Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition. Your Best 'Creative with a Crate' Screenshot. [RESULTS]

  • I am gobsmacked at how creative you pirates have been with a crate or two!
    So many excellent entries to choose from! From Derrick's new hat, @Stewie9521's Sea of Creates, @TheGamerK1ng03's Pool of Crates and @Georrqe's Olympic Rings of Crates, to list but a few. All excellent entries!

    It's been a really difficult choice, but this weeks winner of the loot is -

    Well done me matey!

    Loot is on it's way to you and the friend you've nominated. What a kind pirate ye aaaarrrrhhh! :D

    New mission, should you choose to accept it, posted shortly!

  • 18
  • Wow.

    That is mind blowing. How many crates and how long did that take?

  • @personalc0ffee You can read a bit here :)

  • @lizalaroo 5 hours and 197 crates.

    I suppose it beats grinding wood crates for 11 hours. sigh Back to it. . .

    Either way, what a great contest and GG to the winners.

  • Well done guys

  • @lizalaroo Hello! We tried really hard for our screenshot, took us about 5 hours to do it and we didn't even get to honorable mentions, that makes us quite sad :( Can you please give us feedback so we can come back stronger in the next contest?

    @lizalaroo thank you so much!!! This is literally my happiest day on the Sea!!!
    I've sought after that capstan for almost as long as this game has been out. I am SO ecstatic right now!!! 🤩

    Now I have a complete Obsidian/Black Dog/Ebony set! All clothes, items, ship parts and equipment! (besides blunder which I never use so eh. Seems impossible to get so I'm not sweating it). I will wear it all with great pride!

    Thank you so much @ll-vallkyrie-ll and @Unlifebringer86 for all your help I couldn't have done it without you!

    These contests have been a lot of fun and definitely a different way to enjoy the Sea than the usual loot and shoot!

    I'M. SO. HAPPY. 😭

  • Here's a couple sort of behind the scenes shots we got while setting it up!

  • @personalc0ffee

    Quite a lot and quite a while!
    Unlife had a rough count of 197 crates while offloading, and we probably spent about 5 hours total on this. Like an hour and a half was just farming Lords of the Sea for crates and listening to Davy Jones and Jack shout the word "spire" at eachother so much it haunts my dreams.

    Then like half hour of offloading at least and a couple hours setting it up and being interrupted by Ocean Crawlers, Phantoms, and skellies every 5 minutes. We didn't have the heart to load it all back on. I sure hope someone found the roughly 5,910 (197x30) cannonballs we left behind! 😅

    It was definitely some work but also a lot of fun and SO worth it now that my 3 year incomplete set nightmare is at an end!

  • @devu100 tbh they drew better with loot than you but good try

  • This was our first attempt at these contests, we'll come back with a better one next time hopefully 👍

  • @georrqe @Devu100
    Both of your entries were great! You two were my favorites out of the other competitors.
    This definitely isn't my first entry and there's been plenty of screenshots I thought were really good that didn't get mentioned. It can be discouraging but don't lose hope! If you're determined and creative enough and put some time into it each week I'm sure you guys will get it!

    When I saw the theme for this week I didn't think I would be able to come up with anything that could win. Turns out this is the week that did it. Don't lose faith and good luck!

    This next challenge sounds interesting though you'll have your work cut out for you!

  • Amazing congratulations @tearyamoeba

  • @georrqe @TearyAmoeba
    It was a difficult choice this week as sooo many screenshots were fantastic! It would have been a loooooong post to have mentioned them all, so I just picked a few that caught my eye, but you are right, there were many, many more lol.

    Thank you everyone for taking the time getting your screenshot and entering. It really is appreciated!

  • @tearyamoeba

    I'm SO happy for you! Now I don't have to listen to you complain about not having it anymore! 😋 Im kidding. But really, I am so happy that my artistic abilities could come through in your time of need! 🖤 It's been so fun and at times frustrating, to come up with all these screenshots and try to get you the capstan. Super happy I could be there to help you!

    Also, there have been some really great screenshots from all you guys on these threads! I agree with Teary, don't give up! We got discouraged a few times no doubt, but we kept trying and it eventually paid off! 😊

  • @ll-vallkyrie-ll

    The nightmares are finally over 😂😭

    Thank you sooo much for helping bring my vision to life! 💜

  • @tearyamoeba I saw the screenshots of you and your mates the last contests and they always were great, but this one absolutely kills it. Great Job and gratz to the complete set! :)

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