Double gun needs to go.

  • Just spent 45 minutes fighting on a Galleon with a crew of 4 were one solo slooper got on the ship and endlessly doubled guned everyone to the ferry.

    I dont give a bloody damn how long sweaty try hards work and how much skill they like to complain it took them to be able to do it but theres nothing ok about dying instantly with nothing you can do about it.

    acutally, 45 minutes. my crew tried everything. respawning all at once, using diffrent gun combos, trying to rush with swords, using our whole stop of blunder bombs and theres nothing that could be done, they just bunny hope and one-two you die.

    Double gunning is a stupid gimmick. Just because a sweaty neck beard put hours of their life they will never get back into learning it doesnt mean it should be treated as this tech thats integral to the game.

    This game would be a heal of a lot healthier with double gun gone

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  • You had 4 people, you weren't all dying instantly.

    You encountered a skill gap. A skilled sword sniper/blunder/flintlock would have likely done the same damage

    The only way to improve in those situations is to look at how you and your crew can approach it differently, how you can improve. Nerfing and insulting your opponent will not help you improve for the next battle.

  • Just spent 45 minutes fighting on a Galleon with a crew of 4 were one solo slooper got on the ship and endlessly doubled guned everyone to the ferry.

    1 vs 4 seems to be an unfair fight. It rare but not unheard of that a single player took out 4 other players, who can do the exact same thing.

    acutally, 45 minutes. my crew tried everything. respawning all at once, using diffrent gun combos, trying to rush with swords, using our whole stop of blunder bombs and theres nothing that could be done, they just bunny hope and one-two you die.

    I set the deck on fire and stopped a guy from hopping. Now he rolling in his grave xD

  • The only stupid thing about this is the fact that you willingly wasted 45 minutes of you and your friend’s time.

    This game would be a lot healthier if people, such as yourself, accepted that people play differently to you and not everyone wants to have their ‘wings clipped’.

  • Dang bad

  • I would say the same as most in here. This game just like any game has a skill gap when playing, I would hazard a guess that you and your crew are still quite new to the game and or have not pvped often enough to understand it. Double gunning will not go and it is a play style weather anyone likes it or not and it is also a strong style to use. However I can lend some tips:

    I don't care if the gally crew has never seen pvp before, they have all at least fought skeletons and know how to shoot and use their swords. So to stop a solo from killing everyone your ladders need to be guarded, you cant let them up. Movement is the solos advantage so take it away by defending the ladder, use a shotgun and even put 2 of your crewmates on defense duty. That alone will prolong the fight and make it better for you, you might still lose but at least the solo is forced to cannon you down rather than board.

  • Recognize you are beat, and scuttle.

  • If these people were that good double gunning that means they were experienced. Chance are they would have destroy you with cutlass as well. Would you have complained then?

  • @teegs6744 I completly agree with you because its so unrealistic and its unfair when fighting a double gunner. but maybe find ways to avoid double gunners because fighting those sweats suck but theres always going to be people like that.

  • If your entire galleon crew is getting effortlessly two-tapped by a single double gunner, you lot are very much lacking in movement and pathfinding around your own ship. Fights like these, as depressingly embarrassing as they are, are a wake up call to figure out how your crew plays, your collective mindset and thoughts while fighting, and your knowledge of the ship you are sailing on.

    It's not just a skill issue, it's a game knowledge issue, and with Season 8 oncoming, you are going to need to step that up a notch or you'll be enjoying the Ferry of the Damned while your ship constantly kisses the ocean floor.

  • Ahoy there,

    I understand your frustration. The "good thing" about double gunning is that you can only 2 tap one person and then you need to reload both guns, without sprinting or eating.
    So unless there is cheating the poor lonely double gunner is very defenseless after a double tap.
    Of course he can also use blunderbombs or weaken you with fire, so that a single hit from a safe distance may be enough.

    Also a single double gunner can only 2 tap 5 people if he never misses, before he needs to get new ammo ( if he does not collect it in between ).

    If you come back together and do not have endless blackscreens he should not be able to kill more than one before you can move.

    Try to understand how he could survive that long against your whole crew.
    Were you open crew with randoms, or closed crew with discord voice call, or other means of not in-game talking?

    And always remember - you can always get better, there is always someone better than you and it hurts to "lose" what you worked for, but you do never
    really lose anything. You will always get a new ship and new supplies and can try again.

    Happy sailing

  • @teegs6744
    Sounds like a skill issue

  • skill issue get better

  • You will never get a another answer then this "get gud" in this or the Steam Forum and Rare will not do something with the DBG i will try to give you an explanation and a different view , they can swap glitch weapns with the sprint to be a little bit faster there a lot of videos on youtube how they do it and a lot People i met ingame told me the using a Crosshiar ,what you can do is change your strategy when you are sword user try to predict 1 shot and take more use of the swordhop and make first damage blunder bombs or so. And yh on Galleon it should be possible that 1 guy can take care about the repiars especially when you fightin smaller boats ,Brig or Sloop and the there are enough Crewmates left over to guard the ladders.

  • thank you

  • @teegs6744
    A solo slooper using double gunning was spawn camping all 4 of you?
    Sorry but that sounds like a skill issue on your crews part.

    You know what counters double gunning? Reload times, as soon as he two taps on of you, you 3 left alive can rush and sword him to death in 1second flat.

    'Bunny hopping' is also a funny excuse since its also a counter to double gunning vs double gunning, its very predictable to hit shots when someone is spam jumping, predictable trajectory... You would of had a lot more trouble if he was ENAS'ng (Strafing) instead... As someone else mentioned:

    ''@Nex-Stargaze'': ''If your entire galleon crew is getting effortlessly two-tapped by a single double gunner, you lot are very much lacking in movement and pathfinding around your own ship. Fights like these, as depressingly embarrassing as they are, are a wake up call to figure out how your crew plays, your collective mindset and thoughts while fighting, and your knowledge of the ship you are sailing on. ''

    On a galleon theres sneaky ways to get around the captains quarters, you can jump on the outskirts back onto the main deck of the gally, you can even pixel jump from the balcony onto the top of the helm from behind.
    I don't see your post as double gunning issue as much as just a skill gap/knowledge issue truthfully speaking...

  • @wolfmanbush Ngl this guy seems like he would have died anyway, but his complaint is completely valid. I am a experienced player in the game. Max level everything and was close to triumphant before arena was removed. I lose every single spawn camping double gun fight I encounter. 9 times out of 10 ill reason with them to get them to 1v1 me using a sword and sniper where ill beat all 4 of them in a row without eating food once. There is a distinct advantage to people being able to stand directly behind where someone spawns, see that they are going to spawn there, then be able to shoot them before they can pull out a gun or sword to defend themselves. A simple solution would be to not allow people to refill ammo on enemy ships. That way you could kill a full gal 2.5 times which should give any decent player more than enough time to get your ship over to sink them whiles stopping the ability to spawn camp and troll ruining the game. Its a reason seasoned players are just leaving the game

  • They should just fix sprint canceling then it would be fine

  • @cyntac7 said in Double gun needs to go.:

    @wolfmanbush Ngl this guy seems like he would have died anyway, but his complaint is completely valid. I am a experienced player in the game. Max level everything and was close to triumphant before arena was removed. I lose every single spawn camping double gun fight I encounter. 9 times out of 10 ill reason with them to get them to 1v1 me using a sword and sniper where ill beat all 4 of them in a row without eating food once. There is a distinct advantage to people being able to stand directly behind where someone spawns, see that they are going to spawn there, then be able to shoot them before they can pull out a gun or sword to defend themselves. A simple solution would be to not allow people to refill ammo on enemy ships. That way you could kill a full gal 2.5 times which should give any decent player more than enough time to get your ship over to sink them whiles stopping the ability to spawn camp and troll ruining the game. Its a reason seasoned players are just leaving the game

    I doubt ''Its a reason seasoned players are just leaving the game'' are leaving the game because they got spawn camped by a solo slooper double gunning...
    Theres so much cap in your comment im not sure where to even start, those ''season players'' at least the past 2 days now have come back to the game because of Season 8 PvP update.

    ''There is a distinct advantage to people being able to stand directly behind where someone spawns, see that they are going to spawn there, then be able to shoot them before they can pull out a gun or sword to defend themselves''

    • Only point I agree with you there. Spawning, and getting skee'ted theres virtually no counter play outside of getting luck spawns and your enemy missing his double gun/hit reg giving you enough time to eat and counter back.

    '' 9 times out of 10 ill reason with them to get them to 1v1 me using a sword and sniper where ill beat all 4 of them in a row without eating food once. ''

    • So you claiming if those double gunner went sword/sniper instead you could 1v4 them with ease, but that isn't the case if all 4 went double guns? Ok bro...

    '' A simple solution would be to not allow people to refill ammo on enemy ships. ''

    • Do realize that on ships, ammo crates are placed where the aggressive boarder are exposed in being cornered. Sloops you have two escape routes, the stairs and the ladder grab trick from inside. The gally you only have 2 lanes after you refill ammo, left/right. The brig, your pretty much stuck bottom deck.

    ''Its a reason seasoned players are just leaving the game''

    • Those players have either adapted the double gun strat or if they don't like to double gun, at least they have enough experience to not get squad wiped by a single double gunner on their gally.

    Overall it just seems like a skill issue, and that's just facts.

  • @cyntac7 I like this idea, either that or make the guns share the same ammo pool, double gunning has always been annoying to fight but you'll never see anything other than "git gud" or "it's not broken" or something similar on the forums so no legitimate discussions about it are really ever had.

  • @ix-indi-xi

    to start i never said a solo slooper i said double gunning and i meant the concept in general. If the state of pvp is a reason people leave adding more pvp while not changing it will cause people to try it out then leave again cause nothings better. Next i never said i could 1v4 them, in fact i said 1v1 just didnt have to eat food inbetween fights. Never said the last fight was easy but ive still won it more times than ive lost it. Also when it comes to ammo crates its pretty easy to go refill your ammo when the one you just spawn camped is dead and get back to position before they show up again. In the scenario 4 people are doing it going to refill ammo has nearly no effect on the ability to spawn camp. Of course if your getting 1v4'ed its a skill issue, i started my statement saying that, but 4 seasoned players running double gun and spawn camping is a nearly impossible situation to beat unless you stoop to the exact same level making it just a sweat fest and ruining the fun of the game. Its not a aggressively competitive game, theres little to no real tourneys so no need to abuse every meta strategy possible to ensure you get that 5k reaper flag to add to your 100 mil balance.

  • @teegs6744 said in Double gun needs to go.:

    I dont give a bloody damn how long sweaty try hards work and how much skill they like to complain it took them to be able to do it but theres nothing ok about dying instantly with nothing you can do about it.

    that’s the thing. there is things you can do about it.
    keep your distance.

  • @ssolutionss said in Double gun needs to go.:

    They should just fix sprint canceling then it would be fine

    This a million percent. It's the sprint cancel that gives double gun its high DPS without giving the other user fighting the chance to think wait I'm losing here; I need to retreat and eat. There is a 1 second delay between firing but you already have the gun drawn and aimed giving an advantage over anyone not using it. I've learned recently you can still bypass this delay. Anyone not using exploits fights at a disadvantage, they aren't intended and should be removed.

    I just can't understand why dig cancel was removed but not this.

  • @a10dr4651 said in Double gun needs to go.:

    @ssolutionss said in Double gun needs to go.:

    They should just fix sprint canceling then it would be fine

    This a million percent. It's the sprint cancel that gives double gun its high DPS without giving the other user fighting the chance to think wait I'm losing here; I need to retreat and eat. There is a 1 second delay between firing but you already have the gun drawn and aimed giving an advantage over anyone not using it. I've learned recently you can still bypass this delay. Anyone not using exploits fights at a disadvantage, they aren't intended and should be removed.

    I just can't understand why dig cancel was removed but not this.

    It's silly because they tried to fix it yet it still remains. This goes to show that it's clearly an exploit.. Whereas the same issue was present in Fortnite of all games with the Double Shotgun meta, If you use a shotgun now and switch to another shotgun there is literally a timer. Hard to believe they cannot implement something like that but are we really surprised when this game has had the same issues since day one that still hasn't been fixed?

  • @zeyrniyx said in Double gun needs to go.:

    Don't ask that here. Otherwise we'll jump down your throat like you have the plague 😂


  • @teegs6744

    Agreed and disagree the double gunners are fine the exploit double gunners who macro buttons to shot almost instantly is destroying the game balance of Navel and combat. Takes no skill to cheese the game by animation canceling but you hear it all the time by these players get good I lol they relying on close quarter combat to animation cancel missing shots while firing 2-3x faster than I can swing or firer 1 shot. The crazy thing is it seems a lot of them can run while doing it all.

    Sword why is it I’m running into more players turbo swording me I mean, I swing once then get attacked by a follow up of 5 swings before my second swing gets even ready to come down. Yes I struck first sometime even attack while I have there back to me they spin while I’m swinging and sword Tornado me to death. Is it cheating, some kinda of explanation of the sword, or other. I’d like to know for real can Rare provide a Q & A instead of not answering questions.

  • @a10dr4651

    So agreed they can or just remove the animation it’s pointless if there allowing the exploits.

  • @lt-robinson25 yeah, it's pretty baffling they allow a crucial part of their game like that to be that broken for this long.

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