they like to board immediately, kill me and steer my ship into the border that was designed to prevent people from running away from the fight, not used as a cheap way to get a killstreak. In my eyes that's cheating and abusing the system. It's not fair and cowardly and its always the reapers that do it.

    It's cheap. I think the ability for enemy crews to operate your ship (except the anchor) should be removed during these fights so they cant just avoid confrontation all together and just steer your ship out of bounds so they can win the first ten seconds the fight starts. Its unfair, unfun and cheap. I call it cheating.

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  • It is a valid strategy, its cheep, but it is valid!

    Just because something works well against some, does not mean it should be nerfed, considering its based entirely in a combat skill that is learned and not some strange exploit, it is fair, even if its aggravating.

  • No. Why did you let them on instantly, by the sounds of it, multiple times? This isn't an issue with the game, but the player. Change your tactics look out for boarders shooting out of cannons or sword lunging off their ship. Don't try the same thing again and again, expecting something to change, because it won't.

  • @scurvywoof I cant help it if they kill me. The fight only lasts a couple seconds and when I respawn they have my ship heading for the border and he throws bombs at me constantly and I cant even reach my anchor to stop my ship from moving. I cant do anything if im being knocked off or killed by bomb spam.

  • In my eyes that's cheating and abusing the system. It's not fair and cowardly and its always the reapers that do it.

    So far it the same tactic as if they would sail your ship into rocks, islands or Red Sea. Not a cheat but is frowned upon.

    removed during these fights

    Since your still in open world server. Another ship can just sail in to your battle. Board and do the same thing.

  • @goldsmen but it's cheap and unfair. I had a fight last under a minute because he went straight to boarding, killed me and every time I come back from the ferry he would just spam bombs until I died or fell off. I doubt that had this in mind as a "stradegy" they're earning killstreaks just by sailing the enemy ship the opposite direction

  • @burnbacon I'm aware of that. I'm glad I havent encountered that nonsense yet. But I feel like I jinxed myself long ago and once my tv is fixed and im back on the sea im gonna start encountering it and i'll be humoring them by either fighting or scuttling.

  • @scott100000000 So guard ladders and change tactics! The battle doesn’t start with someone on the opposing physically on your ship!

  • @scott100000000 said in Remove enemy crew controls on your ship/nerf the barrier:

    @goldsmen but it's cheap and unfair. I had a fight last under a minute because he went straight to boarding, killed me and every time I come back from the ferry he would just spam bombs until I died or fell off. I doubt that had this in mind as a "stradegy" they're earning killstreaks just by sailing the enemy ship the opposite direction

    It is cheap, but its 100% fair as its a strategy anyone can learn, i wont do it personally because im in it for the naval, but considering it is based entirely on learned skill, meaning anyone can do it, that means it is fair.

  • @scurvywoof I know I try, they still get on. One guy teleported to my other ladder. I saw him swimming towards my right ladder, I was at full sail and watched my ship pass. I figured he missed, at that distance and speed of my ship there is no way he could of got on my ship. But he somehow got to my LEFT ladder and killed me. I was in disbelief, it was impossible for him to have made it to that ladder! A full sail sloop moves ALOT faster than a swimmer.

  • @goldsmen said in Remove enemy crew controls on your ship/nerf the barrier:

    @scott100000000 said in Remove enemy crew controls on your ship/nerf the barrier:

    @goldsmen but it's cheap and unfair. I had a fight last under a minute because he went straight to boarding, killed me and every time I come back from the ferry he would just spam bombs until I died or fell off. I doubt that had this in mind as a "stradegy" they're earning killstreaks just by sailing the enemy ship the opposite direction

    It is cheap, but its 100% fair as its a strategy anyone can learn, i wont do it personally because im in it for the naval, but considering it is based entirely on learned skill, meaning anyone can do it, that means it is fair.

    It's definitely a fair strategy. The only thing that's not fair is that the loser then doesn't get any allegiance, while they would get it on a sink. Rare should change that though.

  • @super87ghost said in Remove enemy crew controls on your ship/nerf the barrier:

    @goldsmen said in Remove enemy crew controls on your ship/nerf the barrier:

    @scott100000000 said in Remove enemy crew controls on your ship/nerf the barrier:

    @goldsmen but it's cheap and unfair. I had a fight last under a minute because he went straight to boarding, killed me and every time I come back from the ferry he would just spam bombs until I died or fell off. I doubt that had this in mind as a "stradegy" they're earning killstreaks just by sailing the enemy ship the opposite direction

    It is cheap, but its 100% fair as its a strategy anyone can learn, i wont do it personally because im in it for the naval, but considering it is based entirely on learned skill, meaning anyone can do it, that means it is fair.

    It's definitely a fair strategy. The only thing that's not fair is that the loser then doesn't get any allegiance, while they would get it on a sink. Rare should change that though.

    Absolutely, i think that was either an oversight when they made it, i doubt it was intended you gain nothing.

  • @scott100000000 Ok. You sure it was the same guy? Regardless, you always need to be on the lookout.

  • @goldsmen I refused to do it. Its not fair to them. I'm here to FIGHT not use cowardly tactics

  • @super87ghost You dont get the point. The border was made to prevent running. It was intended people stay and FIGHT. The border punishes those who try to run away by blowing them up. In this update you're expected to willingly fight, ship to ship. But people are abusing the system, using its anti running mechanic to their advantage. It's cowardly and cheap. Instead of fighting me like a man they kill me, turn my ship around and sail it outside the border while spamming bombs to keep me from stopping them. Little effort, another number to their killstreak and they didnt have to do much. It's unfair and I dont care what excuse there is I say its cheating cause they're using something not intended to be an option of combat.

  • @scurvywoof different pirates were attempting to use the border. I'm here for combat, for the pvp experience so I can improve. It's an insult they would use such a cowardly tactic. A cheap win that they dont deserve cause they're abusing a mechanic that's to prevent running and encouraging direct confrontation. You fight or you die. That's the point. It's typical of reapers to pull stunts like this but come on! Fight me like a man and quit cheating. But of course not, they're reapers...

  • @scott100000000 I've had several Athena players try the same thing. It didn't end well for them. It's not cowardly in the slightest. It is more than a valid tactic.
    I do believe that, if an enemy player is on your ship when your hourglass explodes (or in the last 20 seconds, as added by Wolfmanbush in a different post), you should get the rep for a loss anyway.

    You are most definitely exaggerating the problem you are facing though. I've had it happen a couple times and I can't confirm that was their intention. Whether you lost one or two fights and are still frustrated by it, I don't know, but it is fair, it is not cowardly, and you need to learn how to counter it, like every other tactic.

  • @scurvywoof Why I call it cowardly is because they cant fight naturally. If you lack the confidence in your skills with a sword and or a cannon then they shouldnt be using the war map. I say its cowardly cause they cant be bothered to fight and need a cheap win. I would rather fight one on one, ship to ship, face to face. I see no honor in letting an anti running mechanic doing all the work for you cause you're too scared to fight. I may be bad at pvp but im not gonna pull that off for a while. I will get to rank 1000 fair and square. I'll EARN it and not rely on cheap methods

  • @scott100000000 If they can't fight, then how did they end up sailing your ship outside the zone? You need to kill the crew to be able to do that. Someone who can't fight won't be able to do that, because he/she would imidiately been killed off by the ships crew.

  • @super87ghost Like I said, im using this mode to improve my pvp skills. Besides I cant do anything about bomb spam.

  • @scott100000000 don't let them board

  • @captain-fob4141 I'm doing my best, mate XD. Im a guy who spent his whole time on sea of thieves (been around around the hungering deep starting) running away cause I was desperate to protect my loot to become pirate legend and after becoming one I became more pvp focused but kept running cause I discovered ill always lose and this new mode is my best chance at improving....and I get boarded easily which is my weakness....cause I die in three seconds once they board.

  • @scott100000000 Well, that is (one of) the most important lessons: prevent people from boarding

  • @super87ghost I had some successes. Used a method I learned from a tutorial, throwing bombs on my ship blows them off. I used my gun to knock them off I think once. But they always find a way on. One guy teleported to my other ladder somehow and to this day got no idea how he managed it...

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