This is ridiculous

  • I just saw a streamer camping an outpost for half an hour, after having filled the tavern with kegs of gunpowder, just to screw someone's cashout of a chest of legends.

    Is this the behavior devs endorse?

    Just to screw up others players' time that easily for "fun"?

    I'm horrified of what they let some cheap players do.

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  • You have the freedom to gather evidence and submit a report if you feel something violated the rules.

    Nothing like this gets resolved in public.

    Just because you saw something that you believe to be an issue it doesn't mean people condone it, or that they have even seen it to review. It also doesn't mean it violated the rules.

  • @godz-viper a dit dans This is ridiculous :

    I just saw a streamer camping an outpost for half an hour, after having filled the tavern with kegs of gunpowder, just to screw someone's cashout of a chest of legends.

    Is this the behavior devs endorse?

    Just to screw up others players' time that easily for "fun"?

    I'm horrified of what they let some cheap players do.

    that is a classic play.

    its also a learning experience.

  • It would not be my playstyle but it's well within the rules. Them being a streamer (I have a feeling I know who, and I'm admittedly not a fan), is irrelevant as this could easily be done by anyone, streaming or not.

    You're free to have fun in the game however you want, including pranks during PvP/steals, as long as you are not cheating, exploiting, or toxic towards your opponents (including belittling). This is not against the Pirate Code nor the Community Code of Conduct.

  • Stuff like that is LITERALLY how the game was designed, that is the entire point of this game. You're meant to do weird and crazy plays to steal from people, it's a sandbox

    If you don't like that then this probably just isn't the game for you

  • @godz-viper said in This is ridiculous:

    I just saw a streamer camping an outpost for half an hour, after having filled the tavern with kegs of gunpowder, just to screw someone's cashout of a chest of legends.

    Is this the behavior devs endorse?

    Just to screw up others players' time that easily for "fun"?

    I'm horrified of what they let some cheap players do.

    AN outpost? There's an easy solution to that - check for ships, rowboats, mermaids, etc. then go to any of the 6 other outposts (+1 Reaper's Hideout) that are also available.

  • Saw a legitimate strategy; "bro do the devs accept this...?"

    Yes. It's called tucking, it usually gets you the athena. It was the other crew's fault for not checking.

  • Seems like a simple play that could have been avoided if the crew had checked for mermaids ahead of time. Throwing Blunderbombs and Firebombs in the tavern building can also undo a lot of any ambush plans by the turn in spot.

    Streamers usually like to do these plays because logically, most crews will run away at the sight of another player/ship. Preventing a fight, and a chance for loot to be stolen/defended successfully. This kind of behavior isn't against any ToS as it's classic piracy, it isn't cheating if you're lacking game sense and awareness where a plan like this can be foiled in a heartbeat.

  • This is legit open-world PvP gameplay. Look for mermaids in the water & run into the tavern with a decoy.

    The thing I have an issue with is ships spawning at the outpost you are tucking. You can blast them before they even load into the game then crash their ship to get a hole or two then camp them until they sink.

  • @godz-viper it's takes longer to get enough kegs and set a trap than it does to get an Athena now.

    This is classic behavior. I remember setting traps when kegs didn't have fuses., when we didn't have throwables. Usually it was a sacrifice to get the steal. It's shenanigans and it's what the game was designed for.

  • I just saw a streamer camping an outpost for half an hour

    You watched a an outpost for half and hour, doing nothing else?
    Wow...that is boring.

  • @godz-viper

    [Mod Edit] A mod edited my post because I said: Certain streamers will get innocent people game banned because the streamer is mad that they got killed. And since they have the power of partner, they have some pull about who gets banned. Not sure why this was a problem as I didn't say any names, and was intentionally very vague about naming people in this post.

    I think all the discord and forum moderators need to play Rust for 30 minutes. Just to see how bad games can get so they can fully understand just how non-toxic this game is, so they can fully appreciate how civil most people are in Sea of Thieves. I think most people who play Sea of Thieves are casuals where their main games are singleplayer Minecraft and Emily's Delicious. So they're not used to multiplayer interactions on videogames, so if anyone says ANYTHING that isn't 100% uplifting and positive, then that is something that is considered "toxic" Like someone saying: "Get rolled noob! Git gud kid, you suk" They believe that this is one of the worst types of things you can say and they will start bad mouthing, muting, or even banning people who say something as trivial as: "you suk noob" as something that deserves one of the highest punishments.

    The problem when you say that someone who says something like: Git gud kid or You suk noob AND someone who is saying racial and homophobic things, DDOS's people, sends death threats, etc. When you loop those 2 people together and call them both "toxic" then you're losing the meaning of what "toxic" means. Sending death threats, DDosing, and saying offensive things is WAY worse than calling someone a noob. Yet some of these discord and forum moderators will loop both kinds of people in with eachother, and just say that both of them are toxic, and they'll ban / mute both kinds of people from the discord or forums.

    There was no reason to remove my post as I didn't send a call to hate on a certain streamer in this message. And I didn't name anybody either. You removed it because you didn't like what I was saying, yet I broke no rules and was simple disagreeing with you, and for that the message got deleted. Go play Rust.

  • @godz-viper said in This is ridiculous:

    I just saw a streamer camping an outpost for half an hour, after having filled the tavern with kegs of gunpowder, just to screw someone's cashout of a chest of legends.

    Is this the behavior devs endorse?

    Just to screw up others players' time that easily for "fun"?

    I'm horrified of what they let some cheap players do.

    That's a classic camper move. It has always been and is upon you as player to learn from this experience in order to avoid such situations in the future.

    Devs just provide the sandbox game and the basic rules based on the code of conduct, it is upon the player to decide how to play within those rules.

  • Some people are really dedicated. I wouldn’t have the patience for it. And you need to be sure they will go sell to the outpost you’re in. Always a good idea not to sell to the most obvious and closest spot. Like it or not its a totally legal play. Luckily it can be avoid fairly easily by being extra careful.

  • @burnbacon said in This is ridiculous:

    I just saw a streamer camping an outpost for half an hour

    You watched a an outpost for half and hour, doing nothing else?
    Wow...that is boring.

    IKR!? I can think of so many better uses of my time. 😅

  • @galactic-geek said in This is ridiculous:

    @burnbacon said in This is ridiculous:

    I just saw a streamer camping an outpost for half an hour

    You watched a an outpost for half and hour, doing nothing else?
    Wow...that is boring.

    IKR!? I can think of so many better uses of my time. 😅

    It's not even the time for Twitch drops yet.

  • @metal-ravage said in This is ridiculous:

    @galactic-geek said in This is ridiculous:

    @burnbacon said in This is ridiculous:

    I just saw a streamer camping an outpost for half an hour

    You watched a an outpost for half and hour, doing nothing else?
    Wow...that is boring.

    IKR!? I can think of so many better uses of my time. 😅

    It's not even the time for Twitch drops yet.

    Ooh, thanks for the reminder! 😅

  • Why would that be against the rules?

  • fault of the players not seeing the mermaid.
    The games name is SEA OF THIEVES.

  • @godz-viper

    Easily? Collect kegs, set them up, wait for 30 mins and hope they didn't spot the mermaid to then simply move to a different out post... sounds like they took approximately a fair bit of time for a high risk manner to steal the loot with a big bang.

    You might frown upon the tactic used, but it is not without risk and time investment. It is all done for fun, as it is a game and yes this is within the rules of the game.

  • @galactic-geek
    Easy solution? Double checking everything and as someone else said, running a decoy to the tavern, while on a solo sloop after long voyages, it's just non viable.

  • @godz-viper have done it myself and can confirm, its very fun.

  • @godz-viper said in This is ridiculous:

    Easy solution? Double checking everything and as someone else said, running a decoy to the tavern, while on a solo sloop after long voyages, it's just non viable.

    Blunderbombs are a solo pirate's decoy (or a well-placed fully charged trident shot). 😉

  • The problem isn’t the guy playing a sandbox game the way he likes, it’s your response to it that’s the problem. How are you disgusted/offended or so bothered by this that you had to make a post about it?

    This is the world we live in now where everything is offensive lol 😂

  • @burnbacon ha detto in This is ridiculous:

    I just saw a streamer camping an outpost for half an hour

    You watched a an outpost for half and hour, doing nothing else?
    Wow...that is boring.

    I wanted to see how it would have ended up, for making myself a better idea of the game community.

    This is a game about piracy, I get it, but before this, it's a GAME, and at least in games some things should be better. I'm convinced SoT can be better, otherwise I wouldn't be here on this forum expressing my opinion.

    The Arena failure is a prime example of how bad designed the PvP is in this game, and why most of the players wants to just avoid it, because is unfair and unbalanced (again, this is a GAME, and those two things just drives games on a bad end). The amount of time needed to do everything, makes the losses in a matter of seconds, with almost no effective counterplay, a catalyst to the drop of players.

    You all might be "louder" in this forum and in the game, but after the above stated failure, I highly doubt you're the majority, and if the devs won't acknowledge it and balance things for good, the game will probably pop like an economic bubble.

  • So someone set up a trap to steal someones treasure? How could someone do something like this in the Sea Of Thieves, i can’t believe it!

  • Learn to build using UE4, make your own private SoT and see how long it stays interesting just farming with zero threats. I give you maybe a couple of weeks. Everything has meaning in this game due to the threat of other players, the AI enemies are SUPER easy to defeat for anyone in this game's age rating. They are mainly there as placeholders until other players show up.

    Value of titles/cosmetics has honestly been diluted enough by alliance servers but to go any further would be absolute nonsense. If you want to see what high highs and low lows feels like, go play Tarkov. This game is far from being unfun due to battling other players. If you play it right, you might lose 15-30 minutes of progress. Other games, you lose or die and you might lose gear that took quite a few sessions to find or save up for to buy.

  • @timedsatyr79799 ha detto in This is ridiculous:

    fault of the players not seeing the mermaid.
    The games name is SEA OF THIEVES.

    Even if he had saw the mermaid and he started to run away, in most cases a sloop can't outrun brigantines and galleons, let's not talk about engaiging a balanced fight, this is where the problems begin.

    I like the blatant use of the name as the only explaination for this behavior, then I COULD reply: "It is called Sea of Thieves, so why they attack on land? Why can't I steal stuff from NPCs' shop? Thieves are supposed to steal only the loot without killing crews, so it should be called Sea of Killers."
    As I hope you can see, my HYPOTHETICAL reply doesn't have much sense since this is a game, and its name doesn't speak all for itself.

    In conclusion, the game needs balance and for its name, it is what it is, just a good and captivizing one.

  • @godz-viper said in This is ridiculous:

    @timedsatyr79799 ha detto in This is ridiculous:

    fault of the players not seeing the mermaid.
    The games name is SEA OF THIEVES.

    Even if he had saw the mermaid and he started to run away, in most cases a sloop can't outrun brigantines and galleons, let's not talk about engaiging a balanced fight, this is where the problems begin.

    I like the blatant use of the name as the only explaination for this behavior, then I COULD reply: "It is called Sea of Thieves, so why they attack on land? Why can't I steal stuff from NPCs' shop? Thieves are supposed to steal only the loot without killing crews, so it should be called Sea of Killers."
    As I hope you can see, my HYPOTHETICAL reply doesn't have much sense since this is a game, and its name doesn't speak all for itself.

    In conclusion, the game needs balance and for its name, it is what it is, just a good and captivizing one.

    If they couldn't spot a brig or galleon in the vicinity of an outpost they have bigger problems than spotting a mermaid or walking into a trap. You sure don't think much of the communities skill level or awareness.

    And can the ad absurdum act, it isn't helping your argument or winning you any allies. Just shows your argument holds no water as you've run put of ammunition.

    There is nothing wrong with this type of play, it is all in good fun. No different then someone using the barrel hide inside the tavern and ambushing a crew coming in...or even just hiding in wait like we had to do in the olden days. Sneaky and underhanded, yes, but completely fair play and allowed - even encouraged as it can be inventive and makes for a good tavern tale, as well as good entertainment as you said.

  • @godz-viper said in This is ridiculous:

    @timedsatyr79799 ha detto in This is ridiculous:

    fault of the players not seeing the mermaid.
    The games name is SEA OF THIEVES.

    Even if he had saw the mermaid and he started to run away, in most cases a sloop can't outrun brigantines and galleons, let's not talk about engaiging a balanced fight, this is where the problems begin.

    Wait... what ? You complain about the streamer hiding on an outpost where the tavern is full of kegs and the victim can't outrun the streamer on a ship ?

  • I mean... if someone would kill me with lets say 20 kegs when i run in with an Athena chest, i would find it very funny. If someone actually searches and transports a lot of kegs into a tavern (and properly hide the kegs) and then waits in hiding for, god knows how long, then that pirate has earned my Athena chest.

    It is surprises like this that makes this game fun for me. Sure i lost an Athena chest, but i now have a story to tell, this is a very rare thing to happen to anyone.

    However a test blunderbomb/firebomb before entering any tavern is a good safety measure. That will detonate kegs, and probably wake up any hiding pirates inside.

  • @godz-viper on the one hand I understand why you’d be mad about this but in the other there’s currently 6 outposts and reapers to turn in a chest of legends that stream got lucky a crew even came to that outpost let alone didn’t see all the kegs I’m not saying I agree with that streamer it feels like a huge waste of time hoping someone shows up but it’s up to each player to play how they want to more or less

  • @pabio-escobar said in This is ridiculous:

    The problem isn’t the guy playing a sandbox game the way he likes, it’s your response to it that’s the problem. How are you disgusted/offended or so bothered by this that you had to make a post about it?

    This is the world we live in now where everything is offensive lol 😂

    IRL story - I just had a fellow teacher tell me that I was rude to her simply because something they found difficult to do was something that I found for myself to be easy to do. 🙄

  • @godz-viper LOL that's not even remotely toxic behavior. That's part if the game. There is literally a title for stealing 5 chests of legends as a pirate legend and if someone wants to fill a tavern with kegs to camp someone to get the steal then so be it. That is a perfectly legitimate action in Sea of THIEVES, keyword in caps lol.

  • I do not see how this is toxic behavoir. I have set up kegs at Reapers Hide Out and set them off when someone goes to cash in their chest. I do it more so for sh*ts and giggles. I do not feel bad because Reaper anything to me is fair game. Now would I do that at a regular outpost? No I would not, I never steal loot from non reapers but there is nothing wrong with people who do. It's just not my style.

    There is a reason why one should circle any outpost for rowboats and mermaids before parking to sell.

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