Xbox or PC --- or is it always both?

  • Hi everyone!

    I don't actually own the game yet but my friends are playing and I am keen to join in.

    I have read that the game is play anywhere, but I am trying to understand what that means. I wanted therefore to pitch a couple of scenarios and see what the answers would be to each:

    • I buy the game on PC - using steam. ----- Can I play on PC one moment, then play on Xbox the next depending on how I feel?

    • I buy the game on Xbox preowned (physical) --- Can I then download and play the game on my PC - flipping between systems at all? (How does that work, where do you download the PC version from, or likewise if I buy on steam, where do I download the game from on Xbox for free).

    Many thanks for asking these initial questions!

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  • If you purchase it on steam, you will also have to purchase it for Xbox.

    But you could subscribe to Xbox gamepass ultimate and play it on both your Xbox and Pc windows store as part of that subscription.

  • Hi @NeedSmokes is that the only way to be able to play on both systems with only one purchase?

    Or is there another way to be able to buy just the game, and play on both systems under that licence?

  • @army-andy said in Xbox or PC --- or is it always both?:

    Hi @NeedSmokes is that the only way to be able to play on both systems with only one purchase?

    Or is there another way to be able to buy just the game, and play on both systems under that licence?

    steam = pc-only
    microsoft store = download to both xbox and pc.
    xbox physical? i dont know. imo if you plan to play on both platforms, just buy it off the ms store.

  • @tehstepford I really like physical games though - so ideally I would buy it physical xbox and play on both?

    Can anyone check if that combination is possible?

    Great to know I can buy it of the ms store and play on both!

  • @army-andy

    I think you can only play on steam with a digital purchase of the game from the steam library.

  • @army-andy said in Xbox or PC --- or is it always both?:

    @tehstepford I really like physical games though - so ideally I would buy it physical xbox and play on both?

    Can anyone check if that combination is possible?

    Great to know I can buy it of the ms store and play on both!

    ive never seen an actual physical copy of Sea of thieves. but if i saw one i would look for 'xbox play anywhere' branding on the box.

    'Now when you own an Xbox Play Anywhere digital title, it’s yours to play on both Xbox One and Windows 10 PC.'

    its worth pointing out that i cant find a single usable disc that i purchased even 5 years ago, but i can still download games i bought 15-years ago on steam...

  • @army-andy if you buy the physical disc on xbox, you can only play on xbox

    If you purchase it on steam you can only play on pc

    If you purchase it from the windows/microsoft store you can play on both pc and xbox

    If you have gamepass ultimate you can play on both systems too

  • @CallMeBackdrafT Ok this is excellent - thank you to everybody for the clarity - looks like I am heading to the Microsoft store!

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