Sitting + Playing Music

  • Firstly, I just want to say that your work on this game has been incredible. I've had this game for forever, and seeing its growth over time has been truly special. You all have provided for me and my friends in ways that I cannot even begin to describe.

    I just have one request. Not a day has passed that my friends and I don't mention how much we wish that we could use the 'Sit' emote and play music at the same time. More than anything we just want to sit around a campfire and play together. Similarly but not as important, would there be any way to allow the tavern seats to be actually sat in instead of just using the taunt while on top of them? Again, thank you all so much. Stay safe, healthy, and happy wherever you are!

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  • I think the player should be able to toggle instruments so I dont have to hold down RT for the entire song.

  • I agree with all of this, just add drinking and eating along with crouching and crawling and you have everything a player could want.

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