Fix your game

  • Can u please fix the sword I swear the pvp in this game is so bad when I hit someone with the sword I either get one blundered or they interrupt my 3 hit combo like rare tf is that also I can be in by the wheel in a sloop and I guy can legit hit me when’s he’s next to the mast like dude how long can that sword reach I got clips and so does my friend of us getting hit from so far away it’s so unfair and then double gunning doesn’t stand a chance because you can just spam trigger or left click rate You have such a good game idea but Jesus dude your pvp is horrible pve is good because that’s the only thing u focus on and u add new pets every update so the pve bots still buy them if u really cared you would fix pvp and actually have people play the game too see problems but no you don’t everyone is quitting this game because you can’t do anything and you can’t code like dude actually fix something and quit adding songs and pets it’s getting out of control

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  • @oo-x9-oo sounds like you wont be happy with dg or sword. And if your 3 hit is being interrupted it means they are blocking.

    Sure hit reg could use work for both the guns and cutlass. Thing have been improved but still have a ways to go. One thing to consider is the physics of the world moving, something most other games dont have to worry about.

    If you want to post constructive feedback people might take you seriously. But let's be honest, this thread will go the same direction as your last and end up locked.

    Have fun on the seas, dont take it too seriously, games are for fun.

  • Oh sword spam can be blocked?


  • I've created a new guide on Weapons and Their Tactics for anyone who has any questions or concerns.

  • @captain-coel I should have too these problems have been in the game for a while now they should know about all of these do they even hire anyone to play this game and test bugs and no they aren’t blocking they can swing back and they can also swing through ur block I legit have clips of both of these happening and hit reg should be their main priority right now like 2 years and it’s horrible but no they add pets and new songs instead u legit can’t defend this game anymore it’s getting out of control and this game will most likely die if these don’t get fixed soon do u not see all the post about the swords hit reg only people that are happy with this game are the pve sword spammers and blunder users like u how about u try a eye of reach or pistol for a change

  • @Bugaboo-Bill and @Galactic-Geek it seems like you guys have never had these pvp problems. You should not be going against what someone has said if you pve all day. This is a pvp topic not a pve topic. Everyone who is more of a pvp player would know that sometimes your 3 hit combo gets interrupted even when you get the first hit. This is not because they block but simply they just swing back.

  • @jc152003

    Pretty sure those 2 could take down everyone in this thread so far...

    Any changes to weapons do need a pve voice in them, otherwise pve gets wonky. It's a PvPvE game. Combat works fine. It's supposed to give poorer players little opportunities to surprise a overconfident "good" player. Bad player gets excited and plays more. Good player learns to not sword spam themselves.

  • @pithyrumble but now I've posted here lol.

  • @PithyRumble trust pve won’t ever get wonky. Pve is the only thing that the devs care about which is why it is at a solid state right now. I never said this wasn’t a pve and pvp game. Pve is huge part in this game. However, pvp as of now is absolute garbage because of the endless bugs and problems.

  • @bronzeinquiztor said in Fix your game:

    @pithyrumble but now I've posted here lol.

    My statement stands...

    Not like there's a reliable way to 1v1 anyone anyways

  • @pithyrumble I'm assuming they play PC while I play xbox so little to no real competition there

  • @Bronzeinquiztor don’t worry we can easily kill them if we just spam RT.

  • @jc152003 said in Fix your game:

    @Bronzeinquiztor don’t worry we can easily kill them if we just spam RT.

    Well you've been killing new players then. It is fairly easy to avoid and dodge sword slashes.

  • I don’t sword spam. I double gun. Yes u can avoid players who sword spam. But it is very hard to do so when there are 3 coming after u.

  • @jc152003 I use sword flintlock since starting the game

  • @oo-x9-oo pets, shanties, and emotes are all fun additions to the game. New content like ghost ships or the emissary system were needed content updates.

    I agree hit reg needs to be fixed. But it is a complicated system and they have made tweaks that hopefully result in fixes slowly happening. For me personally I think the weapons are good where they are at, but only if hit reg is fixed. I'm usually sword/blunder or sword/EoR. I've had plenty of occasions where event a point blank blunder doesnt kill someone or knock them back.

    Before you slam me for the weapon choice, I'm also usually the guy on cannon/ladder duty and cqc sword/blunder is best, but still mighty frustrating when you get a hit and it seems to do nothing.

    I wouldnt worry about the game dying for hit reg, if anything it might benefit the game sadly because it makes it that much harder for people who enjoy pvp or pvpve and easier for the pve crowd.

    I'd just keep plugging along and if you have the time, join the insider program and offer testing for hit reg, as they usually push "fixes" there first.

  • @captain-coel they should hire people to test their bugs I’m not going to do it unless I’m getting paid it’s not my job to do that

  • @jc152003 said in Fix your game:

    I don’t sword spam. I double gun. Yes u can avoid players who sword spam. But it is very hard to do so when there are 3 coming after u.

    the 1 v X is an unfair arguement

    your facing 3 people your just ONE guy

    you aren't suppose to be able to kill 3 people alone with ease

    you are outmanned

    no matter the weapon your either out sharpend or out gunned pick your poision

    so please the stop using the 1vX as a base arguement to nerf something

    you picking a fight with 3 people alone is your mistake

    furthermore the game isn't a first person shooter

    the game doesn't even focus much on the combat aspect which is why the combat is very simple and not too complicated with gimmicks abilities the only power you have is your power in crew numbers and pure tactical skill planning ahead upon your endeavours

    i don't know why alot of people have gotten it twisted thinking this game is a first person shooter

    a 1v3 and you losing that fight is fair

    i have won 1v1's 1v2's 1v3's 1v4's

    but the more numbers there are the harder it gets OBVIOUSLY

    so yes it being hard to avoid 3 sword players is completly fine theres 3 of them only so much space to be at don't bring long range weapons to a sword fight

    and don't solo board galleons even if your decent at the game only so much a lone person can do

    that being said i have one question for you its very important you answer this

    how did you deal with sword spammers before the buff?

  • @oo-x9-oo said in Fix your game:

    @captain-coel they should hire people to test their bugs I’m not going to do it unless I’m getting paid it’s not my job to do that

    this is why bugs don't get fixed imagine if everyone started thinking like you did

    "oh im not going to do it its not my job"

    well enjoy playing with your bugs then????

    had i spent money on something imma atleast make sure its playable and report bugs to make the game more fun

  • @jollyolsteamed everyone makes a post listening all the bugs and they don’t do anything stop defending rare u Pve bot pick up a eye of reach and go in arena 5 games and u will see how bad this game is

  • @oo-x9-oo said in Fix your game:

    @captain-coel they should hire people to test their bugs I’m not going to do it unless I’m getting paid it’s not my job to do that

    you get reward with gold, doubloons, and unique cosmetics. You also get ot experience the new pve content early as well as changes to the arena.

    Also you really stop calling people a bot etc. just makes people take anything you post less than serious.

    You can also point out pve issues with hit reg, my favorite example is floating barrels.

  • @oo-x9-oo said in Fix your game:

    @jollyolsteamed everyone makes a post listening all the bugs and they don’t do anything stop defending rare u Pve bot pick up a eye of reach and go in arena 5 games and u will see how bad this game is

    pve bot? mah dood i been playing for 3 years

    i've seen more pvp than you'll ever see in arena in a year

    i'm not denying the fact that arena was a bad game mode from the start

    arena was one of those moments where i thought finally a mode where i will win based on how many pirates i slay!

    but nay!

    it was a mode where you uh.. dig chests and make sure nobody else gets them ooorrr you steal them basically...adventure with points..

    anyway got off topic

    but your point is

    "rare why the bleep is close quarter combat beating my long range weapons in close combat!! U MAK NAY SENSE!"

    hurdurhuu i say!

    drop your long ranged if your going to fight close ranged DUUH

    sorry but every post about "why is EOR trash at close combat" just makes me laugh and go

  • In my opinion double gunning shouldn't even be a thing. To me every pirate should have one gun and a sword. I think more focus should be put towards sword combat. Have the ability to not only block, but counter as well. If you successfully time a block (not just hold it) then the other player should stumble for a bit giving you a chance to counter attack. It should be more about skill and timing than just spamming a button.

    As far as one gun goes, i think you should be able to trade you gun with a fallen foes gun from the ground if they die (it would reset the ammo for that gun). That way you can still have a chance to keep shooting it you run out of ammo, but you'll need to use a sword to kill then if you do run out.

    Just my opinion. I don't have a problem with the way things are currently, but things can always be improved

  • remove DG and make cutlass mandatory - it is the best solution!!!!
    it removes freedom, but this freedom is only making trouble for at minimim 1.5 years.

    and the op sounds again like an entitled FPS player, not like a pirate having a pirate adventure!

  • @jc152003 sagte in Fix your game:

    I don’t sword spam. I double gun. Yes u can avoid players who sword spam. But it is very hard to do so when there are 3 coming after u.

    Oh you wonder you cannot shoot 3 players and got beaten.
    How can this be, you are so good, that shouldnt happen.
    3-4 players shouldnt be a problem for a skilled DG'er, right?

    These threats are just funny and in no way serious.

    You literally say:
    I cannot stand 3 swashbucklers with DG in cqc on their ship.
    But i should, because i'm so skilled.

    "Neva bow to the wicked."
    Macka B

  • Hey pve bot here I don't know what you guys are talking about I never had a problem 1v3ing people close range with my EoR just spam RT also wanna thank OP for getting rid of punctuation in this post I was getting tired of those pesky period things never know whether to put one or a comma english is tricky like that this way is much easier anyway please add more pets to the game and add in a bunch of new stuff to this MMO how hard could it be but don't put it in till it's perfect cause I'm not getting paid to test the game

  • I have a suggestion to fix your game..... REMOVE THE KRAKEN COMPLETELY FROM THE GAME. It's absolutely annoying to try and sail for tall tales only and your ship just gets stopped and screw up your ship to all hell from the kraken. Like I would much rather have a single Spawn point for it instead just randomly popping up to screw with you. It's a good thought to have it in the game don't get me wrong, but some of us just wanna sail and have fun with the story and voyages and stuff, but we can't do that when the kraken decides to screw with you over 24/7.

  • While we understand your intention is to leave feedback, this type of post draws negative reaction, and does not foster discussion in the community. Posts containing personal attacks against the dev team or others in the community do not offer anything constructive for the community to discuss. This topic will now be locked

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