Waiting for S2...Then it offers pretty much nothing.

  • This is for Rare to read, not to enrage anyone who does love Season 2 and all things SoT: I'm frustrated that I will get less out of playing Season 2 because I already own items that are being offered in the Plunder Pass. My feedback on that is this: Why not have the the costume you released on the emporium today as the plunder pass reward instead of cosmetics that we have already purchased? Then put them up on the emporium later?

    I was looking forward to playing through Season 2 after enjoying the first (but not buying Season 1's pass because of the same reasons) and seeing that there's no real reason to participate is disappointing. This model is meant to give an incentive play right? But all it does is encourage me to not bother ever getting anything from the emporium because it'll just show up in a season pass a few months later.

    Not only this particular gripe but having the first event basically be a PVP players vs PVE players set up when non-PVP players don't have to put any work in to get rewards and there's no risk for them (no lost treasure, no wasted time if they sink).

    It's such a lackluster start to this new way of playing SoT and boy, Season 3 better be a whole lot better than this otherwise I'll just play something that is actually willing to offer the playerbase something to keep em playing each month.

    There's not even much new stuff outside of the season pass content if you just want to play the game in a less committed way. New cosmetic items are just reskins and not great ones at that.

    Stay safe & all the best,

  • 24
  • “2021 will be the biggest year in sea of thieves history”-Joe Neate

  • The devs seem to be aware and even seemed to brace the community for impact about the lack of content offered for season 2 during their podcast. Essentially, the first 6 months offer almost nothing new in terms of content. Season three will be the real decider to see if they can continue to change the game in engaging ways.

  • @cooliocam said in Waiting for S2...Then it offers pretty much nothing.:

    The devs seem to be aware and even seemed to brace the community for impact about the lack of content offered for season 2 during their podcast. Essentially, the first 6 months offer almost nothing new in terms of content. Season three will be the real decider to see if they can continue to change the game in engaging ways.

    It's just kinda annoying that they have fresh content for the emporium that could really beef up the season pass. Sure the pass is less expensive, but they don't have to give out as many ancient coins as they do through the season so it's up to them to make that work out. Just a bit baffling...As is offering a pick'n'mix selection of random cosmetic items.

  • @jollytomroger said in Waiting for S2...Then it offers pretty much nothing.:

    [ Mod edited]

    wait, what? where is this hate for RARE coming from? is it because they have the gull to ask people to buy new assets that add nothing but cosmetics to the game? i think your being very rude, and more than a little dramatic here.

  • Just don't buy the season passes like me : )

    I'm perfectly fine with the free rewards I get throughout. Barrel emote is super hawt fire.

  • Season 3 will be better.
    Season 4 will be greater.
    Season....something will be amazing.

    Meanwhile. I’m just gonna enjoy meeting random players as normally do and play the game.

  • People like me will eventually burn out but I don't blame anyone for that. We played a lot we've done a lot the game moves past us and we move on it's a part of life

    Some of the directions we are headed aren't for me but that doesn't mean the game won't continue to be successful. If you're just coming in because the game is on sale or because it's on gamepass there is a whole lot to do for a long time and it's a whole lotta fun. The passes are tremendous deals for new players.

    Getting tired of doing something that we do a lot of is to be expected I think a lot of times people just burning out turns into exaggerated content criticism.

    I had a blast when all we had were forts and I just got stomped on all the time. All this new stuff we have to do is pretty incredible imo compared to where the game came from. Don't really see how I can slam where we are now content wise when this game was a lot of fun before all this stuff even existed. New players are entering a gold mine of entertainment that costs them very little for the hours they are going to get outta it.

  • I have been waiting for a reason to play again.

    I am still waiting. I don't see anything new...

  • @thedeadyoshi not sure what reskined cosmetics you’re talking about but this season brings some of the best ship cosmetics to date.

  • Agreed, the forts are something but in the end it's just a fort and we have had that since day 1.

    Selling merchant stuff to a specific outpost is a chore and not fun at all and the fact that you can buy supplies for essentially no gold at all is just silly. It was already easy enough to get supplies.

  • @wolfmanbush you are right. Yet, the update feels ver lazy (c'mon, at least make new crates looks different from wood crate).

    Anyway, what makes me so mad is that the game is getting more and more broken. Sword is a joke, endless black screens, players lagging, PVP full of bugs, added to reviving and awful hitreg... Fighting a larger crew now is almost impossible and unbalanced.

  • I really liked the idea of the plunder pass and bought the first one. The second one, however, is really disappointing. Even more so as i have one of the items on it already.

    Makes no sense that the free part of the pass is actually much better and has items i actually like and want. Does Rare not actually want people buying the premium pass?

  • Season 1 and 2 were already pre made and planned before the release of season 1. Due to this they were structured relatively similar with no time for alterations. For season 3 we can expect them to input the feedback they’ve gathered and it should be better.

  • @ninja-naranja said in Waiting for S2...Then it offers pretty much nothing.:

    @thedeadyoshi not sure what reskined cosmetics you’re talking about but this season brings some of the best ship cosmetics to date.

    The puke-green kraken set and the more beige aristocrat set etc...
    These are things that are being added to the general clothing stores that are in lieu of anything new (say if you didn't want to participate in the seasonal activities and played the game in a less committed way).

  • @illbushido305 said in Waiting for S2...Then it offers pretty much nothing.:

    Season 1 and 2 were already pre made and planned before the release of season 1. Due to this they were structured relatively similar with no time for alterations. For season 3 we can expect them to input the feedback they’ve gathered and it should be better.

    Here's hoping!

    Intention of this post is just to send feedback so that we don't get more of the same hopefully. If it stays like this, I'm not gonna find a reason to revisit the game.

  • @thedeadyoshi I give you that, but I’m personally happy they’re deciding to finally release these sets. Fills out the outpost stores a bit more and the Silent Barnacle set gives people who didn’t own the first limited time one a change to use the models.

  • @illbushido305 It worries me that i am already seeing "wait till season 3, that will be the good one" - when previously it was "wait till season 2, which will be the good one".

    What next, "wait till season 4 - the others were just world building" or something like that?

  • @sally-kraken season two was meant to simply offer more than the last which it does. Last time it was a quest and now there is a new fort.

  • i personally love S2

  • I'm generally easy going on seasons and content it's whatever to me I care far more about server consistency and message consistency when it comes to the original foundation of the game

    but even if I were trying to be critical of content I just don't have a lot of beef this season

    I dig the new merchant muling stuff. Wildly profitable and I like that it gets people moving around for max profit rather than just sitting in their separate territories

    The fort isn't for my style at all and it isn't breaking the mold but it's exactly what the game needs. Massive loot, big time activity/interaction trap, just an all out chaotic activity fest that won't die down as much as the other events because of all the athena loot and just massive loot in general. It's take the good parts of the effects of FOTD and expanded them into a more consistent event. I don't really care that's it's just throwing the ingredients we already have in the pot as long as it comes out smelling and tasting good and this to me hits the spot.

  • @cooliocam
    Do you know the name of the video in which they braced the community for the lackluster Season 2? I am curious to see what exactly they said.

  • @burnbacon said in Waiting for S2...Then it offers pretty much nothing.:

    Season 3 will be better.
    Season 4 will be greater.
    Season....something will be amazing.

    Meanwhile. I’m just gonna enjoy meeting random players as normally do and play the game.

    Amazing that we're three years into this game's life span and people are still foolish enough to take Rare's empty promises as fact.

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