Ship speed hackers?

  • How can a brigantine catch up to a sloop when going against the wind when the sloop has the sails squared against the wind and the brigantine has the sails angled in completely different ways and not even in a position to allow the wind to blow straight through?

    Not only that but the ship was able to 180 turn like a ghostship without anchoring???

    I am 100% convinced there are hackers in this game as there have been many times I have been shot randomly with no one on board and the other ship not even adsing on the sniper rifle or even having sound effects and then doing that 3 times in a row without missing once and thats happened to me 4 times now.

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  • Not only that but the ship was able to 180 turn like a ghostship without anchoring???

    Harpoons make this a reality, sandbars provide a great way to pull off the turns you describe. For your comment on wind and sails, boat speeds have a lot of nuance that goes beyond normal understanding. This testing video might give you insight.

    Hacks don't work in the capacity you think they do. Hacks, within the context of Sea of Thieves, cannot control objects controlled on the server. Ships are items that are controlled server side. They cannot make the ships go faster than what the game allows. Might be nice if you could show what you are talking about, videos are a great way to debunk Haccusations.

  • Ship speed and position is controlled by the server, so it can't be modified. Player damage is also handled by the server, and players only render to other players within a specific distance which is fairly close. You can't get shot from across the map.

    Even against the wind, the waves can factor into speed and a sloop will have problems going straight over waves compared to other ships if they are traveling in a north west direction.

  • @nabberwar @nabberwar I was using harpoons to turn but I wasn't making instant 180 degree turns with them, it takes 2-3 harpoons worth to turn me fully the other direction. They were already going the opposite direction by the time my ship had turned and their anchor didn't go down as they were definitely still moving. As for the sails, what I heard is that sloops are faster when going against the wind and with the sails squared against it, and from what I've seen of streamers on twitch its the same for the brigantine, but despite this they were still catching up.

    I would record but I have tried streaming the game and it makes it slow to a crawl where I wasn't even getting 60fps anymore, idk if recording would be much better but I don't see the point in recording everything just because I expect a hack.

  • @ogreathippo

    I was using harpoons to turn but I wasn't making instant 180 degree turns with them, it takes 2-3 harpoons worth to turn me fully the other direction.

    Are you a duo or solo?

  • @d3adst1ck I never said I was getting shot across the map, I'm saying I was getting hit by someone with no sound effects besides the hit sfx, it was also making the sword sound but as there was no one on the ship it could have only been caused by a sniper rifle, but despite being close I was hearing no shots or seeing any shining from them ADS'ing. Each time it took me down to a sliver of HP too, making me believe even more that it had to be a sniper.

  • @nabberwar I was duo at the time.

  • @ogreathippo said in Ship speed hackers?:

    @d3adst1ck I never said I was getting shot across the map, I'm saying I was getting hit by someone with no sound effects besides the hit sfx, it was also making the sword sound but as there was no one on the ship it could have only been caused by a sniper rifle, but despite being close I was hearing no shots or seeing any shining from them ADS'ing. Each time it took me down to a sliver of HP too, making me believe even more that it had to be a sniper.

    If they were on your boat, they could have been hitting you through the floor. You can be shot and sword swiped through nearly all parts of the ship so if you're standing in a predictable spot, like at the helm or sail controls, they can hit you from the map table room (even using the sword by swiping through the floorboards).

  • @d3adst1ck if they were on my ship they were completely invisible and weren't even trying to kill me, I checked the entire ship and all the tuck spots and no one was on board, and considering it took me down to a sliver of HP everytime they did this its a bit weird that if they were on my ship they weren't trying to kill me either to stop us chasing or to sink us.

  • @ogreathippo The only other explanation is the server applying falling damage to your character due to lag, which can happen in some circumstances.

    Without video it's hard to say what exactly was going on. Months ago some guy was trying to claim that a hacker was able to board his boat through the walls because he was attacked when no one was on the ship. When he provided a clip from his twitch stream, you could clearly see the guy climb up the ladder a split second before he went below deck.

  • @d3adst1ck
    Funny story, was doing a board on a trailing ship, ended up getting hit with the front hull do to bad positioning on my part. Ended up getting pushed through their hull into their bottom deck. I can imagine them thinking I just teleported on.

    My crew and I were facing off on this Galleon as a brig. We end up sinking them and they get a full crew back spawn. While they are trying a hail mary last attempt board, one of our guys died to a shark and was talking with one of the mopped up crew members. Guy was ranting asking this one question, "How did you guys one shot me?" Pretty much goes into it further with Hackussations. I believe he was refering to my boarding on them. I got to ladder shot one with rifle, he died with that one shot. I thought nothing of it and proceeded to crew wipe them. They sink, but I though nothing of that instance just assumed he didn't have his health topped. I don't cheat, or at least that is what a cheater would say. However, just because something isn't readily explainable doesn't mean its hacks. This game is just buggy.

  • @nabberwar said in Ship speed hackers?:

    Funny story, was doing a board on a trailing ship, ended up getting hit with the front hull do to bad positioning on my part. Ended up getting pushed through their hull into their bottom deck. I can imagine them thinking I just teleported on.

    Hmm, I've never phased through an enemy ship hull - usually getting bumped by the hull will push you away from the ship and not into it. I'm guessing that you'd have to hit a specific spot at the right angle to get the physics engine to propel you into the boat somehow.

    Although, I have lag-phased through my own ship while I was just standing there so I guess it's possible if the server does something wonky with player position calculation.

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