What ghost voyage is better

  • Is the voyage from Duke of the time limited Ghoulish fleet better or my voyage from the order of souls as the abominable armada crusade

  • 4
  • @allowe312
    The description on duke's voyage says it's for mystic captains, which is the level 40 promotion from the OoS. I haven't noticed any difference between Duke's voyages and the level 75 voyages I'm buying from the OoS though.

  • @testakleze me either tbh

  • @testakleze sagte in What ghost voyage is better:

    The description on duke's voyage says it's for mystic captains, which is the level 40 promotion from the OoS. I haven't noticed any difference between Duke's voyages and the level 75 voyages I'm buying from the OoS though.

    The difference is, that in dukes voyage, in the 2nd wave are only 2 formation of ships
    In the OoS are at least 3, so more loot...but the captain skull you get only from 1 ship, that stays the same

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