Ships that refuse to fight

  • I've seen a lot of people get angry for ships that run and refuse to fight. I've also seen many people chase down ships after watching them turn in (no loot onboard) at what point do you guys give up after realizing there is nothing to gain?

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  • @accessdenied926 there a lot of people that also get angry about being attacked. Also, not everyone is out for gold, for some the fight itself is all they need.

    Conflicts in goals is something that you find out on the seas, but both sides shouldn't get angry about it. The seas is a shared world experience and that means not everyone will play as you want them to.

  • @cotu42 I don't really care. Personally if I'm solo slooping and I get run up by a galleon I see how long they chase me before I scuttle. If they want to waste my time sinking a lootless ship I'll waste theirs. I'm all for pvp but most have goals behind it. If not you can always go to the arenas.

  • @accessdenied926

    I don't care, you can run if you want. That is totally viable and there is no shame in that. Yet don't get angry if others chase, that to is something that they can do.

    The freedom is given to us all, respond to those sails on the horizon in any way you see fit.

  • There frankly is always something to gain by sinking a ship. Maybe commendation?

  • @burnbacon said in Ships that refuse to fight:

    There frankly is always something to gain by sinking a ship. Maybe commendation?

    I have no loot to steal, and no emissary flag. There's no commendation for that.

  • @pithyrumble The only commendations I've found are curse balls with the original reaper flag up. Which brings me to my original point. Why follow someone for 10 minutes and then when you're in voice range mock them for being a coward or whatever. I don't understand this play style mentality.

  • @accessdenied926

    Lol and I forgot the sink a ship achievement too, but anyways lol

  • @accessdenied926 I don't mind a good fight - I'll fight anyone. But I usually run solo, which means I get preyed upon more than most. I rarely run into people willing to work together or even just NOT shoot me just to steal crumbs.

    Usually these individuals are engaging in pretty garbage-tier behavior, ie: ambushing at outposts, during a turn-in, etc.

    So schadenfreude is a thing for a reason - I take an enormous amount of pleasure in screwing over people who engage in this garbage-tier behavior, whenever the opportunity arises.

    Yes, it's a pirate game. But even Blackbeard negotiated and worked with people. Any Grug can shoot up a solo player and steal junked cargo - it takes an artist to use the game mechanics and flip his own cargo assignments into massive profit - taking several people along for the profitable ride.

    But they don't understand that and I think they never will.

    So, screw them.

    I've pointed my own ship into clear water and set it on fire, intentionally, to destroy cargo and deny these garbage-tier players any profit. They can't even board when the ship is engulfed.

    I've rigged it with demolition charges and blown up my own cargo. I've heaved cargo overboard to deny them. I've spilled the wind from my sails to let them get close, then heaved gunpowder barrels overboard so they run into them.

    They won't stop or send people after one crate of wet cloth in the water. So I chuck it overboard as I go, leaving a trail of ruined trash for them to look at.

    Even when they get me, it's usually with me discharging a blunderbuss point blank into a crate of rum bottles, destroying them.

    Standing on the last bit of ship that wasn't on fire as I sail off the map, knowing I am going to die - playing a banjo and taunting a garbage-tier player with the knowledge that they didn't get my cargo, that I wasted their time, they will never get my flag and all of this was a big fat nothing-burger for them...

    This makes me smile.

    If they did not engage in this kind of behavior to begin with, I would give them the fight they are looking for - but as it stands, I will waste their time and give them nothing.

  • @accessdenied926 said in Ships that refuse to fight:

    @cotu42 I don't really care. Personally if I'm solo slooping and I get run up by a galleon I see how long they chase me before I scuttle. If they want to waste my time sinking a lootless ship I'll waste theirs. I'm all for pvp but most have goals behind it. If not you can always go to the arenas.

    About time wasting. I collect those brown treasure chests, and keep them after they are empty.

    If you are being chased, throw a couple in the water. Or better yet, when you scuttle or your ship finally sinks, all those empty chests rise to the surface. They can't open them in the water, so they have to bring every single one of them on board or on land just so they can open them. To find out they are empty.

    Oh, and just for grins, if you're in a sloop and you fill your hold about halfway full of water - the middle iron hoop on the water barrel is a good indicator - and then set your ship on fire, the water will prevent the fire from damaging the hull, while the fire prevents anyone from boarding.

    Which means if you point it with the wind, into clear water, and set it on fire and jump overboard, it could burn and sail clear across the map, provided it doesn't hit anything or sinks due to cannon fire.

    Throw in a few empty chests and you just ruined someone's day.

  • One simple answer if they don't want to risk losing their loot they run and also because alot of people grind on this game and want no pvp

  • @accessdenied926 sagte in Ships that refuse to fight:

    @pithyrumble The only commendations I've found are curse balls with the original reaper flag up. Which brings me to my original point. Why follow someone for 10 minutes and then when you're in voice range mock them for being a coward or whatever. I don't understand this play style mentality.

    wouldnt say its a playstyle at all - its toxic gamers tht need some love.
    You can only feel pity for them and show some compassion.
    Seems a lot of people suffer in RL and compensate in online games.

  • @pithyrumble said in Ships that refuse to fight:

    @burnbacon said in Ships that refuse to fight:

    There frankly is always something to gain by sinking a ship. Maybe commendation?

    I have no loot to steal, and no emissary flag. There's no commendation for that.

    Also the new wraith ball commendation.

  • Chasing and sinking ships was never about the loot. If you want LOOT, there are far faster and easier ways to make bank.

    That said, an interesting mechanic might be if Rare added weight (ballast) to ships. The more loot, cannonballs, food.... etc that your ship has, the lower (slower) it rides in the water.

  • @viperishemu2992 sagte in Ships that refuse to fight:

    Chasing and sinking ships was never about the loot. If you want LOOT, there are far faster and easier ways to make bank.

    That said, an interesting mechanic might be if Rare added weight (ballast) to ships. The more loot, cannonballs, food.... etc that your ship has, the lower (slower) it rides in the water.

    i agree on that except early days and Fort Loot.

    Rare should make Loot rare again and events special and rare too.
    Then people contest about Events and loot more.

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