Join Rare on the Gameblast 2022 Charity Stream - starts noon today Saturday 26th February

  • Rare are on Twitch for 24 hours showcasing Sea of Thieves for a good cause!

    Special Effect are a UK based charity who are out to level the playing field for all gamers. They create custom-built ways to play, making gaming accessible to everyone!

    You can check out the amazing work they do at

    With streams from our partners, devs and Affiliate Alliance members, we want you all to rally round to make this weekend incredible special and change the lives of disabled gamers around the world because when everyone plays, we all win.

    Join us from noon today Saturday 26th February

    You can also donate directly here:

    Here's the schedule.

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  • Also, word has it, you might be able to spot your very own Deckhands and Mods taking on Sea of thieves bingo at 11pm GMT?!!

  • Im such a greedy person XD
    Charity for people in need and im like "awww! New cosmetics?"

  • bubblebusters and stargaze show an example of the incredible potential for technology to fuse with and support humanity

    as wonderful to think about as it is beautiful to witness imo

  • Just over 4 hours in…. £3500!

  • Keep watching and donating to this very worthy cause! :D

  • Brilliant BehavingBeardly, HappyKrakenX and Kaidawrath stream boosted the total to £5500!

  • At close of the 24 hours stream, the total was £9652.33, well on its way to £10,000! We didn’t quite make it, but during the Giveaway section in the last hour a lot of pirates were awarded some great loot!

    Well done everyone who took part, and the amazing generosity of the Sea of Thieves pirating community!


    If you’ve got a few coffers burning a hole in yer pocket, there’s still time to donate them to this very worthy cause!

  • i wonder if there special sails that will be given out..

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