Am I the only one that didn’t know you can view the map on a sloop from the upper deck?

  • Just wondering.

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  • That's alright I've known for years and half the time I still find myself going down to look foe no reason. I've been playing since day one and still about once a week or so I discover something or someone shows me something new. It's why people keep coming back. just drink some grog and smile.

  • @louiscyphere1

    Pretty much everyone for a little while. You can also look through the grates on a Brigantine and Galleon to see your map.

  • You guys still use the map?

  • @slickwillywonka sagte in Am I the only one that didn’t know you can view the map on a sloop from the upper deck?:

    You guys still use the map?

    To look, if there's a reaper, yes...for every other navigation I use the map burned into my brain...

  • @slickwillywonka yes for a more precise location I know the general headings

  • yes, very much so, also on brigs and gallys you can see the map from the grate above

  • @slickwillywonka Yep, Day One player... still no idea where anything is in the world.
    Ignorance is bliss! 🤪

  • @sshteeve said in Am I the only one that didn’t know you can view the map on a sloop from the upper deck?:

    @slickwillywonka Yep, Day One player... still no idea where anything is in the world.
    Ignorance is bliss! 🤪

    Ican generally echo locate the islands I have a strategic liking/disliking to. But I need the map to be sure I'm heading in the generally correct direction if I'm in a place I don't fear or like because of strategery.

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