Infinite supplies

  • The shipwright at Sea Dogs Tavern is broken and will give you as many captains supplies as your prepared to buy.

    Pretty sure it wasn’t intentional to have no cool down here.

    Probably could do with being fixed.


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  • If you sail outpost to outpost maybe. It works like the Merchant Resources. Won't let you buy the same item at the same outpost for an in-game week.

    Not that anyone should have ever been able to buy supplies at all...

  • it'll get fixed

    a lot of this stuff that has issues here or there will likely get patched up next time they bring the servers down or maybe even with their live fixes at some point

    as far as I know it's a known "exploit" but that sort of thing people often don't even know something isn't intentional when playing organically so it's a pretty loose use of exploit but probably will get fixed soon....ish

  • Lol whoops... I missed Sea Dog Tavern.

    PvP can quit saying they didn't get anything in this update then 😏

  • @pithyrumble said in Infinite supplies:

    Lol whoops... I missed Sea Dog Tavern.

    PvP can quit saying they didn't get anything in this update then 😏

    Just in case they run out of their other 500 supplies from the dock they loaded into to go hit a reaper turning in.

  • Hopefully it’s patched sooner rather than later.

  • A positive bug in this game. That's nice. Give us more of these to balance out all the garbage bugs in this game.

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