Sniper and Blunder

  • I remember a day where the sniper was a one shot kill weapon, and the blunderbuss wasn't as "good". The sniper got nerfed, and the blunderbuss became the new best thing, with one shot capabilities. I also remember the sniper getting nerfed, because the devs didn't want a one shot weapon in the game. Yet, here we are, still able to be one shot by the blunderbuss, while the sniper is basically a pistol with a scope.

    Here's my two ideas for a fix.

    One, you can buff the sniper to one shot, and keep the Blunderbuss where it is.

    Two, you can nerf the blunderbuss to only do maybe 80% damage at max, and bring the sniper up to at least 75%.

    Personally, with the charge behind the sniper shot, and the size of the ball, a shot into the chest or head should be a one shot kill. The pistol should honestly have about the same. The blunderbuss is comparable to a shotgun firing birdshot. Can be devastating at very close range, but useless otherwise. Which, yeah, that's about right in-game as well.

    I feel like if anything, our hit boxes need split up into two, maybe 3 different boxes. Head, torso, and legs. If you get shot in the legs, you suffer from a small limp debuff. Good ol' broken leg effect. Shot in the torso, which we'll just include the arms in to simplify, you get standard 1x damage. Headshots? At the very least, 1.25x damage. This game has a lot to do with combat, both PvP and PvE. I feel like it should be expanded on, in more ways besides setting someone on fire, or throwing a small grenade of pellets at them.

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  • That would require a game that focuses on hand to hand combat. SOT has one of the best naval battle systems, the hand to hand combat is secondary. As such the right balance between distance and power should be held for projectile weapons in order to prevent any of them from becoming overpowered.

  • @sentinelblythe said in Sniper and Blunder:

    Here's my two ideas for a fix.

    One, you can buff the sniper to one shot, and keep the Blunderbuss where it is.

    Why? Weapons are well balanced an there's no reason to buff EoR as it's already the most powerful gun in the game

    Two, you can nerf the blunderbuss to only do maybe 80% damage at max, and bring the sniper up to at least 75%.

    "Let's say they lower the damage to 80, what then? If I one tab you from metre away I will have to swap to my sword and slice you to dead or take out my 2nd gun (EoR/Flinty) and finish you off. But if I use both sword and blunder I got nothing for long range so why would I do that? Ok as sword blunder is out of the loop then I'm left with blunder flinty/EoR combo but the problem becomes: if I have to two tab you even with a blunder buss then why wouldn't I just use flinty/eor and two tab you from miles away as I would be risking getting sliced with sword if I tried to get to the blunder range?
    If blunder couldn't one shot anyone then there would be no point in using it as you would have to abandon convenience with Blunder+Sword over medium/long range capability or you would get the exactly same result from longer range with EoR+Flinty"

    I feel like if anything, our hit boxes need split up into two, maybe 3 different boxes. Head, torso, and legs. If you get shot in the legs, you suffer from a small limp debuff. Good ol' broken leg effect. Shot in the torso, which we'll just include the arms in to simplify, you get standard 1x damage. Headshots? At the very least, 1.25x damage. This game has a lot to do with combat, both PvP and PvE. I feel like it should be expanded on, in more ways besides setting someone on fire, or throwing a small grenade of pellets at them.

    As cool as it would be and as much I would love it, with the state of hit reg this feature wouldn't be fun as it sounds.

  • The EoR was never a one shot weapon, right?

  • @mferr11 said in Sniper and Blunder:

    The EoR was never a one shot weapon, right?

    I don't think so; it may have had a slight decrease in damage in the early days, but it wasn't a 100% damage.

  • still able to be one shot by the blunderbuss

    Sniper could one shot from a distance. It also had knock back if it slightly missed or something.

    Blunder requires a CQC type of play. Up in your face before it even one shot kills. Most players don’t play that close :p

  • @sentinelblythe
    One shot kills with sniper?

    No one shot kills with blunderbuss?

  • I am pretty sure the sniper never one shot but that would kill pvp, the point is that you can be 1 shot super close but besides that you should be able to survive a shot. Also with different hitboxes it would worsen hitreg and make what is intentionaly a simple combat sytem overcomplicated

  • @mferr11 said in Sniper and Blunder:

    The EoR was never a one shot weapon, right?

    And it never should be

  • @sentinelblythe said in Sniper and Blunder:

    I feel like if anything, our hit boxes need split up into two, maybe 3 different boxes. Head, torso, and legs.

    Laughs in hitreg

    In all seriousness, the weapon balancing is perfectly fine as it is aside from the sword, and that only needs a temporary balancing until hitreg and backtracking are in a more stable state.

    This game isn't and advanced shooter. It's got SO much more going on for it in terms of combat that you just can't get anywhere else. The hand to hand stuff is super basic, and should remain that way.

    Could they get really advanced with sword combat like Chivalry 2? Sure. Could they get really advanced with gun Crouch, Prone, and other elements you see in modern FPS games? Sure...but that's not what this game is about. Nor does it pretend to be. That's why it's super basic.

  • @sentinelblythe said in Sniper and Blunder:

    I remember a day where the sniper was a one shot kill weapon, and the blunderbuss wasn't as "good". The sniper got nerfed, and the blunderbuss became the new best thing, with one shot capabilities. I also remember the sniper getting nerfed, because the devs didn't want a one shot weapon in the game.

    Those sure are some strong nostalgia glasses. Sniper was originally 80 and was brought down to 70 because of the one shot/one sword swipe strat being extremely effective because at the time there was zero delay in striking with a sword once swapped.

    Personally, with the charge behind the sniper shot, and the size of the ball, a shot into the chest or head should be a one shot kill. The pistol should honestly have about the same. The blunderbuss is comparable to a shotgun firing birdshot. Can be devastating at very close range, but useless otherwise. Which, yeah, that's about right in-game as well.

    I mean since we are going so literal with real life comparisons of physics, I guess the sword should one shot if someone swipes your throat area right?

    I feel like if anything, our hit boxes need split up into two, maybe 3 different boxes. Head, torso, and legs. If you get shot in the legs, you suffer from a small limp debuff. Good ol' broken leg effect. Shot in the torso, which we'll just include the arms in to simplify, you get standard 1x damage. Headshots? At the very least, 1.25x damage. This game has a lot to do with combat, both PvP and PvE. I feel like it should be expanded on, in more ways besides setting someone on fire, or throwing a small grenade of pellets at them.

    The devs have had a hard time for two years now with hit reg on a full player single hit box and you want to break it down FURTHER?! Who cares if the weapon one shots if it only registers the hit 30% of the time? RNG to the max in that scenario.

  • how about this... they dont touch anything

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