Report for Streamers...

  • When someone becomes CREATOR`S CREW he should have a REPORT link over the game.. making our content creation easier... (AND LIKE ULTIMA ONLINE - have ADMINS over each server) to make the report act realtime.
    Would be amazing if servers have a invisible worker from RARE making adminstrative mesures about the game...
    EVERY DAY i got STREAM SNIPER and HACKERS over the game...
    Would be amazing to have DNA BAN - making banned people BANNED for real.
    every day we got this inssue over content creation in SA.

    Other sugestion is to forbit more than 1 ally ship.

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  • There are certainly people that mess with streamers. That exists.

    but the streaming related to this game is so full of accusations that have no evidence or proof that a lot of it is noise without substance.

    A lot of accusations whenever random players actually perform well in combat or whenever they luck out (we all luck out sometimes)

    Imo streamers aren't entitled to more than the tools that they already have. They have more risk of interference but they also produce footage which they can use to go through the same system that non-streamers go through.

  • You have the same report feature as everyone else does. Streamers will already have video proof just submit that in the report.

  • @cptespanto
    I'm sorry, but DNA ban? You know that's no way realistically going to happen, right?

    Also, you're already taking a video and gathering undeniable proof and hundreds or thousands of witnesses, there's no need for an in-session ban.

    Lastly, the final suggestion of disallowing more than one ally ship is not necessary and makes a certain easter egg considerably more difficult to complete.

  • EVERY DAY i got STREAM SNIPER and HACKERS over the game...

    Proof or it didnt happen, and they were simply better/lucky at the game

  • @cptespanto Sounds like you were getting beat. I've seen what I expect to be 1 cheater in 4000+ hours. Back when wallbanging was a thing. I highly doubt you are seeing 1 every time you play.

  • I'm gonna say it.

    If you're a streamer you have entered the public area and you need to be prepared to deal with the public. QQ. Good night everybody!

    You are broadcasting your location.

    I think stream sniping as an accusation is OP.

    Lol plz don't ban me I like my stuff 😅

  • How big of a team do you think Rare has to be constantly on a server with every streaming SoT Creator Crew person?
    They need sleep too!

    Not happening.

  • The biggest SoT streamers don’t even get stream snipers every single day, so this seems incredibly unlikely, and in my 4 years of playing i can’t even count to 10 when it comes to the amount of hackers i have seen.

  • WRT to hacking - Rare should just implement something like battleeye and be done with it. You can ban based on signature on those types of services because they record hardware serials and require it as part of the ToS to play the game - see The Cycle Frontier.

    But in this game, I think it’s more weighed toward exploitation of bugs - I’ve seen streamers do it too, ex. Black screen spots - to give players an advantage over others. Some may say that’s part of the game but I disagree.

    It’s something bad when you’re player community has given unintended game interactions the nickname of getting “Rare’d”. And the longer it’s allowed to happen is indicative of a developer that panders to those who prefer new content ($$) over stability for the wider player base.

  • Hire a few hundred people so every server that's up in each region can have a mod sitting there doing what exactly?

    People love calling out hackers/cheaters and yes they do exist but it's such a tiny % so the chance of you actually vs one (or multiple ones based on how you worded it) is almost impossible.

  • Sounds like a you problem. Seems to me like someone got outplayed and you are now seeking attention.

    If you really have actual evidence of someone hacking, just report them, otherwise get good.

  • @itz-majman said in Report for Streamers...:

    People love calling out hackers/cheaters and yes they do exist but it's such a tiny % so the chance of you actually vs one

    Sot has a pretty small community when it comes to the social/streaming side so it's high risk low reward to accuse a random person that is playing well.

    Why? because a large amount of 3-4 person skilled crews are either streamers themselves (even if only rarely) or known within the pvp community as skilled players.

    So all of the "this crew is sus" or blatant accusations very often leads to backtracking anyway once it's revealed who the opponent was.

    People aren't sus just because they hit shots consistently. They aren't sus for choosing one strategy over another and they aren't sus for being significantly more skilled than the typical target of hopping pvp. Sometimes while chasing rabbits a hunter runs into a bear.

    It happens regularly from smaller to larger channel, it's not everyone but it's enough to where the unpleasantness and awkwardness is an easy find.

    Random people that were already on the server before the content creator aren't sus. Random people playing really well while defending themselves against server hopping pvp or while clashing with another server hopping pvper going after the same pve target aren't sus.

    People recording live don't have a lot of time to put thought in before reacting so it's understandable that sometimes a reaction to frustration or loss won't be ideal but imo the loose use of the "sus" thing only harms the content, it enables a lot of negativity around the content and that leaks into the game itself.

  • @wolfmanbush all acusations are made by proff they alredy was sent to RARE via REPORT and got suportive and effective treat.
    You guys must understand what is beeing writen and stop to talk bad things about nothing.
    HATE is the main problem inside the community and CHEATERs for sure... why havent we got a ANTI CHEAT inside game?
    To have more employes are bad? Game costs to Brazilian people like 80 from our coin very expensive title... not for all.
    Guys I got all suport i need over the game by reportting page, I`m not trying to have attention i alredy have subscribe there and be my fan cause my post hitted a few "expert canon players" otherwise we havent a lot ot spamming haters saying alot of nothing.
    ULTIMA ONLINE used to have a admin over each server.. i feel sry this kids dont understand how online games work.
    The last thing about it..
    To have Bigger ships would be amazing and servers with 100 players... Ultima over past used to have 300 players with costumizations and PVE, PVP and all stuff...

    be polite and say something with respect
    Cheers and have a nice SAIL

  • @mr-whaletoes dont you understand a joke buddy?

  • @burnbacon man have been proved they got banned but they come with other acc... dont need to say OBVIOUS

  • @captain-coel you dont live in BRAZIL. i got 30 cheaters with list and stuff banned with prooves by RARE SUPORT over SA community..
    dont say what you dont live...

  • @pithyrumble i can handle and i have a nice supportive help from RARE... the question is easier report way to creators... if they dont want to be SPAMMED for all players.. and if suportive call wasnt real reverse ban to caller... just it

  • @scurvywoof for a planet scale provider they must have 1 admin each server if not they are making wrong besides of streamers of nothing... that`s why so many cheaters and haters.
    If RARE havent a employee over each server they are making it wrong in my oppinion... wish more players like 100 over each server and possibility to quit ship and embark other ship...

  • @killzone1401 in brazil they make HATE over little streamers. and partners and everyone.. man if you dont live our community dont be the sun of the universe to compare what you live is the padron of the world...

  • @surefyr i tottaly agree with you... EASY ANTI CHEAT like - Blazing Sails are using... that dont make 100% safe but, makes 80% 90% and make our R$80 investment be very grateful.

  • @itz-majman man i have videos IN LIVE that the guy was looking to other side and he give a plunderbuss shoot killer one... not looking to me.. we have this in LIVE VOD RECORDED... but my lives are 15 hours is a !@@#$@#$

  • @remove-bougette dont say things if you will not contribute.. im seeying you here trying to be famous...

  • @wolfmanbush sry man you spooked alot telling nothing.. i dont understood what you talked about... hehehe sry im full pvp player 1700 hours only pvping and what im talking here is a sugestion for the game.. if you guys dont aproove just say.. i disagree and GG
    dont make harder to live for others than it really is you only spreading hate and nothing nice to contribute about the topic..
    if not to grown if disagree only say: disagree and its ok

  • Thnks for everbody that is spreding ideas and sry for the people that only contribute with hate...
    Sugestions is not a MUST DO are IDEAS and please dont spread bad ideas in this topic.
    for me if came a server with HUGE quantity of players and easier report would be great.. just it. nothing more.. dont wanna know about HATE positions or something that wont contribute to our topic.. please make one and let they answer it im main streamer from sea of thieves and SA servers are full of LIST players and AIM BOT hackers.. we must have ANTI CHEAT

  • @cptespanto
    Usually jokes have a punch line...
    Wait, so is the whole post a joke or just the part about DNA bans?

  • Joining creator crew requires no actual effort, I've joined it purely for commendations etc and I stream just for historical access without any viewer expectation or engagement.

    Perhaps something for partner program but then a lot have evidenced that it's not like they're beyond reproach

  • @cptespanto said in Report for Streamers...:

    @wolfmanbush sry man you spooked alot telling nothing.. i dont understood what you talked about... hehehe sry im full pvp player 1700 hours only pvping and what im talking here is a sugestion for the game.. if you guys dont aproove just say.. i disagree and GG
    > dont make harder to live for others than it really is you only spreading hate and nothing nice to contribute about the topic..

    if not to grown if disagree only say: disagree and its ok

    When it comes to rules and enforcement I believe that all of us should go through the same process. I don't believe popularity or being somewhat or largely known separates some from others when it comes to the process of rule enforcement. I don't believe that content creation creates entitlement to special or additional assistance for the process of reporting or the search for enforcement.

    When it comes to the process of reporting a person with no public voice or presence should be a part of the same system as those with the loudest and most known and vice versa.

    There is no hate but there is also no accountability in live content creation when it comes accusations that are not supported by evidence or proof. One almost never truly knows if another is cheating just by what they see on the screen and imo it's irresponsible to repeatedly make cheating claims with an audience and no proof that rises above accusations from frustrations.
    Accusations against others of cheating are serious and should be treated that way. Publicly accusing others while having an audience and no proof is bringing negativity and labeling to another that has not been shown to be doing anything wrong.

  • @mr-whaletoes hUIAhUIAhiuHaiuHAiuHAiuHAIUhAI you got it... but the DNA hahahaha XD

  • @hiradc that`s sad.. =(

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