Mayden Voyage reseting bug

  • Hei, i just bought the game yesterday so i played an hour or so and i encountered a problem on the first quest at the start of the game. So, after i finished the first part of the quest on the Mayden Voyage and reach in Plunder Outpost, i played a little bit there and watch some shops in the game, i exited the game and played again but it keeps bring me back on the first mission, i finished the mission and the game exited on the main menu, i played again the same mission about two more times and the same thing happens, then i deleted the character with 20000 gold reward from the game i think, made a new character finish the first mission, an exit the game and go back in and happens the same thing... it's a pain in the... i like it but i can't play the same mission it over and over again. I uploaded a video on youtube to see what happen (see from the minute 16:30):

    Any ideas > Please help !

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  • Hello! Maiden voyage is a tutorial to the game, you don't have to do it over and over again to get into the world. In the main menu you need to select "Adventure", select the type of ship you want to sail on, select what kind of crew you want to have (open or closed) and then press "Set sail" button.

  • @lavrushakms Yeah... i found out today after playing for many hours the main tutorial without knowing is just an tutorial, and without even disappear from the main screen or after i finishing it every time, maybe to put me somwhere on an Outpost, but still, great game... Thank you mate!

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