Gold curse variations

    and other curse variations aswell like the ink one but the other variation maybe 3 or 4 kraken hand pimples that are pouring black ink in our body

  • I'm honestly surprised that this topic (and the call for bringing all that variety BACK) died down as much as it did.
    It was such a confusing and confounding change. For as many people that complained about the original randomness, it never seemed to compare to the amount of disappointment expressed when they removed the variety.
    Yet, years have passed, and it seems like most people have just given up hope for the variety to return.

    It bothers me, but, to be honest, I probably wouldn't be wearing the curse anyway (as I'm happy just using the legendary curse).

    I still very much want the variety added back in - for the good of the players and for the good of the game. Variety is always better for cosmetics, IMHO.

  • @freakazoidalb ye would seems pretty dope tbh but i hope first they bring back the gold curse variations they have and then they can make other versions of other curses

  • I don’t foresee the Plunder Pass ever getting any PL items. But I’d love to see the Seasonal track get more than two per season.

  • @ninja-naranja i mean like the merric jacket that is PL right? or maybe im not understanding the answer srry my dud when it gets too english my brain starts not working not mother language of mine

    we had merricks jacket and cutlass maybe next mysterious stranger jacket lv 50and osgar seamark jacket lv 100 for example
    and what do u think about gold curse variations?

  • @electricknights yees hopefully we will get them added back but not like it was but make it for us to choose or random everytime we login or smth or make them unlock by certain ways

  • @muarembossi right, all those cosmetics are part of the Seasonal Track, the Plunder Pass is the paid version.

    As for the gold curse I’d love to see the ability to choose different variations or “reroll” your curse for a certain amount of gold. That way if people like how it is now they can keep it and others could try for new versions.

  • @ninja-naranja ahaaa thats what i meant aswell but I misstyped it as plunderpass srry and thanks for explaining and for answering ^_^

  • would love to see all you mentioned here gold curse variants why not when it was already in the game but make it selectable.
    more jackets and those u mentioned must be a must have for a pirate game.
    and the white gloves of Demarco always loved them from the moment I saw them.

  • @muarembossi

    GH curse variations with a re-roll cost (gold or dubs, don't be greedy) would be ideal IMO.

    I don't use it, but bringing back the variants would be nice.

  • @pithyrumble well i wouldnt mind as long as they bring them back would pay even real money tbh thanks for the reply ^_^

  • @cryfoe7793 great minds think alike my dud

  • link text
    Tell me this doesnt look unique as gold curse found it while searching on reddit

  • Im new to the game but from what i see from ppl this game lacks variety
    And is bad to critique that it gets removed completely or it gets the same version for everyone thats just lazy programing I would love too see variety at least in one curse so im upvoting it and i hope it happens so i can start grinding it

  • @cptnazgerrba ye noticed that too but cant do anything about it the only thing in our hands are to make posts here and hope and pray they get seen by rare... hopefully

  • I saw this just now while scrolling on my phone and would rly wish this would happen in the near future would make more variety for the game and for crews so hopefully it gets implemented because I saw in google there was like 6 or 7 variations of it

  • @captainsmallcok hopefully my dude all I see is upvotes and positive feedback for this subject so hopefully someone at rare sees this

  • @muarembossi I posted something similar to this and the best suggestion I got was that they create a slider that controls how much gold is on your body.

  • @robby0316 could work aswell but i doubt it they would do that so hopefully this at least cuz it was in the game once upon a time

  • I heard that gold curse variations are coming back, a friend actually told me, so i don't know if it's 100% true. He said it is 100% safe to believe him on this one, but I don't know, so anyone heard anything from rare themselves?

  • @fadilzotnija WHAT?? rly ... Oh I hope that happens, I swear that would make me so happy

  • @fadilzotnija That sounds horribly unreliable lol. Would be great, but the curse has sucked for years at this point, and I can't imagine rare ever reverting it to its former glory.

  • @neon-ic0n hopefully if they get a lot of feedback maybe the variations by players choice or smth else might come back and completely random

  • There should be at least 5 variations of each curse, either having her marks differently or at different stages... I would love a legend curse with the large athena mark on the back.

  • I think without a credible source this is unlikely to be true. Much as I’d like it to be, can you imagine the outcry from the folks that got the generic curse? Some sleeping dogs should be allowed to lie quietly.

  • @sn0kanon the generic curse could still be there + the other 7 variations for players to chose from better then having only the generic one

  • @lleorb would pretty much accept this aswell as long as u couyld have the generic gold curse + 7 from each hoarder available

  • @neon-ic0n thats what i thought aswell but if they were to bring it back the way it was + the generic one that wouyld be pretty nice

  • @muarembossi said in Gold curse variations:

    @neon-ic0n thats what i thought aswell but if they were to bring it back the way it was + the generic one that wouyld be pretty nice

    Yup, that would be the ideal solution imo. A standard variation for "fairness," and a rng variant for some uniqueness :)

  • @neon-ic0n yup best solutions ^_^ everyone would be happy

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