Please add an option to switch to old quick-chat

  • I know this new quick chat was made to offer more options, and it isn't really "new" anymore, but I still think it honestly removes more than it adds.

    If you don't know what the change was, this is how it used to be (PC Controls):

    • G for quick chat, with F for "More" submenu showing extra options
    • E for maps and voyages
    • No Q submenu for maps and voyages

    Now, the quick chat goes something like this:

    • E for quick chat, 3 different categorized submenus
    • Maps and voyages in submenu under Q

    Initial impression this sounds fine, but in general gameplay I really think this is a lot worse. Let me explain it a bit.

    Previously, when holding an item, holding G immediately opened to the "item" quick chat. That means I could quickly announce that I am holding an item and what item I am holding to my crew. I could also do many other things very easily, like tell my crew to raise sails or drop anchor while I am on the wheel. Now, it starts on the generic quick-chat menu, and you have to go through a submenu to get to item. This isn't the worst thing in the world, just something you have to get used to, but not only is it really difficult to change hundreds of hours worth of muscle memory, but in specific cases it actually removes certain dialogue options.

    The speaking trumpet is what I am going to bring up in particular. Normally, someone can use it to increase the distance that their voice chat goes at. This doesn't work for text-chat, so we have to use quick-chat to get the distance increase. With the old quick chat, all chat options were default, but just in all caps and increased range. With new quick-chat, it opens to default chat, and that is all you have. There are the submenus, sure, but they don't have the all caps extra range. So with new chat, you essentially lose half of the extra ranged options, including "AHOY!". That sucks.

    Another thing that is lost is row boat quick chat. It is completely gone. My guess for the reason for this is that because Q and E control the breaks on the rowboat, you can't use quick-chat with E, but even after rebinding it to a new key, it still does absolutely nothing. I honestly have no idea why they removed this. It makes no sense.

    Now I know that there are a lot of rebinds available. I think that is fantastic work by the devs, and most games should strive for that amount of customization. I tried to make it as close to it used to be. I put maps and voyages back on E, quick-chat back on G, and changed around some submenu keybinds. Even with that though it isn't as good as old quick chat. I still have to cylce through submenus to get to what I want to say, and sometimes it isn't there at all. Also, I want to nitpick here about the new keybinds they implemented. Having quick-chat on E and item chat on C sucks. Before, like I said, you could just hold G and immediately be in item chat. Now, I have to basically take my hands off my movement keys to use it. It is better since I rebinded, but the fact that it was like that by default is really bad.

    I get that this new quick-chat was developed in mind to give players who have no way to communicate way more options. I think that it does that just fine, however someone like me who can use text chat already relies on quick chat for, well, quickly chatting. I can be in combat, be carrying an item, doing whatever and use quick-chat to say what I want without having to stop and type. It was wonderful. But this new quick chat I think really focuses only on those who can't chat. That is completely fine, but I really miss the old quick chat and it's features. Please please please add an option to switch to the old quick-chat.

    TL;DR - The new quick chat features aimed to add more options to those who have no form of communication, but ended up dropping a lot of good features or moving things around to a less-efficient method. It is fine for those who just want to talk, they have more features, but for someone like me who can type and uses quick-chat for typing quickly so I don't have to stop to type, I lose out on a lot of features that made it great. It is really frustrating, and I would really appreciate an option to switch back to the old quick-chat. Call it "legacy" quick-chat maybe.

  • 15
    windows 10feedbackgeneral
  • @silentstabsalot said in Please add an option to switch to old quick-chat:

    I know this new quick chat was made to offer more options, and it isn't really "new" anymore, but I still think it honestly removes more than it adds.

    If you don't know what the change was, this is how it used to be (PC Controls):

    • G for quick chat, with F for "More" submenu showing extra options
    • E for maps and voyages
    • No Q submenu for maps and voyages

    Now, the quick chat goes something like this:

    • E for quick chat, 3 different categorized submenus
    • Maps and voyages in submenu under Q

    Initial impression this sounds fine, but in general gameplay I really think this is a lot worse. Let me explain it a bit.

    Previously, when holding an item, holding G immediately opened to the "item" quick chat. That means I could quickly announce that I am holding an item and what item I am holding to my crew. I could also do many other things very easily, like tell my crew to raise sails or drop anchor while I am on the wheel. Now, it starts on the generic quick-chat menu, and you have to go through a submenu to get to item. This isn't the worst thing in the world, just something you have to get used to, but not only is it really difficult to change hundreds of hours worth of muscle memory, but in specific cases it actually removes certain dialogue options.

    The speaking trumpet is what I am going to bring up in particular. Normally, someone can use it to increase the distance that their voice chat goes at. This doesn't work for text-chat, so we have to use quick-chat to get the distance increase. With the old quick chat, all chat options were default, but just in all caps and increased range. With new quick-chat, it opens to default chat, and that is all you have. There are the submenus, sure, but they don't have the all caps extra range. So with new chat, you essentially lose half of the extra ranged options, including "AHOY!". That sucks.

    Another thing that is lost is row boat quick chat. It is completely gone. My guess for the reason for this is that because Q and E control the breaks on the rowboat, you can't use quick-chat with E, but even after rebinding it to a new key, it still does absolutely nothing. I honestly have no idea why they removed this. It makes no sense.

    Now I know that there are a lot of rebinds available. I think that is fantastic work by the devs, and most games should strive for that amount of customization. I tried to make it as close to it used to be. I put maps and voyages back on E, quick-chat back on G, and changed around some submenu keybinds. Even with that though it isn't as good as old quick chat. I still have to cylce through submenus to get to what I want to say, and sometimes it isn't there at all. Also, I want to nitpick here about the new keybinds they implemented. Having quick-chat on E and item chat on C sucks. Before, like I said, you could just hold G and immediately be in item chat. Now, I have to basically take my hands off my movement keys to use it. It is better since I rebinded, but the fact that it was like that by default is really bad.

    I get that this new quick-chat was developed in mind to give players who have no way to communicate way more options. I think that it does that just fine, however someone like me who can use text chat already relies on quick chat for, well, quickly chatting. I can be in combat, be carrying an item, doing whatever and use quick-chat to say what I want without having to stop and type. It was wonderful. But this new quick chat I think really focuses only on those who can't chat. That is completely fine, but I really miss the old quick chat and it's features. Please please please add an option to switch to the old quick-chat.

    TL;DR - The new quick chat features aimed to add more options to those who have no form of communication, but ended up dropping a lot of good features or moving things around to a less-efficient method. It is fine for those who just want to talk, they have more features, but for someone like me who can type and uses quick-chat for typing quickly so I don't have to stop to type, I lose out on a lot of features that made it great. It is really frustrating, and I would really appreciate an option to switch back to the old quick-chat. Call it "legacy" quick-chat maybe.

    this is why I have a mic a microphone is better in my opinion but idk you do you

  • @closinghare208 I do not.

  • @silentstabsalot said in Please add an option to switch to old quick-chat:

    @closinghare208 I do not.

    if you have a Walmart near you or a game store you should try and get a turtle beach mic it's a pretty good microphone

  • @closinghare208 That isn't really the point of this post, but thanks.

  • Hate the buttons? Buy a mic and fixed everything.

  • @silentstabsalot said in Please add an option to switch to old quick-chat:

    @closinghare208 That isn't really the point of this post, but thanks.

    I know then you wouldn't have to you quick chat but AS I SAID YOU DO YOU SIR

  • @burnbacon said in Please add an option to switch to old quick-chat:

    Hate the buttons? Buy a mic and fixed everything.

    exactly what I meant

  • @burnbacon I can't use a mic.

  • @silentstabsalot said in Please add an option to switch to old quick-chat:

    @burnbacon I can't use a mic.

    just use an lfg so you can

  • @closinghare208 I mean that I can't for personal reasons.

  • @silentstabsalot said in Please add an option to switch to old quick-chat:

    @closinghare208 I mean that I can't for personal reasons.

    ok then

  • I agree, it is very difficult to navigate through that menu while in combat or while actually doing something. I would love to see this added, Yes i know you can just use a microphone, but when I am playing witha random in say... open crew arena, i dont want to talk to them I want to talk to my friend that im in a party with.

  • I completely agree, it doesn't really do any harm to at least have the option to change it, not everyone has the money or ability to use a microphone and lots of people have put so many hours into the game with the original and the new one just tends to throw them off. The new and more specific options are cool, but they didn't need to change it seemingly out of no where.

  • @turkaspy Exactly. Even if just for a convenience thing the old chat was really nice to have.

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