Crew for glitter-beards commendation!

  • Hey me and my friend from Belgium seek 6 players to do the glitterbeard commendation pls respond we've been trying for months now but with 2 its so hard to find friendly player groups.

  • 22
  • Are you looking for Glitterbeards house?

  • Hey im interested if you are still looking

  • @loaded-daipr yes we are actually playing right now

  • @voidwitch6006 I would be so up for that, I also have a friend who wants to join me, so let me know and I’ll have 2 to join you!

  • @ageinglime great we are going to add you on xbox and we will contact you when we ar going for it

  • My friend and I have been trying to do this for ages, would love to join in

  • @invader005
    Alright we add you and let you know when were planning on doing it, my friend is hold up with work the coming week or 2 but we’ll send out messages with dates to choose

  • @voidwitch6006 @Loaded-Daipr @AgeingLime @callathiel @Invader005
    i found a way to get everyone in the same server, basically we both make teams of four on a galleon then we find another galleon on our server and we ask those players if we can have their ship to get friend on (bribe with loot) and they have to add one person of the other team on their crew and then they should leave and the one member invites the rest to his crew and boom 2 galleons. it might take a while but this is the best option we currently have. also we have some dates when we can play 9+10 july and 20+21 of august both hour doesnt matter for us on those days. i will send those dates individually on the xbox app as well to everyone.

  • @methetron-mkii sagte in Crew for glitter-beards accommodation!:

    Are you looking for Glitterbeards house?


  • hope you have fun! the beard is very iconic and looks good. me and my crew went for 4 hours and got the whole server in alliance, it took some bribing and a couple of sunk ships but it worked. don't get discouraged when you guys do this. it takes patience. Good luck!😉🏴‍☠️

  • @voidwitch6006 it's "commendation", not "accommodation"

    Commendation is like an achievement

    Accommodation is like an appartement, a place you live in

  • @schwammlgott oh english error... that explains the comment about his "house" at least someone corrects me instead of laughing at my mistakes. thank you

  • I’m interested. Gamer tag Peteloaf777 a I usually play most nights around 22:00 - 01:00 GMT

  • Is there still a spot available?

  • I'd be keen to get the last commendation out the way as well. Apparently the cinematic is great so haven't spoiled it for myself.

  • @voidwitch6006 sounds good, count me in

  • @bass0n4670 @rasczak1433
    You are both added to the group chat in the xbox app where we will share further info!

  • If you need 2 count me and my wife in. My gt: oldreclaimer

  • @voidwitch6006 always interested, hit me up if you see me online. Goes for anyone looking to complete the glitterbeard commendations ofc :)

    Muppolicious#5548 on discord.

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