The Legendary Hunter Ship Title

  • Ahoy all! I just submitted a support ticket regarding the Legendary Hunter ship’s title, which seems to be bugged, for me at least.

    My galleon, the ”King of Crimson”, is Class 88 in the Hunter Alignment. However, the Legendary Hunter title is still locked in the chest and tells me to unlock it at Class 50 in the Hunter. I’m class 25 in Provisions Cooked Aboard, 60 in Provisions Eaten aboard, and 3 in Provisions Sold to the Hunter’s Call… Correct me if I’m wrong but that adds up to be over fifty!

    Anyone else experiencing this, or is it just me? And while yer at it, what ship titles and alignments do you guys like? Personally I’m doing the Gold Seeker for my ship since the colors match it best and there’s one of them that has a crown, fitting for the ship’s name I figured.


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  • @klutchxking518 said in The Legendary Hunter Ship Title:

    and while yer at it, what ship titles and alignments do you guys like? Personally I’m doing the Gold Seeker for my ship since the colors match it best and there’s one of them that has a crown, fitting for the ship’s name I figured.

    I like all of them. Unfortunately for me what I do is considered feared instead of hunter (I disagree with that) but as far as design I ended up liking how all of them look

  • My legendary feared title took 2 weeks to ger unlocked after hitting 50.

    The legendary Rouge and Adventurer worked just fine though.

    Season 7 is holding itself with ducttapes and hopes/dreams at this point XD

    And no, I am not mixing pirate milestones with ship ones.

  • @thorumsu which after all the delays is a hit frustrating to say the least.

  • @wolfmanbush Let me guess, killing megs and krakens? Because that REALLY should count towards The Hunter, and I am disappointed that it only contributes to The Feared

  • @eisenfr3sser said in The Legendary Hunter Ship Title:

    @wolfmanbush Let me guess, killing megs and krakens? Because that REALLY should count towards The Hunter, and I am disappointed that it only contributes to The Feared


    Imo all the fish stuff should be Fisher (especially because they require it to actually be caught) and megs and krakens go into hunter

    I've killed a lot of krakens and megs and I'm a defense based pvper so it's odd sailing around with super high feared stats and average hunter stats based on eating bananas

    Doesn't make sense to me and is a bit of a bump in the road on immersion imo

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