Fix mermaids

  • I'd be happy if they were gone altogether it feels dumb.
    When players chase you or you chase them they can shoot over to your ship with no consequence for failing, just get a mermaid, dumb.
    What? The mermaids are just there all the time? Hanging out to "instantly teleport" you to your ship?
    At least make players hold on while they swim you back or something or just make them not spawn if team-mates are still on your ship.
    It really takes away from cannon battles when people are solely focused on getting on to your ship rather than using the cannons.
    If mermaids were less common sea combat would be more tactical and more fun.

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  • @moisty-squid ...until you fell off your ship or got knocked off by an errant cannonball.

  • Once you fall off your own ship, someone steals it and leaves you on an island.
    You want a quick trip back...

  • @galactic-geek said in Fix mermaids:

    @moisty-squid ...until you fell off your ship or got knocked off by an errant cannonball.

    Good, would be perfect

  • @moisty-squid

    Ever consider the fact: they are in the water, if they don't board that means they are not successful and spent 30 sec to a minute in essence doing nothing else than splashing around in combat?

    Seriously I solo attack people and I gain a large advantage by understanding the mechanics of the mermaid. If I can keep them in that nice sweet spot of being close enough to their ship and far enough from mine it is more effective than killing them. You splash there while I circle you and your mates while exchanging cannon shots, have fun swimming away for 3 or 4 mins or risk trying to swim at me to try and board. Literally had people swim around in the water for a full fight till their ship sunk, because they kept trying to board.

    Use the mechanics to your advantage, be creative... btw. You say fix something and yet haven't showcased anything that needs fixing or what exactly should be done.

    Want to remove it? Then I wish you all the luck killing yourself to head back, when I take your ship for a joy ride, yes I take other pirates ships for a spin. Or if you ever get knocked off in battle, I hope you enjoy sinking because you won't be able to come back in time, drowning isn't very quick and sharks are unreliable... while your ship is sinking.

  • @cotu42 dont think there is a point to be so rude, dude is partially right
    Sometimes the battles turn into we all jump out to each others ship
    In arena it sucks for sure for example

  • @sheetsack

    Where am I rude? Because I am not agreeing?

    He states no consequences and I showcase that there are consequences and how I use them to my advantage.

    He states that it should be fixed, yet does nothing to justify it or showcase why that is the case or what fix would solve their issues with the current system.

    I counter it with why it is needed: someone steals your ship, you get knocked off your ship and it is damaged be it by cannon, megalodon or keg... death would be the only way to return if your ship isn't standing still other than trying to die, which isn't going to be quick enough to recover.

    Feel free to counter argument my point of view, but to me it sounds like people don't know how to defend their ladders by sailing out of range or simply knocking them off the ladder. Pirates board ships, they can return to their own ship if they are to far away from it by death or mermaid and it has offensive and defensive reasons. It is not broken and doesn't need fixing.

    If your entire crew leaves ship... it is undefended, a single hole can sink you... no consequences?

  • @cotu42 now please listen. I understand that you mostly refer to adventure mode. My point is that the guy is partialy right becuse in arena it mostly become sick when lots of people start to jump out in battle, knowing that mermaid is easy to catch, it makes the match simply a c rap. If boarding was risky enough to handle it then its fine, for now its given too much opportunity I guess. And believe me I can hear the water and when someone is coming aboard
    As for drop down, I believe its possible to make limitation for mermaid if shot from canon wait for some time before appearance, in other cases refer to distance. Thus you will have to think twice before leaving your ship, normally if you do things right such limitation does not influence your actions

  • Some good points. Mermaids ruin playing "sneaky" and they encourage "going overboard" with no real consequences.

    But from a playability level they are necessary, since players need a return mechanic to get to their Ship. But they could benefit from a rework.

    Unfortunately I think that you are blaming the wrong culprit. Sea combat would be more tactical and fun if Ships had retractable ladders. Mermaids aren't really the problem here.

  • @moisty-squid I if it ain't broken, there is nothing to fix

  • @viperishemu2992 If you use a rowboat to sneak up on somebody, there will be no mermaid.

  • @moisty-squid So if you became drunk and fell off of your ship, what would you do?

  • @viperishemu2992 said in Fix mermaids:

    Unfortunately I think that you are blaming the wrong culprit. Sea combat would be more tactical and fun if Ships had retractable ladders. Mermaids aren't really the problem here.

    Now you are blaming the wrong culprit. Boarding wouldn't be necessary if it wasn't so easy to bail and repair your ship. Boarding isn't really the problem here.

  • I think a simple fix is to put a cool down on the your mermaid but you can still use other pirates mermaids.

  • @sheetsack

    People leave the ship and leave it in the capable hands of their crew. Arena is a huge brawl, where the main goal is to head out and clash in battle.

    Make a suggestion it can even be Arena specific, it is a different mode afterall.

  • @moisty-squid Mermaids definitely need to be reworked so they spawn quicker and don't spawn really far away. But removing them completely is a ridiculous idea. What if you accidentally fall off your ship?

  • @d3adst1ck said in Fix mermaids:

    @viperishemu2992 said in Fix mermaids:

    Unfortunately I think that you are blaming the wrong culprit. Sea combat would be more tactical and fun if Ships had retractable ladders. Mermaids aren't really the problem here.

    Now you are blaming the wrong culprit. Boarding wouldn't be necessary if it wasn't so easy to bail and repair your ship. Boarding isn't really the problem here.

    Boarding is fine. It should just be reliant an a crews sailing skills. Not endlessly sword-lunging without consequence and free ticket back home until you succeed.

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