World Events

  • More World Events like a type of Skull Forts or another open sea boss. Something that can be fun.

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  • Please do not make a suggestion if it essentially boils down to "add something fun"

  • I think we are maxed out on world events

    There are a lot of ways to get rich in this game with less risk, intensity, and stress and that's why so many events go undone now

    More events just makes it more difficult to find ones people enjoy doing which means even more of them get left untouched until they despawn or stay up forever because someone keeps triggering them

    More to do is a catch 22. It gives people more to do but ultimately also breaks them up which spreads out interaction and activity

    With cannon rowboats now, there is even less of a reason to spend time on land and we have enough sea events with flamehearts and fleets.

    Anything that isn't a fort also locks down islands which creates more interference with voyagers.

    I don't see much room for events anymore or much more benefit than just the initial activity increase for a few weeks

    They could try to work more underwater events in but with the mermaid loot system I don't see that as compatible with a world event

  • @xd-xhenos

    We have plenty of World Events that are going un touched right now. The most recent world of event the Fort of Fortune literally just was released not too long ago.

    Nobody is doing World Events anymore because they are simply done with all the accomendations, don't need the money, or some people don't do them because they don't want to engage with PvP and have it stolen from them.

    Anytime there is a new event, the increased activity for about 2-3 weeks is amazing, and then it just dies right down.

    The Fort of the Damned is still hands down one of the best updates this game has seen, and it's sad that it's been almost 2 months for me that I have not found one active.

    What I think should be done is Rare needs to find ways to keep players active and continue to do these events to keep things interesting and give players a reason to keep either questing or completing events, either by adding more cosmetics or rewards or titles, or something long term. The economy is broken in this game, personally they need to tweek the loot system and revamp how much certain items cost or add new loot that are high ticket items that are high risk high reward.

    I do agree I would like to see something different in the water other than a Kraken and Meg.

  • @wolfmanbush I agree with you, I believe we have enough world events for now.
    We should start asking the devs to further improve older event if need be and work on new voyage and improvements for the companies like Athena that is in serious need of a update

  • Honestly, I think it's time to retire some world events current forms in lieu of new ideas. I don't mean get rid of them, I mean change them.

    Skeleton Forts are the easiest target since they're the longest in the tooth.

    Give the format something new. Something fresh.

    Bring the phantoms in. Bring the ocean crawlers in. Make it a fort defense from skeleton ships. All sorts of stuff they can do to breathe new life into the forts.

  • Rather than add new world events, I think they should revamp all the current ones. Skeleton Fleets and Forts do feel a bit lacking.

  • @mferr11 Exactly 110%. Maybe FOTD and FOF could spawn an ashen athena from time to time or drop a extra scroll for an athena quest at an island. Also I wish they would add more commendations for forts and PVP, especially FOTD so people would actually do them or like kill 200 players etc.

  • All I do is World Events and PVP.

    World events have gotten stale...I've done them all a kazillion times.

    Once in a blue moon you'll get some PVP action at FOF, Flame Heart.

    That's about it. The old Stuff like OG Skull Forts, Red Tornado, Fleets, probably the calmest safest stuff in game.

    The work vs reward for FOTD is out of whack. So no one even wants to start the thing.

    I dunno what the solution is. Maybe make the loot payout random to entice PVP?

    The World Event has always just been something you do to cause/wait for PVP and chaos to ensue.

    By the way you all be sleeping on Skelly Fleets if your looking for an s load of loot quick and easy. Plus you get enough Tridents to clear out the next 2-3 World Events.

  • How about bring back the ashen forts and ashen fleet...

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