Friend Quit Sea of Thieves due to thinking best cosmetics are locked to him forever

  • @nitroxien do not bring stuff back

  • @galactic-geek that tankard is looking toothy! kinda hype to get it once the season drop

  • @personalc0ffee uh not true, cosmetics are the main progression so i disagree with your statement.

    BUT new players in any game needs to to acknowlendge that they are playing a game with history, and its the player's fault for showing up late to the party.
    If anything they joined the game in a great state when the game is bombarded with content and things to do, year 1 like players had it rough in content, 1 fort and 3 factions.

    As for OP: @Nitroxien
    Keeping it exclusive is a thank you from Rare and exclusive items holds a story, the event that it was part of and the things you had to do.
    Other that they will keep releasing

    And they should and will create more limited cosmetics, call it flex or unique but games do that for a reason.
    This pathetic article is dosent take into account so many things, its nothing more then a poor anecdotal. Didnt took into account all the players that DO love it or those that would leave the game if they stab them in the back and release those items.

  • Cosmetics tell your pirate story.

    There will always be cosmetics that other pirates can't get now and that you can't get and that's OK because everyone will have their own cosmetics to earn and their own pirate story to tell.

    What makes SoT great is that every pirate has a different journey and their cosmetics show that journey. It's what makes every pirate unique.

    I played at launch so am lucky to have some gorgeous Day One and pre-order items but then I stopped playing for about 18 months. There's a tonne of beautiful stuff I don't have (Wandering Reaper being one of them) but it's not my pirate's story to tell. My cosmetics tell her story.

  • Thats kinda the point in time limited cosmetics, they're there to make the people who have them be able to show off dedication or time played to feel special, to get new players and keep active players interested in the game in the chance that those cosmetics will never come back.

    If your friend doesn't like the new cosmetics, that's their problem, not Rare's.

  • @meroviel said in Friend Quit Sea of Thieves due to thinking best cosmetics are locked to him forever:

    Cosmetics tell your pirate story.

    There will always be cosmetics that other pirates can't get now and that you can't get and that's OK because everyone will have their own cosmetics to earn and their own pirate story to tell.

    What makes SoT great is that every pirate has a different journey and their cosmetics show that journey. It's what makes every pirate unique.

    I played at launch so am lucky to have some gorgeous Day One and pre-order items but then I stopped playing for about 18 months. There's a tonne of beautiful stuff I don't have (Wandering Reaper being one of them) but it's not my pirate's story to tell. My cosmetics tell her story.

    Cheers to that.

    Hopefully that stance carries through to items from Seasons that have come and gone as well.

  • It should stay locked forever. Who cares?

    Contrary to popular belief no one is even looking, noticing and they sure the hell aint taking the time to admire your pirate lol.

    You never even see your own Pirate!

    People want what they can't have and people want what other people ain't got! Human nature.

    Keep the stuff locked. Hell I missed out in 99% of it. So what, no big deal.

  • @sweetsandman Some items will come back, we've always said that - but they will have to come back in a way that doesn't diminish the work others put in to earn them, which is why we're taking our time to come up with a strategy to make sure we bring them back in the right way.

    Some items will always be legacy (Black Dog, Ferryman, Wandering Reaper, Hungering Deep to name a few) and that's just how it is - those are 'event' items in a different sense - cosmetics that mark huge changes to the world of SoT so are vastly different to a seasonal reward or Twitch drop etc, but we do try to bring back ones that we can in a way that seems natural and still shows the value of the items.

    We know we can't please everyone but remember, this is YOUR story to tell with YOUR pirate. Be proud of what you earn on your journey and enjoy the stories of those who have cosmetics you missed.

  • @meroviel Without trying to sound negative...

    Unfortunately, the way this reads is that everything after roughly the Heart of Fire update doesn't mark a significant enough change to the world of SoT and therefore doesn't warrant any exclusivity (or at least not any that are really worth putting in your pirate's story). I concede to the stance, just know that it might come off leaving a sour taste in the mouth of anyone other than the OGs.

    I know not everyone can be made happy. But, hopefully, whatever way these cosmetics start returning doesn't further sour that taste.

  • @sweetsandman said in Friend Quit Sea of Thieves due to thinking best cosmetics are locked to him forever:

    @meroviel Without trying to sound negative...

    Unfortunately, the way this reads is that everything after roughly the Heart of Fire update doesn't mark a significant enough change to the world of SoT and therefore doesn't warrant any exclusivity (or at least not any that are really worth putting in your pirate's story). I concede to the stance, just know that it might come off leaving a sour taste in the mouth of anyone other than the OGs.

    I know not everyone can be made happy. But, hopefully, whatever way these cosmetics start returning doesn't further sour that taste.

    The way it reads to me is that they won't go back on what they said when they released those updates with exclusive cosmetics but have listened to feedback and limit the exclusiveness of items to earn.
    Do the event and you get the items or don't and you have to do something more difficult later on and/or pay more gold to get them.

  • @lem0n-curry Right. I get that. That just kind of endorses my point that exclusive cosmetics - at least the worthwhile ones - seem to be reserved for the OGs.

  • @meroviel said in Friend Quit Sea of Thieves due to thinking best cosmetics are locked to him forever:

    @sweetsandman Some items will come back, we've always said that - but they will have to come back in a way that doesn't diminish the work others put in to earn them, which is why we're taking our time to come up with a strategy to make sure we bring them back in the right way.

    Some items will always be legacy (Black Dog, Ferryman, Wandering Reaper, Hungering Deep to name a few) and that's just how it is - those are 'event' items in a different sense - cosmetics that mark huge changes to the world of SoT so are vastly different to a seasonal reward or Twitch drop etc, but we do try to bring back ones that we can in a way that seems natural and still shows the value of the items.

    We know we can't please everyone but remember, this is YOUR story to tell with YOUR pirate. Be proud of what you earn on your journey and enjoy the stories of those who have cosmetics you missed.

    I fully agree with prior world changing events remaining exclusive as those changed the world around the player, and that experience and rewards from it should be locked. I consider the Brave Vanguard set part of this world changing category as they helped shape the game pre-launch with testing/feedback. I would also lump the BlackDog set (event though it was a purchase) into this category as those early adopters helped get the game going at launch.

    The only issue I have is rewards tied to purchases as they were not obtainable by all due to various reasons. Such rewards should honestly make their way to the Emporium for a significant price which would go to Rare instead of the many scalpers who bought up supply.

    • The Ferrymen Set: Was tied to a Controller that many could not find locally and sold out frequently online, and many did not need another controller.
    • The Midnight Blunderbuss: Was tied to an External HDD which many did not need as SSD's are superior, and other External HDD's had far better price points.

    I know I am going to get flack for this, but cosmetics locked behind products are annoying. I have the Lord Guardian Sails from pre-ordering the Sea of Thieves RPG, my favorite sails in the game. I enjoy players asking me questions about them as they too think they are awesome, but they weren't tied to anything meaningful in game. They were an incentive to buy the RPG and helped boost sales, but I wouldn't care if they made their way to the Emporium for a premium.

    They help drive sales of external items at launch and remain exclusive for a good length of time, then become available on the Emporium for a Premium. This gives players who couldn't find/afford or didn't need the original product they were tied to a chance, as well as giving newer players the option of a cool cosmetic not tied to word changing events; All while helping support Rare and the game we all love.

  • If you wanted it, you should have gotten it. Is basically what sums this thread up.

  • I do think they should bring items back from time to time but I don't think that all cosmetics should be available all the time. Some items you get for achieving tasks. Others are limited to a certain event. It is the event items that should come back, maybe once a year.

  • @nitroxien Sea Of Thieves, is a great game. It has come a along way since it first came out. I found it fun, but often boring back before seasons. Just depended on the events and the players on the server. After seasons. I’ve only enjoyed it more with everything they keep adding and it’s giving players so much more to do. I hope they keep doing that going forward.

    With that all said. A big part of the game is also the cosmetics. I have to agree that I understand why rare does it. Although I think you should be able to save up dabloons or gold to get the very rare items they no longer put out like items from previous years or events. After that you can never get them and it’s lame. Items like the obsidian set and ferryman’s set and the Black Sea dog you can acquire online but you have to buy cards online to get them.

    Unfortunately scalpers have them selling for like 250.00 to 1000.00 for them it’s a little ridiculous. So at least give us the option to earn them in game as pirate legends or something, or add them to the emporium so rare is getting back their money. It would also cut down on the scalping from people online.

    I play with my son and he often gets angry about stuff like that. But he still plays. The only time he freaks out is when we fight a skeleton ship and we’re loaded with loot and we’re attacked by a megalodon at the same time. There’s been a few times where just the most random stuff happens and it’s funny but impossible. Other times there’s nothing happening at all. That’s why he says he wants to quit but he gets over it. So hopefully your friend gives it another go the more you play the better you’ll get.

  • i want to start this post by saying i dont care about cosmetics, i rarely change my sloops appearance unless im waiting for my duo partner or we want to look completely different to what we did 3 minutes ago when we sunk a bunch of people. my weapon cosmetics never change and i haven't changed how my pirate looks in months (which i only did for a commendation)

    however this whole cosmetics tell your pirates story is such a BS argument, your withholding stuff from players to keep people playing now out of fear of them missing out on the latest twitch drop which requires you to spend hours every other week watching someone, or doing the oh so memorable task of cooking a load of fish etc to get whatever cosmetic your putting out in this weeks event. Your pirates story if you really want to go down that route should be the experience of playing in the event, being around at that time and not locking stuff away from everyone else, some of who (regardless of what you or i think) really care about cosmetics for one reason or another and telling them they simply cant have these things feels like a slap in the face to them. is that going to be their pirates story, constantly being reminded that the things they really would like they cant get?

    ok maybe make it alot harder grind to people who dont participate in the event where they were introduced, but permanently locking them away / putting them behind a paywall (assuming they weren't when introduced) leaves a bad taste in peoples mouth who clearly want them.

    yea this effects probably very few people and its easy to dismiss it but at the end of the day the people who participated in these events aren't losing anything, they dont get the enjoyment of that event wiped from their memory so why not reintroduce stuff again behind a much longer grind for dedicated people who really want it. hey, them going on that grind would be their pirates story.

  • expanding on the making it part of your own pirates story thing why not make it so that in order to get previous cosmetics you have to have all factions max level (including athena and hunters call) and have x amount of commendations unlocked so you haven't cheesed this somehow, or at least making cheesing harder. then you can pick one cosmetic out of the many many cosmetics that have been introduced and are no longer available to to work towards each month allowing for a certain amount of exclusivity to remain, which lets face it is the main reason people are against giving other people cosmetics they got for free, the "wah but i dont want other people to have it wah" argument. if you dont meet all the requirement to unlock the achievement that month then you have to start over from scratch the next month or pick another cosmetic to try and obtain.

    getting this cosmetic would be a grind, something people would have to dedicate a hell of alot more time to getting than people who participated in the event something that you aren't going to achieve by accident just by playing alot but not focusing on. you can vary the grind to make say twitch cosmetics that someone forgot to log in on a tuesday to watch a streamer they dont enjoy watching play a game last month that are missing one piece of a set they have the other 5 items for easier to get than something more sought after. you can even have a dedicated NPC that will take all items that your required to grind, but if you hand in a gold chest that you need you or the rest of your crew wont get gold, you will just get progress towards that cosmetic. you can have it so you need to hand in alot within say 5 minutes whilst being a level 5 emissary or nothing will count or you need to hand in order of souls items in whilst your a merchant emissary. i duno i've thought about this for all of 5 minutes just make the requirements hard and have a risk to them at least for cosmetics that go back years.

    legitimately make getting these cosmetics part of your pirates story as you say. if you like the idea or if you hate the idea i doubt many people are going to say thats alot less memorable than doing a commendation that you might just achieve without realising it, and how many commendations will you have to put into the game to reintroduce every single cosmetic. and it adds something new to people who feel that have completed the game, a hardmode challenge if you like that requires alot of time and dedicated effort to achieve

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Friend Quit Sea of Thieves due to thinking best cosmetics are locked to him forever:

    I honestly would be fine if they brought back some of the first 1-2 year events as rolling special events. Give it a short time window and never repeat the same one in a year. It can honestly still keep things exclusive and keep the original spirit of the event intact.

    This would be very cool. I would be ecstatic if they implemented this kind of thing as rolling events. It would also be a solution for those who feel like they missed out as they have only recently learned of and joined the game.

  • @faceyourdemon sagte in Friend Quit Sea of Thieves due to thinking best cosmetics are locked to him forever:

    @personalc0ffee uh not true, cosmetics are the main progression so i disagree with your statement.

    BUT new players in any game needs to to acknowlendge that they are playing a game with history, and its the player's fault for showing up late to the party.
    If anything they joined the game in a great state when the game is bombarded with content and things to do, year 1 like players had it rough in content, 1 fort and 3 factions.

    As for OP: @Nitroxien
    Keeping it exclusive is a thank you from Rare and exclusive items holds a story, the event that it was part of and the things you had to do.
    Other that they will keep releasing

    And they should and will create more limited cosmetics, call it flex or unique but games do that for a reason.
    This pathetic article is dosent take into account so many things, its nothing more then a poor anecdotal. Didnt took into account all the players that DO love it or those that would leave the game if they stab them in the back and release those items.

    Just a little were 4 factions...Goldhoarder, OoS, merchants and Athena's Fortune
    And there were 3 forts that could be active, Keel Haul Fort, Crow's Nest Fortress and Shark Fin Camp...once it was finished, we had to wait 3 hours until the next one spawned

  • @schwammlgott 4 factions hahaahah right! how did i forgot the legendary quest of all three of em combined XD
    Nah but ive meant as 1 type of a fort hahaha

  • @faceyourdemon yeah, 1 type of fort and only 3 locations for that
    But I actually wouldn't say, we have 3 types of forts's kind of the same, especially since skellie lords are the bosses at the end

  • The point of limited time items is that there is a limited amount of time to get them.

  • @jojo-buddy-v2 said in Friend Quit Sea of Thieves due to thinking best cosmetics are locked to him forever:

    The point of limited time items is that there is a limited amount of time to get them.

    Limited doesn't mean once and done. It just means not all of the time.

  • @galactic-geek it does seem in some situations that it is once and never again. Hungering One figurehead is a prime example. It was a limited time reward to this day we haven’t even gotten a recolor of it.

    Even if recolors using the other 4 meg colors would be pretty nice…

  • Agree that it's disappointing for players to learn that some cosmetics are not available anymore, though not neccesarily a good reason to quit entirely. But time-limited doesn't mean one-time exclusive and there's always a way to make them available through annual events or commendations.

  • Have a look at the cosmetics for Season Five. They look amazing! Some of the best I have seen for a while! Anyone overlooking the great cosmetics available to players now because they are overly focused on the ones they cannot access needs to do a little self-reflection. They could start by considering why they are letting their envy over a handful of items overshadow the beautiful and varied world of adventure that is available to them.

  • @ghostpaw the team who has been leading the charge with ship cosmetics this year needs some praise. Seriously, I am impressed with most of the sets we’ve gotten this year.

  • @ninja-naranja said in Friend Quit Sea of Thieves due to thinking best cosmetics are locked to him forever:

    @ghostpaw the team who has been leading the charge with ship cosmetics this year needs some praise. Seriously, I am impressed with most of the sets we’ve gotten this year.

    The season cosmetics have been well made but the ledger rewards have all been super impressive. I agree with you.

    Best craftsmanship in the game has ended up as ledger rewards imo and they are free and can be earned.

  • @alienmagi said in Friend Quit Sea of Thieves due to thinking best cosmetics are locked to him forever:

    Honestly, i kind of understand where your friend is coming from.

    I would be dissappointed too if i missed my opportunity to get the PL curse in s1. Im still a little upset that i missed the barrel hide emote.

    That doesnt mean there arent great alternatives though. And besides, theres always new cosmetics being released and your friend will miss out on even more just because he didnt get one of them in the past?

    "That doesn't mean there aren't alternatives?" I'm really curious what "alternatives" there are to the PL curse. Like seriously, what curse gives you green light from your eyes? There's no other one. I typically wear green outfits, if I wanted a curse to match, it's either PL or you're out of luck.

    Now for reference, I do in fact own the PL curse, so I'm lucky to not have to deal with this. But I have introduced about 6 new friends to the game since S1 and gotten them to PL. None of them get to have the curse purely for the dumb reason that it was part of a limited time thing. That's not healthy for the game. They should be able to access the same content as me. Just because I played the game at an earlier date doesn't mean I am more deserving than them to own special cosmetics (especially something as lore important as the PL curse).

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