Solo brig or solo sloop

  • I do not know why i feel like soloing the brig is easy but i would like everyone opinion.

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  • @bryant-siew definitely not easier matey

    1. Two sails to deal with to get top speed instead of one
    2. One of those sails is the opposite end of the ship to your wheel
    3. So is the capstan
    4. Easier to sink due to how the water sits in her hull
    5. Slower to do anything (steer, sails, anchor) than the sloop

    Sloop has been designed specifically for the smaller crews of one or two. A one man crew can take on any ship if they are very good at the game in a sloop. I am not so sure about the same in a Brigantine. Do you find it easy sailing PointA to PointB, or you mean all forms of naval combat and pursuit as well?

  • @bryant-siew

    Solo brig is viable, but if you want to engage in PvP and not just run; the sloop is far superior. Simply, as a solo you cannot utilize the benefits of a brig in combat and are far easier overwhelmed in comparison.

  • Solo brig for speed...
    Solo sloop for comfort...

  • Anything can feel easy if you get comfortable with it enough but always solo sloop, no matter how many Holes you get you can basically always recover. If you have max holes on brig and your solo you ain’t gonna be able to bucket repair and fight off a ship if they are decent player. And the fact that trying to solo a brig in a fight if any of the guys are decent you will lose. Chances of coming out on top with a. Sloop are way higher.

  • Some pirates have sailing in their bones.
    It's what brings them joy, what makes them feel alive

    to them it's the perfect vessel for the process, the art of sailing
    the passion makes it an ease, like the breeze

    maybe that's you

  • When I'm doing missions that require quick deliveries, like when I was delivering things in Reaper so they could win against Golden Sands or merchant ones for example, I think Brigantine solo is quite viable, but in a battle it's not viable at all. Duo Brigantine is fun, but in three players it's definitely ideal.

  • I use it for speed stuff/deliveries/island sightseeing.

    PvE is supposed to be a little harder because it's a brig tho.

  • @musicmee solo galley for.... insanity?

  • @hijack-hayes said in Solo brig or solo sloop:

    @musicmee solo galley for.... insanity?

    Surprisingly effective at keeping sloops at bay.
    Except that one sloop lol

    I do it for giggles occasionally. Just so I can get a feel for it if I ever did play on a gally.

  • It's definitely manageable but just because you can do it doesn't mean you should. the only exception is if you're only needing to get somewhere very fast. do anything other than sailing in a straight line and you would be having a much better time on the sloop.

  • sloops are more comfortable and definitely easier to fight with, but i personally prefer soloing a brig but idk why

  • Solo brigs/galleons always entertain me. Good initiative bad judgement. Go sloop!

  • This is an old post, but it 100% depends on the ability of the Captain to plan ahead, and multitask. If you're looking to run merchants like a bandit smuggler, and you have a keen ability to keep your sails properly oriented, you can have some fun solo brigging.

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